Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2290

"I see what you said. I've already understood the whole process. You just went with him because you listened to his words. It's all my son who didn't succeed. Now that I see you come back safely, I have a way to explain to your father. You don't have to worry about the rest. As for what's wrong with you bringing your statement back What about it? If it wasn't for you, my uncle might lose his son in middle age. It's all hard for you. Go down first and have a good rest. We'll talk about other things when we have a good rest, OK

At this time, Chen Wu seems to be an elder who really loves the younger generation. He doesn't even want to say anything, just wants to let the younger generation in front of him have a good rest.

"Thank you, uncle. We've really given you trouble." Xu Chang is still sorry one by one. In his eyes, he has caused Chen Wu Tian a lot of trouble. Even if he and Chen Ran to such a dangerous place, he took so many of his children out together and killed so many innocent children there.

"It's strange that you have suffered. It doesn't matter if I accept you." Chen Wu holds Xu Chang and says with great understanding.

"Well, Xu Chang, stop talking. Go back and have a rest first." Qi Tianyu, who was watching, finally couldn't go on. After that, Xu Chang is going to take him back to his room.

"Wait a minute, fairy. I have something to ask you." Chen Wu stops Qi Tianyu who wants to leave, but he doesn't stop Xu Chang.

"If you have anything, just ask." Qi Tianyu stopped, took Xu Chang's hand, and did not let him go.

"This..." Chen Wu took a look at Xu Chang, who was standing in the same place, as if he could not speak.

"Is there anything I can't hear, uncle?" When Xu Chang saw that he seemed to avoid himself, he felt very strange.

Qi Tianyu looks on coldly and doesn't have the idea of making things right. He doesn't have a very good impression of Chen Wu. He always feels that he has a deep heart.

Seeing that Xu Chang could not be driven away, Chen Wu had to say, "Oh, nothing. I just want to ask immortal, do you see anyone there?"

"You want to ask if we've met them."

"Well, yes, that's what it means." Chen Wu saw Qi Tianyu said directly, also did not prepare to beat around the Bush again.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. We did meet people, but we didn't meet face to face."

"Why is that?" After hearing these two words, Chen Wu's expression was obviously excited, but what he lost was obvious.

"Why do you ask that, uncle? You know who those people are. If we meet them head-on, we may not even have a chance to come back. " Xu Chang also saw the strangeness of Chen Wu's expression and couldn't help interrupting.

"Oh, I'm just asking, nothing else. Well, that's it. You should have a rest as soon as possible. You must be very tired after all these days. " Chen Wu saw that he had exposed a little too much and quickly changed the conversation.

Qi Tianyu took a deep look at him, didn't say anything, and left with Xu Chang.

Led Xu Chang back to the room, Qi Tianyu said: "you have a rest, I want to hurry back to Lingcheng to tell your sister."

"Well, master, don't tell my sister that I went to that place on purpose. If she knows, I will not let me go when I do such a stupid thing." Xu Chang had been lying on the bed and closed his eyes. After hearing what Qi Tianyu said, a carp straightened up and got up.

"You, I don't want to say you are stupid. You are so stupid. You are lucky this time. Next time, I don't have the patience to go to you again." Although Qi Tianyu didn't say to help her hide it, he told him that he wouldn't let it out.

"OK, OK, I won't do it next time. Thank you. Master, thank you very much." Xu Chang immediately nodded and said this.

Qi Tianyu glanced at him, pinched a formula and went away.

He soon arrived at Shangling city. The strange thing this time was that he came to the gate of Xu's family, but no one stopped him. The guard at the gate didn't seem to see him. He didn't even ask him to show his token, so he let him in directly.

Qi Tianyu also feels strange, kicks restlessly, enters Xu Fu. With the last impression, Qi Tianyu came to the door of Xu Xi's room.

"Isn't this Mr. Qi? Come on in, come on in. " Qi Tianyu is about to knock on the door when a maid opens the door. When she sees Qi Tianyu, she is also surprised. Qi Tianyu is embarrassed. When she doesn't know what to say, the maid invites him in.

Qi Tianyu was invited to come in. As soon as he entered the room, he saw Xu Xi in a red Tulle sitting at the table. Xu Xi was not surprised to see Qi Tianyu come in. She didn't even lift her eyelids. She picked up another cup and poured him a cup of tea.

"You didn't tell the whole government that I would come to you." Qi Tianyu saw that Xu Xi was so generous that he couldn't do it any more. As soon as he brushed his sleeve, he sat down.

"No, it's just that no one in my family doesn't know you now. You look like my brother should have found it, right"Yes, I found your brother. Wait a minute. What do you mean by that? What do you mean your whole family knows me? " Qi Tianyu thinks Xu Xigang's words are strange.

"I wish I had found it. Where is zhenhunzhu? Give it back to me. " Xu Xi didn't answer the question he just asked. Instead, she held out her hand and asked him for something.

"Here you are!" Qi Tianyu takes out the table from the storage bag and puts it in the palm of her hand. When she puts it down, she just wants to withdraw her hand, but she feels that Xu Xi holds his hand.

"You've done me such a big favor. I should thank you very much. Tell me what you want me to do for you." Xu Xi holds his hand hot, but his face is indifferent, as if the person holding himself is not him.

Qi Tianyu didn't understand what Xu Xi wanted to do. For a moment, he didn't withdraw his hand.

"It's not that you want me to agree to your request. How can I say that I've helped you?"

"Hey, you really don't understand the amorous feelings. My cousin said that. Just follow her words. It's wrong for you not to let him go down one step." As soon as Qi Tianyu's voice fell, a pretty voice came from behind.

Hearing the sound, Xu Xi drew her hand back. Qi Tianyu turned his head and saw that it was Xu Ling who was standing outside the door and leaning on the doorframe.

It seems that Xu Xi's face is not good-looking as if she had been caught in something shady.

"Don't you knock first when you come in? You should know the basic politeness As soon as the two sisters met, they began to fight each other.

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