Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2239

With these words, elder Gu didn't mention this matter any more. Instead, he was about to write down all the names he wanted to give Qi Tianyu. In all, he would persuade them one by one tomorrow.

Qi Tianyu was stunned when he heard this sentence. He didn't know what the other party was saying. Is this the reason why the other party resolutely stood by him? But I don't know what he said. If I mentioned it again later, how should I answer it.

Qi Tianyu is confused for a moment. If the other party really stands on his side because he doesn't know, if it's because Qi Tianyu accidentally helps her solve the problem, it's OK. If Qi Tianyu doesn't know about it at all and has nothing to do with it, elder Gu will turn back when he knows the truth.

Qi Tianyu pondered carefully in his heart. According to Gu Changlao's words, although the three people were cursed by the former man, the two elders didn't know why they gave birth to a son, but the son was not in the white tiger forbidden area.

Moreover, according to elder Gu, he knows the existence of the child. If he brings the child back to the white tiger forbidden area, the child should be the leader of the white tiger forbidden area after the death of elder Bai. Because he did not bring the child in, elder Gu can lead the whole white tiger forbidden area after the death of elder Bai.

Gu elder because he helped him sit on the white tiger forbidden area leader's position, so he was grateful to himself, determined to help himself, so that said, Gu elder teacher firmly believed that he knew this child, and knew that he was the second elder's own son, but he did not see a person who met such conditions for so many years.

Qi Tianyu calmed his mind and adjusted his breath slightly. He was afraid that his mood would be seen by the other party. After thinking about it, he still tried to say something.

"You're welcome, Mr. Gu. I'm not doing this for you alone, but for the stability of the big guy." When Qi Tianyu said this, he really disguised himself as a good image who helped others, but didn't want others to appreciate him too much.

"Your Majesty doesn't have to be modest. Although I don't know why you gave up that child to support me, in order to live up to your Majesty's trust, I will definitely stand on your side." When Gu wrote down the list and answered Qi Tianyu's words, it also proved that elder Gu believed Qi Tianyu because of what he said.

"I'm not modest. After all, I believe you more than a child. Even if that child can form a puppet, when it comes to the decisive battle between me and black Xuan, how much help can a child lead the white tiger forbidden area to help me? It's better for you to lead the forbidden area. Then I will believe that you can help me." Qi Tianyu said it urgently. Even if he saw that elder Gu didn't want to talk about it any more, he had to find out who the child was and whether he really helped. Otherwise, Xu Tianyu felt uneasy, and elder Gu was more likely to turn against the water.

"Sure enough, your majesty is thoughtful enough. You are right. How can a mortal child help you in such a few years?" Elder Gu heard Qi Tianyu's meaning that he really helped himself on purpose. He had already decided to stand on his side no matter whether it was rain's intention or not. He didn't expect that the other party did all this on purpose. Elder Gu decided to be loyal to Qi Tianyu in his heart, so he spoke out his inner thoughts.

Ordinary children? Heaven!

Qi Tianyu secretly repressed his shock and didn't speak any more. He seemed to be waiting for the other party to copy the list, but no one could see that Qi Tianyu's heart had been surging.

Qi Tianyu didn't think about Xingtian at all before, because Xingtian not only had a father and a mother, but also was an ordinary mortal child. If he was really the child of the second elder, he would have abundant spiritual power. According to the status of the second elder, he would find some skills for his own child to help him cultivate his immortal level, It's hard to think that Qiyu is not an ordinary child.

That's because Qi Tianyu tacitly agreed to this from the very beginning. When he mentioned the child, he never thought about the direction of Xingtian. Unexpectedly, elder Gu said that the child was a mortal, which was subtly related to the situation of Xingtian. No wonder when Xingtian mistakenly entered the foot of Tianshan Mountain, he was not only happy There is no life and death at the foot of Tianshan Mountain, and it's safe to come out to see that, there should be people in the white tiger restricted area to protect him, so it's no wonder.

It's impossible to say that there is no regret in Tianyu's heart. After all, if he brings Xing Tian in, all this may not need to happen. At that time, he just needs to show Xing Tian's identity, and then he tries to kill Bai Changlao secretly. Then Qi Tianyu can take advantage of it The emperor ordered the princes to let the people in the white tiger forbidden area listen to their own orders, so it didn't take so much effort.After all, anyone can think of which is easier to let a child who he has helped stand on his side or an elder who has adult thinking and is cunning and crafty stand on his side.

But think about it from another angle. Xing Tian was sent out of the white tiger forbidden area, or left the white tiger forbidden area for some other unknown reason. This shows that his father does not want him to go into the white tiger forbidden area. If he brings Xing Tian in for his own selfish interests, what's the difference between Xing Tian and heixuan?

Thinking of this, Qi Tianyu didn't feel regret. He had sent Xingtian to a safe place before, and he also gave him skills, so that Xingtian could live a healthy life. He might have his own achievements in the future, and he didn't need to rely on other foreign things. For Xingtian, this should be the life he wanted to live, and now he has made a mistake. Through this matter After completely subduing elder Gu, everything is relatively perfect.

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