Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2349

"You believe me."

"I don't think it's necessary to cheat you."

"He's a smart man, so we can talk about it. I'm by the river. I know something and I want to ask you for proof. I also want you to help me

"You mean the kugu river?"

"Yes, but this is not the point, so there is no need to discuss it in detail. I mainly want to ask you if your elders are doing something shameful."

"I don't know what you mean?"

"It seems that you really don't know anything. I'll tell you from the beginning. Your elders are not good people, and the rosefinch who you think is evil is not bad. Although I don't have much contact with your elder, I can see that what he does is not the work of a gentleman. " Qi Tianyu told Fang min all about the animal garden and what the elder in the dead wood River told him.

"It's absolutely impossible. It's ridiculous. Although elder LAN did use me to do something, he won't do that kind of thing. It's absolutely impossible to murder Lord rosefinch or his classmates." Fang min can't believe what he heard. Elder LAN is not only their leader, but also their spiritual support from ancient times to the present. All the people in the rosefinch forbidden area know that elder LAN led them to return to peace and eradicate the dissidents. If all this is false, it's elder Lan's conspiracy to seize power, what else can they believe?

"Fang min, I know you can't accept this fact now, but it's all true. I don't have to cheat you. It's not good for me to cheat you. If you don't believe me, I can take you to the kugu River to see the elder who told me everything. After listening to him, you can make a judgment. " Qi Tianyu also knows that for a moment, he can't let Fang min completely believe it.

"No, you dare to say such a thing. Someone has told you, otherwise you would not know so much inside information when you just came in. Let me think about it for myself, and I will go to you when I think about it." Fang min's face is very miserable, and his voice is extremely weak. At this time, his body and mind are suffering.

Qi Tianyu looks at her such a petite body also some distressed, perhaps all this is too heavy for him, he had carried enough.

"Have a good rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

"No, don't come to see me. I'll find you myself." Fang min knew that all his anomalies today were caused by the moment Qi Tianyu announced his identity. Now he can't have too much contact with him, otherwise he doesn't know whether his body can bear it or not.

"But it's time. I can't wait long enough."

"I know that. I have a sense of propriety."

"All right." Unexpectedly Fang Min has already said, Qi Tianyu can't force her further, so she has to leave.

Qi Tianyu relaxed as soon as she left Fang min. she is still full of confusion. She has never heard of these things. When she was a child, elder Lan was like her father. Now, although they have a quarrel, she has never thought about him in such a vicious direction. Qi Tianyu's words completely overturned her understanding of elder LAN, and she had to think about it carefully.

Qi Tianyu came to Chen Yue Pavilion and saw that the light in Fang Feng's room was on from a distance. His secret way was not good. It seemed that Fang Feng already knew about his leaving the post without permission during the day.

Now, Qi Tianyu can't change his face with him. He can only go in and admit his mistake.

"You're a smart person, but it's a coincidence that I sent you on the first day. You made a mistake and caught up with Fang min. fortunately, nothing happened to kugu river. Otherwise, you can't even pay for your life." Fang Feng's face was very bad, and he patted the table hard.

"Sorry, I'll never do that next time." Qi Tianyu didn't want to bow his head to admit his mistake, but now he can only bear it.

"I can tell you that I promoted you because I wanted you to play a role, not to make trouble for me."

"I know."

"I'll punish you to stay here for the whole night. Go on."

The punishment was still within Qi Tianyu's tolerance. He didn't say much, so he went to the gate to watch the night.

At this time, elder LAN is worried about Qi Tianyu's whereabouts. This is also Fang Feng's fault. Generally speaking, transferring people to leave the animal park needs to be recorded and the guards of the animal park need to be informed.

However, Fang Feng's intention was temporary. He asked Xu Heng to transfer Qi Tianyu, but he didn't put it on record. So elder LAN couldn't find anyone for a while, and he didn't expect that Fang Feng would take him in. After all, Fang Feng said that he wanted to give him a Dementor.

I didn't want to go to Fangfeng, so I didn't know where Qi Tianyu was.

This night was a sleepless night for Qi Tianyu, and naturally for Fang min, she thought that she had not closed her eyes all night, until the sky turned white.At this time, Qi Tianyu was guarding by the kugu river. Today's kugu river is very cold and quiet, which makes Qi Tianyu doubt whether the person he saw yesterday really existed.

"Elder, are you still there? If you're here, just say it. " Qi Tianyu yelled to the steaming River, without any response. He threw a stone into it, nothing but the ripples.

"Don't throw anything in it." Qi Tianyu is bored, a voice from behind him, Qi Tianyu a joy, quickly got up from the ground, said to the visitors: "you move very fast."

"Aren't you in a hurry for my reply? Can't I come fast? " Fang min walked towards him slowly. It was just a short night. But she seemed to have matured a lot. Maybe she was haggard. Her face was even more pale with her bloodless lips, which made Qi Tianyu feel that she might fall down at any time.

"What's your answer?"

"I believe you for the time being." Fang min's words were very difficult. Qi Tianyu saw that her fingers were very tight.

"That's great! Now you can tell me everything you know. " Qi Tianyu rushed to her side happily, and his sorrow was cleared away.

"Wait a minute, don't be happy too soon. I said just for the time being. If something happens to overthrow you, don't blame me for being merciless."

Fang min is very repellent to his approach, hastily stepped back.

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