Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2231

Qi Tianyu calmly felt the spirit of the white tiger forbidden area, and could feel the abundant spirit of the white tiger forbidden area. In fact, it's extraordinary here. It's a good place for cultivation. He can use the aura around him to transform it into his own immortal power. In other places, he may need to use his own immortal power more, but here, he can do it almost without the help of external force.

Qi Tianyu felt that his cultivation was going to a new level. It was a critical moment. Qi Tianyu immediately set a boundary around the room to prevent people from exploring himself.

Under the influence of the surrounding environment and his own strength, Qi Tianyu finally broke through a realm. Now he is a quasi emperor.

After practicing, Qi Tianyu felt a little tired. Just as he was getting ready to have a good rest, the sound outside the window rang again.

Bai Hao? But how could he be so fast? But in the dead of night, Qi Tianyu could not think of anyone else.

With a suspicious heart, Qi Tianyu went to the window and slowly opened the window. But when he opened only one gap, a pair of tender hands came in and pushed the door open.

Qi Tianyu looked out of the window and was excited. The little girl with red cheeks was Bai Lan er.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here for you." Bai Lan'er said excitedly, holding the window to keep him from closing.

"I'm not asking about that. I'm asking about how you know I'm here and how they let you in."

"It's not easy to know where you are. I'm elder Bai's daughter. Who dares not tell me. But as for how to get in, I'm also very strange. It seems that they are all drunk and don't know anything when they sleep, so I sneak in. "

This damned white Hao, what method is not easy to use, unexpectedly use this method. Qi Tianyu cursed Bai Hao in his heart.

"Do you have any questions? I can tell you anything. " The white blue son hand drags the cheek, does not blink of looking at him.

Qi Tianyu felt extremely chilly to this kind of eyes, turned his face and said, "I have no problem, you can go."

Then Qi Tianyu was ready to go back to the room, but Bai Lan'er grabbed his arm.

"Don't go yet. You don't have a problem. I still have a problem. I came to see you secretly at the risk of being punished by my father. "

"Then you don't have to take any more risks. Go back quickly." Qi Tianyu is not interested in dealing with such a little girl. He just wants to send her away as soon as possible.

"You're so cold. You're not cute at all." Bai Lan'er was ignored by him again and again, and he was not happy. He turned his mouth and stared at him, and the tears in his eyes were spinning.

Qi Tianyu is not happy to make a girl cry, and if she is not happy, she shouts another group of people, which is hard to explain.

So Qi Tianyu immediately said, "no, no, just say what you want to ask. I won't leave as long as you don't cry."

"That's about the same." Bai Lan'er immediately grins when she hears these words, as if it wasn't her who was full of tears just now. Qi Tianyu doubts whether he has been cheated because of the speed of changing his face.

"Are you really the emperor of heaven? How on earth did you die? And why do you want to kill Mr. Tang... " I didn't expect that Bai Lan'er couldn't stop talking as soon as he spoke.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, how can I answer so many questions at a time?" Qi Tianyu interrupted her.

"Then you can answer one by one."

"No, I don't need to answer one by one. I just need to tell you that I didn't kill elder Tang."

"But that's what everyone says. You killed elder Tang, and I did see you standing next to elder Tang's body at that time."

"I ask you a question, can you tell me honestly?" Qi Tianyu looked at Bai Lan'er and said seriously.

"You ask."

"Did your father Bai Changlao ask you to come to elder Tang at that time?"

"Yes, how do you know that?" Bai Lan'er was very surprised, his eyes widened, like a frightened rabbit. Looking at her face, Qi Tianyu has to admit that this girl is a very lovely girl, which can easily arouse people's love.

Although Qi Tianyu had seen a lot of women before, she had never met such an innocent woman as Bai Lan'er. For a moment, she didn't know how to tell Bai Lan'er that her father was the murderer behind all this, and she was just a pawn in the game.

"But what does it have to do with you killing him that my father asked me to come to Mr. Tang?" Bai Lan'er obviously believes his father very much, and has no doubt that the opposite person will kill Tang Changlao, even if the other party has strongly denied it.

Of course, what's more important is that Bai Lan'er is the one who witnessed all this. After all, hearing is false and seeing is true. Bai Lan'er believes what her eyes see, so she just thinks that the other party is covering up her crime.

Qi Tianyu also knows that he can't change Bai Lan'er's impression of elder Bai for a while, so he doesn't bother to explain anything to her.Bai Lan'er saw that Qi Tianyu didn't mean to speak, but she didn't feel disappointed at all. Instead, she continued: "I have already answered your questions. Should you also answer the questions I asked before? Are you really chasing the emperor?"

"Has anyone ever pretended to be me?" Although Qi Tianyu was too lazy to make trouble, he was not afraid of anything. Therefore, in the face of this kind of doubt, although he did not admit it, his real identity was revealed in his words.

"You're really good. Why did you say that before you died? You are clearly the most powerful person in the world. Is it hard for you to live? Let me guess if your confidant abandoned you, so you committed suicide? " Bai Lan'er is just an innocent little girl in her boudoir, so she doesn't know what's going on outside.

Bai Lan'er asked carelessly, just want to hear a story, but what he said hurt Qi Tianyu's heart.

Although he was not a confidant, he had a deep feeling for heixuan at the beginning. It was not too bad to treat him as his own brother. Even he had his own help all the way. But he didn't expect that he coveted his position. In the end, he was cruel to kill him and totally betrayed Qi Tianyu's trust.

Although these things have been over for many years, but every time they are mentioned by others, the pain in my heart is still unbearable.

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