Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2357

"Don't try to break in. If you make a big noise, it will be troublesome for Lanyuan to find a way to get in." Qi Tianyu whispered in Sheng Ze's ear. He resisted his temper. He didn't expect that Sheng Ze was still a man with explosive temper. However, he also thought that if he didn't have a bad temper, he just said that he would retire, leaving no way behind.

Qi Tianyu catches several peddler like people, gives them two inferior spirit stones, borrows the waist tag, and takes Sheng Ze into the city.

Sheng Ze sighed. "I didn't expect that even the guards at the gate of the city didn't know me when I retired these years. It's really true that things are right and people are wrong."

"Don't panic in your heart. The people here have changed one after another. I think Lanyuan has washed the dishes after you left. Where are we going now? "

"Go to find elder Lu. He has a good relationship with me. At the beginning, he was also the general of Zhuque's men. He must be willing to submit."

"I heard that the elder of kugu River mentioned that they were all wall grass. I don't know how the old man of Lu is?"

"This can rest assured, although Lu Changlao's real power is not big, but the character is not to say, I think even if he has put into the blue yuan door is also helpless move." The elder that blue yuan sees at the beginning is not many, this Lu long old is one of them.

"That's good." Qi Tianyu is relieved to hear Sheng Ze say this. It's not that he is too careful, but that there are too many people involved in this matter. Xu Ling, Chen Shi and Fang min are all waiting for him. He must not make mistakes.

When they came to elder Lu's house, the guard at the door recognized Sheng Ze at a glance and came forward excitedly, "elder Sheng Ze, you finally appeared. I thought you..."

"Well, don't say any more useless words. I want to see you, Mr. Lu. Take me quickly." Sheng Ze waves his hand and interrupts the guard.

The guard didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he nodded more excitedly and said, "OK, elder Shengze, please come here."

The guard leads Sheng Ze in, as if he didn't notice Qi Tianyu at all, and regards him as a transparent person. Qi Tianyu didn't feel anything, on the contrary, he is just a nobody in the rosefinch restricted area, it's normal not to know him. Just did not expect Sheng Ze suddenly not happy, coldly looking at the guard said: "you are blind is not, even Zhutian emperor do not recognize!"

"The emperor of heaven? Where? Where is it? " The guard looked and finally focused his eyes on Qi Tianyu: "it can't be you

Qi Tianyu shrugged his shoulders and did not deny it. The guard became more excited and yelled: "my God, what's my luck today? I not only met the famous elder Shengze, but also the day by day emperor who died long ago."

Long dead? Qi Tianyu's face muscles pulled. He didn't know what to say. The guard was really simple.

The shouts of the guards attracted the attention of the people in the house. The Lu elder, who was practicing, also heard the names of Sheng Ze and the emperor every day. He thought it was some lunatic who was yelling at him. Just as he was going out to teach him a lesson, he saw Sheng Ze and Qi Tianyu standing.

At the moment, his face changed, the whole person nearly paralyzed, "elder Shengze, I didn't expect you were still alive!"

This sentence makes Sheng Ze frown. When he left with people, he did not explain where he was going, but he never said he was dead.

"Where did Mr. Lu say that?"

"Not long after you left, elder Shengze, Lanyuan said that you had died for Lord suque." Lu said as he introduced Sheng Ze into his room.

"I'm very brave of what he said. You'll believe it."

"I didn't believe it at first. There were several elders who jointly said they wanted to find you, but they were rejected by elder blue. As time goes by, we will believe it if we don't hear from you." Elder Lu said, looking at Sheng Ze's eyes is very respectful and gratified, Qi Tianyu can also feel his sincerity, it seems that he is really a useful person.

"This dog thief, I didn't find his fox tail at all before. He is so arrogant now." Sheng Ze said with gnashing teeth.

Lu elder see Sheng Ze suddenly angry, don't know why, doubt of looking at him, Qi Tianyu in the side explained the context.

The more elder Lu listened, the more incredible he felt. "It's impossible. Elder LAN really did something vigorous and resolute when he was in power, but he was loyal to Lord rosefinch before. How could it be that he designed to harm Lord rosefinch?"

"This is what the elder of kugu River told me. I don't think you should forget kugu river. There's no need for him to cheat me. He's almost half dead."

"I don't know if you're talking about a man with long hair, thin face and a mole on his forehead." Mr. Lu listened to the description in Qi Tianyu's words, which was very similar to his best friend at that time.

"Yes, on his left forehead." Qi Tianyu immediately nodded.

Lu Changlao's expression became very sad and indignant. He squeezed a corner of the table and said painfully: "old friend, old friend, I only thought you were sacrificing for the sake of building the array at the entrance of the rosefinch forbidden area. I didn't expect that you still had such a big secret and didn't tell me.""Have you never been to the kugu river?"

"It's heavily guarded there. Lanyuan never lets people outside his command get close to it. How can we get close to it?" Lu Changlao shakes his head sorrowfully. He regrets that he has been kept in the dark all these years and has been a dog for LAN yuan for so many years.

"The dog thief must die. I came out this time to seek your help. As long as you support me, it's easy to push down the dog thief." Sheng Ze said on one side.

"Elder Shengze, you don't care about the world for many years. The situation outside has changed. Now no one can fight against Lan Yuan in the Zhuque forbidden area. Since he came to the forbidden area, all the people who are loyal to him have been waiting for him Lu Changlao sighed that he had done nothing in the past few years, but he had no real power to seek an elder under the blue yuan banner.

"That's because he used Dementor. As long as he broke his Dementor, he would no longer be able to control the minds of these people, and his general situation would be gone."

Sheng Ze's words surprised Lu Chang even more. "He even mastered such magic arts, which was forbidden by Lord rosefinch at that time."

"There's no moral prohibition in that dog thief's eyes. I'm afraid he's done more outrageous things behind his back these years." Sheng Ze chuckled, all disdaining Lan Yuan.

Qi Tianyu saw that they hadn't mentioned the point for a long time, so he had to say, "Mr. Lu, we don't have much time now, so we can only seize the time to pull Lan Yuan off the horse. He secretly plans a big event. We don't know what it is, so time is very urgent. Can you gather the trusted elders together? If there are many people, someone may know the solution to Dementor. "

"The emperor Zhutian is right. Mr. Lu, go ahead and do it. I and the emperor Zhutian are not suitable to show up at present." Shengze now has complete trust in Qi Tianyu.

"Yes, elder Shengze and Emperor Zhutian will wait in the hut. I'll do it now." Long Lu quickly got up to go, but he didn't say much. He pinched a formula and left.

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