Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2254

"Your Majesty, are you so confident that you can defeat elder Bai? You have to know that elder Bai's power may be far higher than yours if he is the emperor to be and the secret skill bonus."

"I didn't expect to be underestimated." Qi Tianyu sneered.

"No, your majesty, I didn't mean that. I was worried about your health." Rocky knew that he had said something wrong, and he wanted to make up for it.

"Don't worry, I won't be prejudiced against a person because of his words. In fact, you are not the only one who said this to me, but I have lived to this day and can prove it. If I say I want to get rid of Bai Changlao, I will never break my promise. " This kind of arrogant words from Qi Tianyu's mouth, people don't think he is a man beyond his ability, but will believe with him, maybe he was born with the king's gas will make people surrender.

"Well, I believe in your majesty. No matter what the result is, I will not regret that I chose to stand on your side between you and Bai Changlao." Rocky bent over and made a bow.

Qi Tianyu heard this sentence, his heart is not without feeling, came to the white tiger forbidden area all this let him feel very tired, this ring of trap plot is also dazzling. Qi Tianyu felt that he had a sense of responsibility. Elder Bai had to get rid of it.

Here Qi Tianyu is determined to get rid of Bai Changlao, and Bai Lan'er over there is also trying to see elder Bai.

She came to Bai Changlao's room. There were guards inside and outside. When she broke in, she found that there was no one here. The dust in the room told her that Bai Changlao was not in the room at all, and had been there for some time.

The uneasiness in Bai Lan'er's heart is more enlarged. She rushes out of the room, grabs a guard and asks: "my father, you say to guard his orders every day, but there is no one here."

The guard, who was raised by her, replied with trembling: "young lady, this is arranged by elder Bai. We have no choice at all, and we don't want to hide it from you."

"I don't want to hear all this nonsense from you. Just tell me where my father is now." Bai Lan'er roared, a little hysterical, no longer as charming as before.

This really scared the guard. His teeth were trembling and he said, "we really don't know. I'm just ordered to guard here and not let people in. Bai Changlao didn't tell us anything else."

Seeing that he was as timid as a mouse and didn't speak like a liar, Bai Lan'er believed him, threw him aside and left.

Just walked out of elder Bai's room, Bai Lan'er saw a white figure floating quickly from the porch. This familiar feeling reminds her of the robber she met that day.

Bai Lan'er's luck catches up. The man left Bai's house and went to the street, deliberately avoiding the crowd. Bai Lan'er faintly feels that he is guiding himself to follow him.

Just in case, Bai Lan'er stops, tears off a corner of her skirt, bites her finger and writes a sentence. She grabs a passer-by and puts it on his hand and says, "give it to elder Gu." Without waiting for the passer-by's reply, Bai Lan'er flew away.

"Ah, you..."

The passer-by drags the passer-by to want to stop Bai Lan'er, but in a moment there is no one.

Bai Lan'er followed the white figure to a dead alley. There were few people here, and no one passed by. Bai Lan'er felt very bad and didn't follow him into the alley, hiding behind the wall and paying attention to his movements.

The man in white stopped, turned his back to the direction where Bai Lan'er was hiding, and said calmly, "Miss Bai, don't hide. Let's show up."

This voice is the robber she has seen, and it is really intended to lead her out. Bai Lan'er is surprised. Even though she has a premonition, she is still afraid. But with the doubt in her heart, she still chooses to show her face.

"Who are you? Not only dare to rob people in the white tiger forbidden area in broad daylight, but also appear in front of my father's room at will. "

"Miss Bai, I'm leading you out this time just to tell you that you don't want to pursue any more. No matter what answer you get, you won't want to see it. You just have to wait two more days and everything will be fine. " Hoarse low voice in Bai Lan er's ear, let her more unhappy.

She stepped forward and glared at the man and said, "it's impossible for me not to check. It's better for you to show up today. I'm going to take you down now and see who's under your mask."

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Lan'er rushed to him, but he stopped him before he finished the operation.

White blue son in the heart a cold, know oneself to this person, just can crush dead ant at will.

"You have to run." Bai Lan'er thinks in her heart that she pushes him away with her wrist and pretends to pinch him. Before he can react, she turns around and wants to slip away.

"It seems that you can't leave. You won't give up the pursuit." Bai Lan'er heard the man sigh behind her. Before she ran a few steps away, she felt numb in the back of her head and immediately lost consciousness. She fainted in front of her eyes and was caught by the man when she was about to fall to the ground."How dizzy..." When Bai Lan'er wakes up again, it's very dark around. It's like an underground warehouse. It's airtight. Even the air doesn't flow.

She got up from the board under her and looked around. She found that it was a secret room full of magic drugs and weapons.

Too strange environment makes Bai Lan er's fear twice as deep. She runs towards the only exit of the secret room, which can't see the end of the stairs. Just after climbing the stairs, she hears the footsteps coming from above.

"Who?" Bai Lan'er's voice trembled, listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, until the shadow appeared on the wall of the stairs.

Bai Lan'er is scared to return to the room, but with the next figure, Bai Lan'er is only surprised.

"Daddy It's elder Bai, but I haven't seen him for a while. His whole figure seems to have changed. His originally burly body has become as thin as a wood. His whole face seems to have been sucked dry, showing dark black, and the eyes embedded in his face are particularly shocking.

"Dad, how did you, how did you become like this, your face..." Bai Lan'er feels that she doesn't know the person in front of her.

"Lan Er, you are really disobedient. I've told you to be obedient, and even sent someone to warn you, but you didn't listen. I'm really disappointed." Bai Changlao ignored Bai Lan'er's words and went straight to the place full of Lingshi lingyao. He began to absorb Lingli like eating.

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