Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2342

Qi Tianyu followed Xu Heng all the way to Chen Yuege. Xu Heng took him to Chen Yuege and left. He said to Tian Yu, "go in."

Qi Tianyu saw that there were two guards at the door of Fangfeng's house. They were motionless, expressionless and empty eyed. They were very similar to Xu Heng's people. Qi Tianyu thought that these people were also the people who were brought in from Shangling city to be destroyed.

Qi Tianyu passed by them. They didn't stop him. I think Fang Feng said hello in advance.

Qi Tianyu knocked at the door, and Fang Feng's voice came from inside, "come in."

"Commander Fang, why did you call me here?"

"Don't you want me to help you? I'll give you this chance. "

"That's great. I don't know where commander Fang is going to transfer me." Although Qi Tianyu had some conjectures, he didn't expect Fang Feng to give him such a quick reply. It seems that Fang Feng is a good briber.

"You are doing very well there, but there is no shortage of people in other places at present. You can come to work under me for the time being, and I will promote you when you have a chance." Fang Feng actually thought about it for a long time before he made this decision. He was more at ease to put Qi Tianyu beside him. He could supervise at any time, and he could do things for himself with his ability.

"That's great, commander Xie Fang." Fang Feng's words made Qi Tianyu happy. It's more convenient for him to explore the news around Fang Feng. He can also explore the whereabouts of rosefinch. Fang Feng's position is not low, so he must know a lot about it.

"You can move in tomorrow. Someone will teach you what to do. Go down." Fang Feng waved and Qi Tianyu stepped down.

When returning to the house, Qi Tianyu's expression was very clear. On the way back to her room, she saw Xu Ling waiting there. She walked back and forth, obviously waiting for him.

"Xu Ling, if you don't take the time to have a good rest, what are you waiting for me to do here?"

"elder brother Qi, you've come back. I'm worried to death. Fortunately, you're OK. How are you? What did Fang Feng say to you? " When Xu Ling saw Qi Tianyu, he was very happy and ran over with one or two steps.

"He asked me to work under him, starting tomorrow." Qi Tianyu felt very embarrassed when he said it. Although it was not a violation, he felt a sense of guilt in his heart, just like they were a team, but he was a deserter.

But Xu Ling didn't think so at all. Her small face suddenly turned white. "It's not good. That man is cruel and cruel. He doesn't want us to be human. He must have taken a fancy to your ability when he transferred you to his side, waiting to crush you."

Did not expect that Xu Ling at this time or for his sake, Qi Tianyu some moved, no origin of the heart more guilty.

"I can only rely on my own cultivation. Don't worry about it now."

"I will, and so will you." Xu Ling thought that in this unfamiliar place, the only one who could say something was going to leave. He could not help but shed tears and began to regret why he had to enter this ghost place.

"Don't cry. It's not easy to be a housekeeper. You should stick to this path. Xu Ling, I think you are a girl with ambition. This difficulty will not defeat you." Qi Tianyu can't do anything else but encourage Xu Ling at this time. Before he detects the whereabouts of the rosefinch and recovers the forbidden area of the rosefinch, he can only keep a low profile, and of course he can't protect Xu Ling.

"Thank you. You're right. I can't regret the way I chose. My parents are still waiting for me to go back. I can't let them down." Xu Ling's tearful eyes dimly nodded and said firmly.

Qi Tianyu wiped her tears, comforted her and sent her back to her room. Before leaving, Xu Ling took Qi Tianyu's hand and whispered, "elder brother Qi, we both have to go back well. My cousin is waiting for you, and my parents are waiting for me."

This sentence makes Qi Tianyu feel sad. It turns out that Xu Ling is just a unforgiving person. In fact, his heart is as soft as Xu Xi.

"Brother Qi is really good at talking. In a few words, he coaxes his sister. I just don't know if she will despair if she knows that you are cheating her." Just after seeing off Xu Ling, Chen Shi appeared behind him and said something strange.

"Chen Shi, you can't tell her that this is the best thing for her now."

"OK? That's not necessarily. When she becomes the puppet people, can you say it?" Although Chen Shi is straightforward, he is not stupid. People like puppets can never become like that under severe pressure. There must be other reasons.

"I'm looking into it. You can wait." Qi Tianyu doesn't know anything now, but he can only comfort Chen Shi.

"Brother Qi, you alone can't find out. I'll help you." Chen Shi approached him.

"No, it's very dangerous. Chen Shi, you just need to protect yourself. They don't know when they will attack you, but if you obediently convince them that you don't have any malice, they may not attack you. The longer it takes, the more confident I will be. ""Are you so confident?" Chen Shi can feel that Qi Tianyu is really thinking about them.

"I can't say for sure that I have, but I can tell you that I will try my best."

"Well, I'll wait for your news. Brother Qi, I really didn't pay you for nothing. " Chen Shi couldn't say anything nice, but his heart was tender. He patted Qi Tianyu on the shoulder.

"Let's put this soul pearl to you. I hope you can use it." Chen Shi gives Qi Tianyu the zhenhunzhu that Chen Wu gave him. Qi Tianyu is very surprised. Chen Wu asked him to keep it properly. Unexpectedly, he gave it to himself.

"Brother Qi, don't refuse. I can't do anything. I'm waiting for you to save us. You won't refuse this little thing." Looking at Qi Tianyu's face, Chen Shi knew that he must have thought too much.

"Well, I don't want to say anything more. I'll be fine." Qi Tianyu also patted him on the shoulder, and both of them went back to their rooms.

"Chen Shi is so sincere to me, but I didn't even tell him my identity. I'm really not a sincere friend. But if you tell him, he will be in danger. I hope he can forgive me in the future Qi Tianyu can only feel guilty in his heart.

Holding zhenhunzhu in his hand, Qi Tianyu felt a little hot.

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