Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2208

"Do you know them?" Qi Tianyu just said it casually. He didn't expect that the other side would give such a response.

Xingtian did not continue to answer Qi Tianyu's question, but quickly lowered his head again and did not move.

Qi Tianyu stands in front of Xing Tian. He already knows from the previous peddler's words that these people should have a certain origin. If the children in front of him know these people, it's not a big event that they can't understand. But even if Xing Tian knows them, they should be just like the peddler, holding a state of awe. At most, they are silent. What's the matter Could it be the expression just now?

Since Xing Tian just threw out that sentence, he never said a word. He stood in the same place, as if suffering from some painful memories.

Qi Tianyu also reflected that on sunny days, he must have had some contact with these Papaver masked people, or he knew some inside information about them, so Qi Tianyu did not interrupt Xing Tian at this time. Instead, he stood quietly in front of him, waiting for Xing Tian to say to himself that after all, he was his Savior and would not cheat himself today.

"Benefactor, I didn't think that one day I would say this thing, but you are my benefactor and my family, so since you have asked, and I have offered to help you, I will tell you everything I know." Xingtian didn't know how long he stood in the same place, and finally said something.

Qi Tianyu didn't speak and encouraged Xing Tian with his eyes. He knew that he might get the most valuable things from Xing Tian.

"The Papaver masked man is the hidden force of Xiaotian city. It can even be said that it really controls the city secretly, which is what everyone in our city knows." Xing Tian slowly opened his mouth, as if he didn't know what method to start with.

"You say everyone knows the Papaver masked man?" Qi Tianyu frowned.

"It should be, or all the local people should know about it." Xingtian seemed to be suddenly interrupted. He licked his lips.

"OK, I see. Go on." Qi Tianyu is calm on the surface, but in his heart, the dark emperor has scolded Ouyang Chun hundreds of times.

Of course, I believe in Xing Tian's words. According to Xing Tian's words, Ouyang Chun, as a local, should know about the Papaver mask man. In retrospect, Ouyang Chunming's expression was unnatural for a moment when he just mentioned the Papaver mask man. However, he was confused by the heavenly eye, and his mind completely ignored the matter, so he was ignored He hid in the past. It seems that Ouyang Chun's heart is not simple. He hopes that he will make the right choice in the end. If he copes with the matter at that time, he will never allow it.

Xing Tian secretly took a look at Qi Tianyu, as if he had got some courage, and then he continued to say what he had said before.

"We all know the Opium mask, but we all don't really see them with our own eyes. We only know that they are a hidden force, but we never know who they are or what they do." Xingtian continued.

"You mean no one has seen them and no one can find them?" Qi Tianyu frowned. If he said that, it would be difficult to do.

"I don't know. Maybe some people can find it, but what I want to say next is what I want to tell my benefactor. Benefactor, I have seen these opium mask people." Xing Tian bit his teeth and said it.

"What, have you ever seen them? Let's talk about it in detail. " Qi Tianyu never thought that when he found ouyangchun unreliable, and there was no progress on his side, it was a mortal child he had helped that could provide him with certain clues.

"That was not long ago. One night, I was walking in the street with nothing to do. Suddenly, I heard a strange sound of metal collision in a corner not far ahead." Xingtian slowly recalled.

"I didn't want to go in the past, but I still didn't restrain my curiosity, so I went to the corner and there were some people standing with their backs to me. There was a person hiding in the dark, who seemed to be the leader of those people. But because of the angle, I couldn't see the person in the dark at all, only the person with their backs to me, who seemed to be the leader of those people I was talking about something, but I couldn't hear anything at all at that time, so I stood in my hiding place until... " Xing Tian seems to be unable to speak any more.

"What happened after that?" Qi Tianyu felt that the following words were the most valuable to him.

"After they talked for a period of time, those people who turned their back to me suddenly fell down, that is, they fell down not far away from me without warning. When they fell down, I saw their side faces. They were wearing masks. The masks were the poppy flowers you just said. Which poppy flowers were put on the masks? It seemed 10 points at night It's weird, so I'm scared all of a sudden. "

"They fell straight down. Are they dead? What about the man opposite them, the one you said in the dark before? " Qi Tianyu thought that he could get some answers from Xingtian, but he didn't expect that Xingtian gave him more questions."I can't see the person in the dark at all, and I haven't seen him clearly from the beginning to the end, but one of the people with his back to me seems to find that I threw something in my direction when he fell down." Xing continued to talk every day, as if he didn't see Qi Tianyu's question.

"How can a fallen man not be found if he throws something at you?" Qi Tianyu felt that it was wrong when he heard this.

"I don't know I didn't think so much at that time. When I saw something she had thrown, I immediately picked it up and ran away." Before Xingtian, he didn't feel wrong at all. When Qi Tianyu said that, he also felt that something was wrong at that time.

Qi Tianyu believed in Xingtian very much, but he didn't expect him to give such an answer. Qi Tianyu didn't know what to do for a moment. Could he believe Xingtian?

What is the matter? Qi Tianyu felt more and more that there was an invisible big net slowly spreading over his head, and he could not avoid it at all. He could only follow the pace of the other party step by step.

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