Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2340

Qi Tianyu is confused now, but he doesn't know that there are other people who can't understand this way like him.

"Elder, we agreed to try the two men on the first day and the second day to see if they were the intruders at that time? I just tried that person yesterday. Why don't I continue today? " Fang Feng stood in front of elder LAN, looking very puzzled.

The night before yesterday, elder LAN specially called Fang Feng and said, "Fang Feng, don't you know if the two people you brought in were the ones who broke in at the beginning? I have a way here. You should have the foundation of killing the beast that time. You can find out a batch of the beasts and bring them to the people you brought in. Then we can see if their instinctive reaction will be the same as last time. In this way, we will know whether he is the person that last time or not. "

Fang Feng nodded: "OK, I'll go right now. I'll definitely inspire their most instinctive ability." This method is really good. At least we can see who was the intruder at the beginning, or whether one of these two people was the intruder at the beginning.

However, Fang Feng was stopped by the elder before he finished.

"Fang Feng, although I told you to do it yesterday, I think it's not of great significance, so you don't have to do it today."

"Elder, didn't we try one of them yesterday? I don't think that person is the one who broke in last time. Let's try another person again, and then we can be sure? Why do you want to stop me from doing it? " Fang Feng didn't understand each other's meaning. He was just one last step away.

"Fang Feng, it's not that I don't want you to try, but that this thing doesn't do us much good. After all, those sacred beasts are all cultivated by us. As long as we carefully nurture them, their future ability is limitless, I can't let them die in vain. Do you understand?"

"But if we don't go on, how can we be sure who broke in at that time? Do you think that since that person was not yesterday, he must be today? If that's the case, I'll call for the man to be killed immediately. "

"Fang Feng, what are you worried about? How do you think we control the people who come in? "

"Of course I know. We can directly control their minds and let them obey us, so that we can use them to upgrade the beast."

"Since we can control them, is it still so important for us to find out the intruder? Anyway, you also said that these two people are the biggest suspects. If they are not the two, they will not be outside. In this case, I have nothing to worry about. I just need to control them together, OK

"The elder is right. I'm going to arrange for ordinary people to come in, throw them in, and give them control of their mind after five days. Let's say the third day. Tomorrow will be the third day. I'm going to call them together and give them the secret method. "

"It's not impossible. Let's do it like this. You'll do it well tomorrow, and then I'll do it directly in five days. At that time, the world will be Ha ha ha ha "elder LAN seems to have thought about the future, laughing wildly.

"At that time, all the things in the world will be in your pocket. After all, although the rosefinch was not very good at that time, her ability is one of the best in the world. Now, her ability will be directly transmitted to your body, and you will become the first in the world." Fang Feng echoed.

"It's not my fault. After all, what rosefinch did at the beginning was too hurtful. I helped her gather her soul together, which is another form of her eternal existence."

"Elder, you're right. You don't have to feel guilty. You're also helping her. Otherwise, rosefinch would have been dead long ago, and she would have to thank you." Fang Feng is always sucking up to LAN Chang. It's only with his three inch tongue that he can become the confidant of elder LAN.

"Well, you go out. I'm going to practice."

"Yes, yes." Fang Feng retreated while talking.

As soon as Fang Feng retreated, a man came out from the dark. He was black all over and only showed a pair of eyes from top to bottom. The look inside was cold and frightening. He knelt down directly in front of elder LAN: "elder, what shall we do next?"

"don't scare the snake, look at the man carefully, never let anyone know his identity before I'm done, and never let Fang min near him. I'll leave it to you now. These days are an important period for me. I don't have time to go out any more. You should take a good look at it for me! " Elder Lan said to the kneeling man, and the man answered and backed down.

Elder LAN looked at the house where Qi Tianyu lived and said to himself, "zhutiandi, don't do me any harm. As long as you wait for me to succeed, maybe I won't do anything to you."At this time, Qi Tianyu is not ready to go down peacefully. He finds the guard who brought him in last time and is ready to inquire about some things with him.

The guard was very happy when he saw him. After all, Qi Tianyu was a rich man in his eyes. He could make a good profit.

"Brother Qi, why do you have time to see me?"

Qi Tianyu also welcomed him with a smile, "don't I have something to ask you? I'm in a hurry to see you. "

Qi Tianyu said, then took out a spirit stone from the storage bag and handed it to him. The guard looked east and right. Seeing no one, he accepted it with a smile.

"Just ask what you want. Why are you so polite?" although the guard said so verbally, he was very frank when he received the gift.

Qi Tianyu saw through his greed and despised him, but he still asked kindly: "I've been here for two days and found that people are very strange. If I don't speak much, it's just like a wood. I don't have a few words."

"This..." When the guard heard Qi Tianyu's question, he was stunned.

"Big brother, is there anything hard to say?"

"Oh, no, no, they must be practicing here every day, far away from their families, so they are living more and more lonely. You don't have to be surprised. If they don't have anything to say, just come and talk to me. I'll tell you. " The guard said quickly for fear that Qi Tianyu might doubt it.

Qi Tianyu was quiet for a while. Knowing that this man must not be telling the truth, he continued to test him and said, "isn't it not long before I become like this? When I go back, my family will suffer to death."

"Don't worry about that. I tell you, if you can climb up to the leader and ask him to give you a good job, you can get out of here. Those who go out and become the owners of the house don't go out from here." When the guard saw that he had collected so much money, he was embarrassed not to disclose it to Qi Tianyu at all. He whispered these words in his ear.

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