Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2363

"Elder LAN, don't say these polite words. It's said that general Sheng is back in your house. Is that true?" Someone yelled below that they had been waiting too long and had already lost patience.

"Everyone is here for this matter. I think something big has happened." Lan Yuan pretended to be surprised and said, "yes, elder Shengze has indeed come back. I'm also surprised and glad that he came back suddenly. I wanted to tell you tomorrow. Who would have thought you'd get the news today? Elder Shengze hasn't had a good rest yet."

Lan Yuan's words completely took him out of the affair, as if Sheng Ze's affair had nothing to do with him. When he said this, Lan Yuan also took a deep look at Lu Fen standing in the crowd, which made him shiver involuntarily.

"It's true

"General Sheng is not dead..."

"That's great..."


A group of elders cheered one after another when they heard the news. Lan Yuan looked at their happy appearance and twisted his face.

After taking a deep breath, he said, "everyone be quiet. Since you are all here, let's come in."

Blue Yuan made a wink to the guard beside, the guards then led the elders into the house, all the way into the hall.

And Sheng Ze is sitting in the first place, looking at people coming in one after another, silent smile.

"General Sheng, you are not dead..."

"General Sheng, we are so happy!"

Several elders even burst into tears. Lan Yuan watched silently and remembered them. Later, the account would be calculated slowly.

Sheng Ze looks at these familiar faces and is quite gratified. It seems that these people still have not forgotten themselves. His contribution to the rosefinch forbidden area is rewarding.

All the elders have been seated one after another. I know that Sheng Ze must have something to say when he comes back now. Blue yuan toward his seat to go, but Sheng Ze did not give up the meaning, his face is not very good-looking.

"Elder Shengze, this is my seat now." He tried to be kind, but Sheng Ze didn't look at him.

"I'm afraid elder LAN has forgotten the rules. When can you take this seat?"

Lan Yuan's face turns green and green. Sheng Ze is reminding him how humble he was, and even he is not qualified to sit in this position.

The undercurrent between Lanyuan and Shengze is surging. The elders below all feel it. They look at each other and don't know what happened between the two elders.

Lanyuan knows that he can't meet Shengze now. After all, the more modest he is, the more optimistic he will be.

So blue yuan calmly smile, deliberately raise the voice to let the following people hear, "unexpectedly Shengze want to sit here, I sit in the next head."

Sheng Ze didn't know what he meant, but he felt at ease. Lan Yuan was just the leader of the Zhuque forbidden area when there was no leader in the forbidden area after the death of Zhuque and his disappearance. However, he was the one who laid the foundation for the Zhuque forbidden area.

Sheng Ze coughed, cleared his throat and said, "I have an important thing to say when I invite you here. Please listen carefully. What I have said is all true."

Lan Yuan looks at him coldly, and there is no fluctuation in his heart. He doesn't know what Sheng Ze wants to say. In his heart, he thinks that no matter what he says, it's useless, because Sheng Ze and Zhu que don't talk about the world now.

At this time, Lanyuan had no idea that Shengze had already known the fact that he had murdered Zhuque. After all, the people who knew had already been killed by him and thrown into the kugu river.

Sheng Ze looked up at him coldly, and said in a slow voice: "I know I haven't come out for so many years, and the rosefinch forbidden area has changed greatly. Now you take Lan Yuan as the commander, but one of you knows how he got to this position."

Blue yuan listen to him say so in the heart inexplicably some flustered, he tries to stabilize his mood, tell himself Shengze never know.

"General Sheng, what does that mean?" Blue yuan stands up, pretends innocent appearance to say.

"What do you pretend, Lanyuan? I know everything you do. You design to kill rosefinch and let her die in the kugu river. You also spread rumors everywhere that I'm dead. Don't you do all these things?" Sheng Ze looked at him and said word by word.

This words like a bolt from the blue, all the elders can't believe looking at blue yuan.

"It's impossible. How could elder LAN do such a thing?"

"At that time, it was obviously the fault of Lord rosefinch. She had to go her own way to die."


Blue yuan listened to the elder's discussion and braved a cold sweat. He stabilized his expression and said calmly: "I can't understand elder Shengze's words. I know that when you come back, you find that I'm very dissatisfied with the commander. You look down on me all the time. I know that, but you can't spit out the slander words."

I didn't expect that at this time, Lanyuan was still trying to be reasonable and innocent. Shengze was angry and grabbed him by the neck. "Doggie, you really don't want to go to the Yellow River. I'll take you to kugu River to see if you are lying."Lanyuan is choked by him and can't move. Unexpectedly, Shengze's strength doesn't retreat. He is not his opponent at all.

"Elder Shengze, let go, let go, have something to say." The following elders quickly admonish Shengze. They don't know about it now. The news is so amazing that they don't know whether to believe it or not.

Blue yuan pulled the corners of his mouth, with Sheng Ze to hear the volume, said: "no one will believe you, you are just a lost dog on the drive to climb back, still think you were Sheng general!"

"You..." Sheng Ze increased the strength of the hand, almost to break his throat.

The following elders see not good, come up together to block in the blue two people, with array to Sheng Ze's hand to trapped.

Sheng Ze is hard to defeat so many elders. He is trapped for a moment.

Lan Yuan felt his throat and looked at Sheng Ze with disdain. He turned to the elders and said, "elder Sheng Ze, I don't know where he heard these rumors, but he wanted to kill me. I have no malice to elder Sheng Ze. I also know that he is very affectionate to Lord rosefinch. What stimulation did he get to make him so crazy The state of madness is better locked up. "

Sheng Ze roared: "dog thief, don't deceive the public with your hypocritical words. If you are really innocent, follow me to kugu river!"

Lan Yuan ignored his words and asked people to drag Sheng Ze down. Lu Fen saw that the situation was not right. He didn't know where he had the courage to stand up and shout: "elder LAN, wait a minute, I have something to say!"

The elders looked at Lu Fen in amazement. They didn't know what he meant when he suddenly stood up. Lan Yuan also looked at him coldly. The threat in his eyes was very obvious.

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