Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2235

The sun came in from the window sill and shone on Qi Tianyu's face.

Bang bang, the door was banging. Qi Tianyu was a little annoyed at who came to see him so early in the morning.

He is a person who doesn't get up, but he didn't sleep for several hours last night because of Bai Hao and Bai Lan'er. Now he is really a little unhappy.

"Who? I'll wait until noon if there's anything Qi Tianyu turned over and yelled at the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, but now I have something important to tell you."

It was elder Bai's voice outside. Qi Tianyu suddenly woke up, jumped out of bed and opened the door.

"What's the matter?"

"Come to the lobby. Someone is waiting for you." Elder Bai's face is not very good.

"You go first. I'll come after I've cleaned up." Qi Tianyu is not a person who looks at his face. The more unhappy elder Bai is, the more he wants to make him unhappy.

Sure enough, elder Bai's face changed. He glared at him and turned away. Qi Tianyu forced to close the door, as if afraid that elder Bai would not hear him.

Qi Tianyu deliberately delayed in the room for a while before walking along the road left by Bai Changlao to the lobby. As soon as he entered the lobby, he heard Weng's buzzing discussion. It seems that there are still many people.

"Why, what have I done?" Qi Tianyu's voice was not big, but it was clearly spread to everyone present.

Elder Bai's heart sank, and he could feel that his cultivation had suddenly improved a lot. He could be promoted in just one night. Is this really an ordinary person.

Qi Tianyu walked slowly into the hall, and all the people around him made way for him. His eyes were full of respect.

At the end of the walk, a kind-hearted man in a white robe was looking at him and smiling.

"Here you are, sire."

"You must be Gu Chang." Qi Tianyu nodded to him.

"Yes, your majesty has a good eye."

"Don't talk. If you have anything to say, just say it." Bai Changlao, who was standing on one side, was not happy. He deliberately raised his voice and said to Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu turned his head and gave him a cold look, but he didn't refute anything. After all, people are under the eaves, so they have to bow their heads. They and Gu Changlao haven't got any air yet. It's hard to say anything. It's better to be careful.

"Say what you want first." Qi Tianyu's attitude was sincere, which made elder Bai feel bad. He coughed awkwardly and looked at the elders around him.

"Everybody sit down first."

The ladies came up, put down their seats, and stepped down in order.

"Today we are here to talk about the strange death of Mr. Tang yesterday. In fact, I don't think we need to discuss this at all. It's enough for me to investigate alone, but Mr. Gu didn't know where he heard about it. Why don't you agree to let me make the decision? You have to let everyone talk about it. " At this point, Bai Changlao also took a look at Gu Changlao.

Gu Changlao reluctantly looked back at the past, two people's eyes in the air like a spark.

"Elder Bai, I don't mean to be dissatisfied with you. It's just that this matter is very important. Mr. Tang is an old man in our forbidden area. He has always been very prestigious. We can't accept the sudden divorce and death. That's why I propose that we all participate in it. " Gu elder light said, but every word said to hold degree, let a person see no greasy.

"Yes, yes, we need to talk about it..."

"Who always killed Tang Chang..."


As soon as elder Gu's words came out, the following elders began to talk.

"Be quiet and listen to me." Elder Bai's face can't be changed. He always talks about it here. No one can refute his face. But now elder Gu yells at him in public, which is unexpected.

In any case, the absolute boss in the restricted area is still Bai Changlao. Therefore, as soon as his words come out, the elders dare not speak.

"I have nothing to say about elder Gu's strong demand. Today's situation is very simple. Yesterday we found Qi Tianyu next to elder Tang's body. I don't need to tell you that. I think you should all know that the forbidden area where the emperor Zhutian made trouble when he came here is very popular. Now whether I say it or not, everyone knows it, and there's no need to hide it. "

Bai Changlao put the blame on himself, Qi Tianyu thought.

"You mean there's no evidence of the murderer? Then you have no right to imprison zhutiandi. " Before Qi Tianyu could speak, Gu Changlao said.

"I'm not in custody. I've made an agreement with Qi Tianyu before. I didn't regard him as a prisoner, but he needs to stay with us for a while before the investigation is clear. Do you have any opinions on this decision? I don't think I made a wrong decision, did I? " Elder Bai's voice is very low, even with some threat. He looks at the elders in his eyes.In such eyes, everyone felt the threat. The elders looked at each other and lowered their heads. No one spoke to express dissatisfaction.

Seeing that these people didn't want to say anything, Gu couldn't help scolding these counsellors hundreds of times.

Gu stood up from his chair and said to elder Bai who was sitting in the upper position, "I have a problem."

"Elder Gu, you really have a lot of opinions, but I've always been willing to listen to everyone's opinions. Please tell me." Elder Bai's words are gnashing his teeth. Qi Tianyu can feel elder Bai's desire to strangle elder Gu.

"Your Majesty came to our white tiger forbidden area from afar and made great efforts not to make a mess of our white tiger forbidden area. It's even less likely that he would kill elder Tang when he first met him. Moreover, elder Tang's death is not good for him. I don't believe he will do such thankless things, so... "

"Believe it or not, this is the fact in front of you. The white tiger forbidden area is heavily guarded, and elder Tang's residence is not accessible to a fly. The person who can kill elder Tang is absolutely superior to the quasi emperor, and he has to be defenseless. I don't want to doubt Zhutian emperor, but... " Elder Bai's words are loud and clear. Every sentence is to send Qi Tianyu to hell.

"Don't you still have people who have reached this level?" Suddenly a steady and powerful voice rang out in the lobby.

Everyone's eyes look in the direction of the voice. Standing in the middle of the hall, Qi Tianyu is a tall and upright person with extraordinary temperament.

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