Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2354

"Fang Feng, I didn't expect to let you guard me in the end." Fang min stood in the room, looking at the people guarding the door, with disdain on his face.

"Since the elder has given orders, I am acting according to the elder's orders." Fang Feng stood outside with his shoulder in his arms.

Fang Feng did not expect that the elder would arrange such a task for him. After all, he said that he needed to protect the Dharma, so he had a good rest these days.

"Fang Feng, you should also know how important the event in three days is to me, and Fang min's role in that event is even more crucial. Now Fang Min has proposed to let you guard him alone. Of course, I'm at ease with you, so let's do it, just to let you suffer." When elder Lan said this at that time, although it was a tone of discussion, he seemed to have made up his mind.

Although Fang Feng had many pimples in his heart, he would not disobey the elder's orders: "since the elder has spoken, I will follow what you said, but is it suitable for me to guard her alone? Is it more appropriate to send more people? "

"No, it's only a few days. If you are alone with her, she will feel better." Elder LAN has promised Fang min before, and he is really at ease. Naturally, he won't go back on such trifles.

Fang Feng saw that there was no room to turn around, and went back to the house with Fang min, but Fang min was in the house, and Fang Feng stood at the door like a guard.

"Fang Feng, as you have said before, we are grasshoppers tied on the same rope. In this case, you should not stop me from doing what I want to do." Although Fang Min has other methods, he still wants to have a try.

"What I said before was that I didn't tell the elder about you. As for other things, I didn't say anything." Fang Feng suddenly turned his face. After all, the elder is the highest leader here. He can deceive him for a while, but he will never stand opposite him.

"Well, it's like you're loyal. It's not about what you can get after it's done." Fang min had a plan in his heart, so naturally he would not be entangled in this matter. Now, I want to let the other party know that he has no way, and then relax his vigilance.

"If you don't put heaven to death for yourself, just stay in peace. Don't make trouble for us. Everything will be fine in three days." Fang Feng doesn't care about this at all.

Fang min is also lazy to talk to each other. After all, in broad daylight, her own strategy is not easy to realize. It's better to wait until the evening when she is acting.

Fang Feng looks at Fang min sitting back in the room. His eyes darken. It's best to do so. He only hopes that he can be safe these three days. Otherwise, don't blame him for his ruthlessness.

Fang min is tired to deal with these people alone, and Qi Tianyu is not very smooth. After hearing what Fang Min said, he rushes out from the center of the Zhuque forbidden area and goes all the way to find Shengze's camp.

Maybe because of the time, some road sections are not as described by Fang min, and have changed a lot.

Qi Tianyu can only cross the river by lying on a stone, hoping to find the right way with his intuition, but in the evening, Qi Tianyu doesn't see the road sign mentioned by Fang min.

Maybe he went the wrong way, but he did follow Fang min's instructions. It is reasonable that there would not be such a mistake.

When Qi Tianyu didn't know what to do, there was a pair of eyes looking at him under the gray sky. Qi Tianyu turned his head and saw that it was a yellow and white cat. It was staring at Qi Tianyu. There was an unknown light in its green eyes, but it was not hostile. It was like exploring him. It was very spiritual.

Qi Tianyu looked at the yellow hair on the cat's head. Suddenly something flashed in his mind. He felt very familiar with the cat, as if he had seen it somewhere.

One person and one cat looked at each other for a while. Qi Tianyu felt very strange. He couldn't stare at a cat in the wilderness. It was important to find a place to live, or he would sleep on the street.

Qi Tianyu's feet moved, and suddenly the cat called out with a shrill "meow", which made Qi Tianyu's feet stiff in the air.

Without waiting for Qi Tianyu to react, the cat ran to him and jumped to Qi Tianyu's arm. Qi Tianyu looked at his big clear eyes and let him climb up his shoulder slowly.

There is a memory exploding in his mind. He finally knows why he thinks this cat is familiar. Isn't this the favorite of rosefinch? This cat is very spiritual. Rosefinch took it everywhere in those days.

I think this cat also recognized him, quietly stayed on his shoulder, tilted his head and looked at him.

"Since rosefinch's cat appears near here, I'm sure I'm looking for the right place." Qi Tianyu was very happy. He touched the cat's smooth fur, and the kitten also enjoyed meow meow under his hand."Where did you come from?" Qi Tianyu asked just to himself. After all, he didn't expect a cat to find his way.

But who knows, the cat just like to understand what he said, an arrow step easily jumped down his shoulder, to the left.

"Can this cat find my way?" Qi Tianyu, holding such a question, followed the cat.

The cat led him all the way to the depths of the forest, looking back at him from time to time, as if to signal him to follow.

Qi Tianyu was also clever. He followed the cat all the way in. After a long walk, the cat finally stopped in front of a deep pool. Qi Tianyu thought that he was looking right and left.

The cat went to the pool and went to drink water.

Qi Tianyu, with a confused face, couldn't help pointing at the cat and saying, "you've brought me so far to drink water!"

Naturally, the cat won't answer him. While snoring and drinking the water in the pool, Qi Tianyu felt that he was playing the lute to a cow. Maybe he was wrong. This cat is not the one beside the rosefinch. After all, the cat can't live that long.

Just about to turn and leave, the cat found Qi Tianyu's action. Instead of drinking water, it rushed up and bit Qi Tianyu's trouser legs.

"Let go." Qi Tianyu didn't dare to kick it too hard. With this kick, the cat might die.

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