Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2265

"Who are you? What are you doing here? "

In order to see the corpse on the ground clearly, Qi Tianyu had unconsciously walked to the side of the corpse, which naturally attracted the attention of the bodyguards.

"I'm a friend of Xu Chang." Qi Tianyu also knows that if he says his name, no one in the city may have heard of it. Now he can only use the name of Xu Chang. Anyway, he has said it before, and now he doesn't feel strange.

"Master Xu?" A group of guards were stunned.

Originally, there were few outsiders living in mufang City, so everyone knew each other very well. Once a stranger came in, it would attract everyone's attention. The guard wanted to expel the stranger quickly, but he didn't expect that he was a friend of Xu Chang. Xu Chang was the son of the Xu family in Shangling city. It was natural for him to visit mufang city Respect.

Of course, what's more important is that Xu Chang has no scruples about mixing up. If he is really a friend of Xu Chang and he drives him away at this time, Xu Chang will not be able to resist his anger.

"Well, what evidence do you have to prove that you are Mr. Xu's friend?" Although he is very afraid of Xu Chang, he can't put him here to see the corpse just because of the other party's words. After all, if everyone says so, this mufang city will be in a mess.

"Well, I came in with Mr. Xu yesterday. You can ask the bodyguard who guarded the door yesterday." Qi Tianyu and Xu Chang had just contacted each other. Naturally, they had no keepsake to prove their relationship. For a moment, they didn't know what to say, so they had to deal with it so hastily.

"In that case, you should have no evidence to prove the relationship between the two of you. You should leave here first. When I can confirm your identity, shall we take the next step?" The guard was very conscientious, so he thought of a compromise.

"Let me have a good look at these bodies first. Maybe I can help you in this case." Qi Tianyu naturally won't agree with the method proposed by the bodyguard. After all, the purpose of his coming out is to have a detailed understanding of the case, hoping to get the news of the rosefinch forbidden area.

"You can't deal with the case like this, immortal. It's not something that an outsider can intervene in. You'd better go into the mansion and work with Mr. Xu..." However, the guard resolutely refused to allow Qi Tianyu to stand here again.

"What are you, the one who dares to stop me!" Xu Chang originally came out with Qi Tianyu. It was only because a few days later, the rain used magic to see the corpses earlier. He didn't catch up for a while, so he got behind. Just when he got to the door, he heard the guard talking to his master like this. Xu Chang couldn't bear it.

"Mr. Xu, I didn't mean to. I don't know..." As soon as the guard saw Xu Chang, and then heard the meaning of Xu Chang's words, he naturally reflected that Qi Tianyu and Xu Chang were really together, and then he realized that he had done something wrong.

"Get out of here and let Lao Tzu's master take a look at these things. Maybe Lao Tzu's master will be better than you in studying them for more than ten days." Xu Chang's saying this is of course a blind trust in Tianyu, not because he knows that Qi Tianyu has the ability to solve a case, but because he has a blind trust in Qi Tianyu since he put Xu Chang in that store with his own strength.

"Good, good..." In order to see that the other party didn't want to kill himself, he immediately stepped aside and asked Qi Tianyu to have a good look at the corpses. After all, if this person can really help himself to solve the case, it will be of great benefit to him.

What's more, this man is actually a friend of master Xu, and master Xu is a friend of the Chen family, so there is no doubt about his identity, and there is no big problem in handing this matter over to him.

"Thank you very much." Although Qi Tianyu still doesn't agree to accept Xu Chang as an apprentice, he doesn't object to Xu Chang calling him master. After all, he can walk in mufang city now because of Xu Chang's identity. If Xu Chang gets angry at this time, it will be very bad for his next journey.

"Master, you are welcome. You are welcome." When Xu Chang saw Qi Tianyu, he didn't object to himself. He thought that Qi Tianyu wanted to accept himself as an apprentice. He immediately jumped three feet high. He was very happy, but his face was scared.

Qi Tianyu didn't say anything to Xu Chang any more. He just stepped forward and stood beside the corpse, looking at the corpses lying on the ground.

These corpses must have been attacked by the power. That's why they became what they are now. But Qi Tianyu couldn't guarantee whether they were the power of the rosefinch forbidden area. He could only see in more detail if there were any other clues.

"Did you find anything before? Or are there any details that haven't been said? " Of course, Qi Tianyu knew Xu Chang's influence here, so he did not mean to use his influence to stand beside Xu Chang and ask the bodyguard.

"When we saw them, they were already lying outside the city like this, but in addition to their bodies, there was a strange mark beside their bodies, which we could not move back, so we had to go outside the city to see." The bodyguard said all the discoveries one by one, then remembered the strange mark and added quickly."First of all, give me a rough idea of what that mark looks like." Qi Tianyu wants to find Zhuque to go in. After all, the one-year appointment is coming, so he doesn't have time to take care of things that have nothing to do with him. If that mark has nothing to do with Zhuque's going in, he won't stay in mufang city. Let's go to Shangling City first.

The bodyguard took a look at the statement made by the young master of the Chen family. Seeing that the young master of his family also nodded, he was ready to speak.

"That mark is probably a shape of eight trigrams, but the strange thing is that it is not black and white, but blue and red. From a distance, it seems that a blue fish and a red fish are intertwined, which looks very strange." The bodyguard described in detail what the mark he saw looked like.

But this is what he said later. Qi Tianyu can't listen to it any more. His brain is full of blue and red. Unexpectedly, it is like this. It must have been hurt by the rosefinch forbidden area. It must have been.

Qi Tianyu's past memories, which he had deliberately ignored, suddenly came up. At this moment, his mind was in a mess. He just wanted to find the rosefinch to go in, to see what the rosefinch forbidden area looked like now, and to know what she looked like later.

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