Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2212

Qi Tianyu looks at the respectful Ouyang Chun in front of him, and his anger has come up a little. It's obvious that the other party is not ready to tell the truth.

Ouyang Chun is a native of Xiaotian city. According to the truth, when he first heard of the Papaver masked people, he should tell the truth that he knew the existence of the Papaver masked people, and that was something he and his subordinates did not dare to provoke. However, he did not say anything at that time. He not only said that he had never heard of these people, but also promised to go back and have a good rest Looking for Papaver masked man.

Qi Tianyu has been very uncomfortable since he knew that Ouyang Chun cheated. As a subordinate, one time of infidelity can't be tolerated a hundred times. Of course, Qi Tianyu also knows that Ouyang Chun's newly recovered nonsense can't be inferred by common sense. Therefore, Qi Tianyu is ready to give Ouyang Chun a chance. If Ouyang Chun comes here this time, he will be right first Qi Tianyu can also consider forgiving Ouyang Chun for his last apology.

However, when Ouyang Chun came over again, he did not feel guilty for the last deception. Instead, he told himself that he and his subordinates had successfully found the trace of the Opium mask man.

Qi Tianyu doesn't believe in the strength and mentality that Ouyang Chun showed for the first time. He will go against the local people's usual practice and try his best to help him find the trace of papaverine masked man, not to mention that according to the skill of papaverine masked man, they can defeat the eye of heaven all at once. How can Ouyang Chun be the only one What did you find?

Qi Tianyu asked Ouyang chun to look for the Papaver mask man just because he didn't know the power behind the Papaver mask man. Now Qi Tianyu knows that the Papaver mask man's strength can't be underestimated through Xingtian. Qi Tianyu has no hope for Ouyang Chun's reply. Unexpectedly, Ouyang Chun dares to deceive himself and say that they have been killed We found traces of Papaver masked people.

"Ouyang Chun, it seems that you are a leader like a fish in water. I didn't expect that in just five days, you have recovered all your subordinates. Moreover, you have to be subordinates after subordinates. Do all your people admire you like that?" Although Qi Tianyu already knows the truth and has decided to give up Ouyang Chun completely, he still doesn't understand what Ouyang Chun thinks about the people he supports.

"Da Xian, you don't know. Since you let me show my hand in front of you last time, we all recognized my strength very much. After I went back, we all agreed that I was the leader. There was no such situation as before. It's all thanks to Da Xian. I want to thank Da Xian." Ouyang Chun also obviously didn't expect that Qi Tianyu didn't. He immediately asked about the news of Papaver mask man. Instead, he chatted with himself.

"Well, it seems that I have helped you a lot, but I don't know how Ouyang Chun helped me." All of a sudden, Qi Tianyu brought the topic back to the Papaver masked man.

Ouyang Chun's mouth pauses again. He has no idea what the purpose of Qi Tianyu's question is. When he opens his mouth, Ouyang Chun is ready to strike first.

"Da Xian, you don't know. In the first three or four days, I thought I couldn't finish the task you gave me, but I didn't expect that on the fourth day, one of my subordinates accidentally saw a Papaver masked man." Ouyang Chun began to talk about the situation of completing the task, and also emphasized the difficulty and difficulty of completing the task.

"What a coincidence that one of your subordinates met me on the penultimate day after I finally realized it? You should really reward your subordinates. " Qi Tianyu quietly prepared to continue to listen, anyway, these three or five days have been delayed, also don't care about this little time.

"Daxian, you're right. I'll reward it after I go back. Thanks to him, I can complete this task. My subordinates found the trace of the masked man and found that the strength of the other side was far above him. So he didn't dare to go out to fight with the other side. He could only follow him from a distance and send a signal to the rest of us at the same time." When Ouyang Chun talked about this process, his face didn't change and his heart didn't jump, as if he was really telling the truth.

"If so, what happened later? Have your subordinates been following the masked men? " Qi Tianyu had a pause in his heart. Apart from too much coincidence, Ouyang Chun didn't really have a big flaw in what he said. Although he said that the power of the other party's Papaver masked people was far higher than those of Ouyang village, it was not impossible for Ouyang Chun's people to follow him if they were more careful.

Qi Tianyu raised a little hope in his heart. If Ouyang Chun only cheated himself for the first time, this time he did things for himself sincerely, it's not that Ouyang Chun and his people can't be forced to die.

"Of course, since you are a great immortal, you need to find the trace of these people. How can my subordinates not do their best to do things? He followed the masked men all the time, and then found the nest of the masked man. In the evening, my other subordinates rushed to the nest, and now they are still around the nest of the masked man. " It seems that Ouyang Chun is really a person who has done a good job and hopes to be rewarded."Then you've done a really good job this time." Qi Tianyu was very indifferent and nodded casually. He didn't say anything else.

Ouyang Chun thought that Qi Tianyu's people were still around the old nest of Papaver masked people, and he would be eager to follow him to remove the old nest, but he didn't expect that Qi Tianyu didn't seem to have this meaning at all.

"Daxian, we all follow your orders. Daxian, do you want to come with me now? Let's take that old nest away together. Although my strength is worse than you, there are still a lot of people in me. It's OK to help you to kill some shrimp soldiers and crab generals. This is also our little people's intention." Ouyang Chun saw that Qi Tianyu didn't mean to speak, so he opened his mouth to urge him.

"What are you in a hurry? It's my business. I'm not in a hurry. Come and sit down and talk slowly. " Qi Tianyu casually pointed to a place where Ouyang Chun sat down.

Ouyang spring sit down, face waves not surprised, the heart has been over the river.

He can't know.

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