Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2228

Qi Tianyu didn't expect that such an important thing at the entrance of the white tiger scenic spot should be so naked at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

"You are too arrogant, don't you think that no one intrudes in accidentally?" Qi Tianyu couldn't help but sigh. He clearly heard the meaning of the guide just in front of him. Bai Hu didn't like any communication with the outside world. However, whether he looked at the entrance in front of him or listened to the introduction before, he didn't look like a person who was at ease in the forbidden area.

"Your Majesty, it's not so simple, let alone the boundary outside. It's the secret of the entrance. If we don't know the way to get in, even if the entrance is in front of you, you can't step into the white tiger restricted area." The guide said with a proud face.

Qi Tianyu nodded, worthy of being one of the most important people around him at that time. The secret skills they possessed were those of the outside world. No matter how many skills they had, they could not surpass them.

"Then you can take me in. After I go in, I will tell the people inside that you are bound by me, and then threaten to take you in. You don't need to take care of other things. You can be rubbed by elder Bai at most, and there is no other loss." Qi Tianyu went over what he knew in his heart, and then made up his mind.

"Sire, I know. You don't have to worry about me. I've told you all I can tell you about the future." The guide seemed to want to say something more, but he didn't know why, but he didn't open his mouth and began to implement the secret method directly.

Looking at the person in front of him, Qi Tianyu simply made a decision, and the entrance in front of him gradually opened, as if it was a welcome gesture.

Qi Tianyu looks at the entrance in front of him and shakes his head. It's clearly a place with a firm foothold, but he built the entrance so magnificently that he doesn't know who to show it to.

In a short period of time, a secret that the outside world can't know has completely opened the entrance in front of us.

"Isn't that great?" Seems to see Qi Tianyu heart exclamation, in front of the people can't help saying a word.

"Did elder Tang make this?" Qi Tianyu took a look at the person on the other side and understood why he was so proud.

"How do you know?" The person on the other side asked, "Oh, I see. Are you your majesty? Elder Tang's elders must also be people around you, so you know the secrets of elder Tang's family. "

Qi Tianyu nodded noncommittally. Elder Tang's predecessors may be people around him, but they should not be his familiar right-hand, so they really don't know much about secretaries. However, looking at the proud appearance of the people in front of them, it must be the elders he respects or other people who make him respect. Now he is familiar with them Only Mr. Tang knows.

Of course, it also proved that what Qi Tianyu thought was right again. There was no doubt that the man in front of him was under elder Tang.

Qi Tianyu walked into the entrance as if he were entering his own back garden.

"Young man, for the sake of you leading me in, I'd like to give you a piece of advice. This man, no scheming is a good thing and a bad thing." Qi Tianyu left a word, no longer in charge of the people behind directly into the white tiger restricted area.

"What do you mean, sire?" He didn't mean to wait for Qi Tianyu. Was he just stupid?

Qi Tianyu heard the questions of his descendants, but he didn't have the mind to solve his doubts.

Qi Tianyu, who entered the white tiger forbidden area, stood at the entrance and looked at it first, then walked directly to the West.

The people behind him were stunned for a while and immediately reacted.

"Your Majesty, how do you know that Mr. Tang lives there! You are worthy of your majesty. You know everything. " The guide wanted to show Qi Tianyu the direction of elder Tang's house, but he didn't expect that Qi Tianyu had already gone there before he finished.

Qi Tianyu is too lazy to pay attention to the simple young man behind him.

At the beginning, the people in the four restricted areas all followed their own way. Naturally, their arrangement in the restricted areas also continued their own arrangement at that time.

Elder Bai is the most powerful among the three elders, so he should live in the white tiger forbidden area.

Elder Tang and elder Gu are naturally one in the West and the other in the East. In this way, they can protect the white tiger forbidden area from damage. No matter what direction they attack from other places, they can immediately protect the people around them.

According to his description, elder Tang is second only to elder Bai, so he naturally lives in the more noble West, and elder Gu is in the East.

Although Qi Tianyu is really worried about the arrangement before Tang Changlao, now that there has been civil strife in the white tiger restricted area and Bai Changlao covers the sky, it is impossible for Qi Tianyu to find Bai Changlao as the first step. Even if elder Bai has known all the news in the restricted area for the first time, he needs to be as late as possible .

As for Tang Changlao, Qi Tianyu hopes that this meeting will bring her unexpected gains. Otherwise, Qi Tianyu will not forgive Tang Changlao for murdering his heavenly eyes.Even if Tang Changlao had more difficulties, he should not kill so many people for his own interests or some people's interests.

Qi Tianyu didn't care about the good and good leader who had been talking about elder Tang all the time. Instead, he quietly thought about what he should say when he saw the leader. He didn't know whether it would be useful for elder Tang to show his identity directly.

Since elder Tang wants to attract himself, he will prove that he has entered the white tiger forbidden area. As long as he does, Qi Tianyu is confident that he will enter his own camp and then control the whole white tiger forbidden area through elder Tang's hands.

It depends on which one is more capable.

But Qi Tianyu did not expect that after he finally entered the white tiger forbidden area, elder Tang, who wanted to see him first, had already become a corpse.

Qi Tianyu was unimpeded all the way to the residence of elder Tang under the guidance of others. When he stopped at the door of elder Tang's house, there was no guard at the door. It's unusual that such an important elder should not be guarded.

Qi Tianyu doesn't think that elder Tang intentionally let him in. After all, he guessed that elder Tang played a big game of chess.

Qi Tianyu felt that something was wrong and sped up to the inner room.

Before opening the door, Qi Tianyu smelled the strong smell of blood.

"Not good!" Qi Tianyu locked his brows and pushed the door open. Elder Tang was lying on the floor. The bone cut on his back seemed to be fatal.

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