Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2251

It has been many years since Bai Changlao showed his strength for the last time, and he has not slackened over the years, so his strength must only increase but not decrease now, and so many people together may not be his opponent.

"Elder, you already know what I mean. Of course, it's not Bai Chang's own order, but we all know the white clothes around him. Although we haven't dealt with much, we can't admit his face wrong." Because what the guard said was true, there was no stumbling.

There's nothing wrong with this. After all, we may not be very familiar with that face, but no one will be like him except white. There is only one expression on his face all the year round, and he can't be seen as a living person. Once he stands in front of people, even if he doesn't have much contact with him, he will be able to recognize him.

"What I mean is that on that day, Bai Changlao gave us the order to change our guard through white clothes and let all of us withdraw from the second elder's residence. Although we also think this matter is dangerous, after all, elder Tang's magic is also very profound. Our role is to guard against some small flies from outside, if it's only a short time In the meantime, there shouldn't be any big problem, so we withdrew from the second elder's residence according to the order. " The first one saw that people still refused to believe it, so he immediately said it again from the beginning to the end.

"Well, it can't be a misunderstanding. How could it be Bai Changlao? The relationship between Bai Changlao and Tang Changlao was ok, and didn't they fight side by side before? If it's really elder Bai, what can I do? How can we beat him

"How can it be elder Bai? If elder Bai really wants to do something, he just needs to give an order. Why kill elder Tang? What's good for him to kill elder Tang? Elder Tang is only the second elder here. Only elder Bai is the first elder. "

"Yes, yes, it's clear that the elder Tang has been threatened. Why kill him? It's not reasonable. "

There is a lot of discussion. All of them think that it is impossible for elder Bai to do it. Even if elder Bai is in charge, it is not elder Bai who killed elder Tang.

Qi Tianyu didn't expect that Bai Changlao had been in the white tiger forbidden area for so many years. His influence had been deeply rooted, and the evidence had been so clear, but everyone would not believe it.

Qi Tianyu severely frowned, this matter may not be as simple as he imagined.

Elder Gu, standing beside him, naturally saw everyone's reaction. For elder Gu, this kind of reaction is actually expected. If we say how much these people trust elder Bai, it's certainly not. In their hearts, elder Bai is not a good person, otherwise they would not come here, but for them, it's important to save their lives The life of elder Bai and his family is more important than anything else, so when they know about elder Bai's opponent, they immediately feel that elder Bai's fairy art is too profound, so they shrink back. It's because of this idea that they don't want to believe it.

What elder Gu can think of, Qi Tianyu, of course, has already figured it out. After all, for the following people, no matter who sits on the top elder, as long as they can protect their lives, they don't care.

"Don't worry. I know you have admired elder Bai for so many years, so naturally you won't believe that he will do such a thing. To tell you the truth, I can't believe it, but the fact has been put in front of us. We can only solve this problem instead of blindly escaping. Is that right?" Qi Tianyu said this as peacefully as possible.

However, there are very few people who should be reconciled below. After all, as long as you agree with this sentence, you will prove that you are on the opposite side of elder Bai, and you are putting this matter on the table.

"I also understand your thoughts. After all, you are not alone. You have children, future generations and family members. You need to protect yourself. If you stand on the opposite side of elder Bai, it may be very bad for you. I will not force you." Qi Tianyu didn't really cooperate with the people below, so he could only say so.

"Your Majesty, you've already said that. We'll tell you the truth. Although Bai Changlao hasn't shown his ability for so many years, as far as I know, he has reached the highest level of zhundi or has broken through this level. We don't know. If you don't have rebirth, your Majesty's magic is certainly the best in the world There is no problem in suppressing Bai Changlao, but your majesty, you are reborn now, so the magic may not be as powerful as Bai Changlao. If we really stand on your side, maybe our family will have to die with us. "

The speaker was a little elder. Although he didn't show the mountain and water leakage, he stood up to lead us at this time.

"What's this?" Although Qi Tianyu has been here for so many days, there are some people he has never met, such as the one who is speaking now.

"Your Majesty, this is rocky. He is also one of the elders of our white tiger forbidden area. Because there are few people in his family, his influence is not very strong. But in terms of magic and other things, he is also one of the best."Elder Gu knew that Qi Tianyu had not been here long, so he was not familiar with the specific people, so he introduced him.

"Rocky? Was your predecessor Luoning Qi Tianyu recalled his previous right arm in his mind, but he thought of a person surnamed Luo.

"Your Majesty really deserves the reputation. So many years have passed. Do you remember the names of my ancestors?" Rocky didn't answer directly, but he actually admitted it.

"Sure enough, but rocky, as far as I know, your forefather is one of my great generals. He doesn't have so much scruples when he attacks." Qi Tianyu looked at the person in front of him and sighed that if he didn't know that his ancestors were generals, he thought he was a think tank now.

"Sire, we are all proud of our ancestors, but to tell you the truth, so many years have passed. Our whole Luo family is in the white tiger forbidden area. We just want to keep the family safe, so that our family's blood can be passed on for generations. We really don't want to care about the outside world. We don't know whether we should believe or want to believe what you said about Bai Changlao killing Tang Changlao

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