Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2373

Qi Tianyu sat at the table and tried to calm his mind. These things are not what he should think now. If he indulges in these things for a moment, he will lose his fighting spirit and disturb his pace of progress. So just now, he just lost control of his emotion. Now that he has expressed it, he should return to his usual self.

"Shengze, you're right. Those things have passed after all. Now we have to solve everything well, which is the best reward for her." Qi Tianyu didn't want to mention the name of rosefinch at this time. This name is hard to heal for both of them.

"Zhutiandi, I will naturally help you to solve these things, but not for you, but for Zhuque. After solving this problem, I will go back to my place again and live in seclusion. Things outside have nothing to do with me any more." Sheng Ze talked to Qi Tianyu so seriously for the first time.

Qi Tianyu nods to understand each other's mind. Now Qi Tianyu has no right to force the other party to stay and wait for him to help him. In the end, he confronts heixuan. This is what he owes to Zhuque, the person in front of him, and even more to Zhuque.

Qi Tianyu has fallen into his own inner magic barrier. If it wasn't for his own death, rosefinch would not want to avenge himself. If it wasn't for revenge, it wouldn't let the whole rosefinch forbidden area fall into such a crisis. If it wasn't for such a crisis, there would be no such villain as Lan Yuan who could lead the whole rosefinch forbidden area District.

Sheng Ze is not a person who is good at observing words and colors. Seeing that the person opposite has returned to the former calm, he thinks that the other party has completely figured it out, so he doesn't say any more and leaves directly. After all, he can't help by staying here. On the contrary, he will arouse the inner pain of the other party.

After all, he can go to a place to live in seclusion because of the death of rosefinch. He will never care about the world again and immerse himself in this kind of pain. However, it will be different for a few days. Qi Tianyu is responsible for the world. This responsibility does not allow him to immerse himself in this kind of pain all the time In pain, so he has to look forward.

Qi Tianyu lies on the bed and closes his eyes, but he can't stop his thoughts. His heart is full of pain for these things, and he can't calm down to think of a solution.

"Tianyu, Tianyu..." Qi Tianyu was in a trance when he heard someone calling his name.

"Who are you? How did you get in? Why didn't I hear your footsteps coming in? " Qi Tianyu didn't believe that anyone could escape his own ears.

"Tianyu, I haven't seen you for so many years. Don't you really remember me? Open your eyes and have a look. It's me. " The person in front of him is still standing by the bed.

"You rosefinch? No, you're already dead, aren't you? How could you say who you are and who sent you? Who sent you here to seduce me? " Qi Tianyu opened his eyes and saw that he was just thinking about the person in his heart. But he must be wrong. The rosefinch had died many years ago. The person in front of him could not be him. He could only be sent by the other party.

"Tianyu, what are you afraid of? According to your current level, even if I was sent by the other side, I can't beat you. First relax and listen to me tell you something Zhuque just stood by the bed and looked at Qi Tianyu.

"Rosefinch Is it really you? What's going on? " Qi Tianyu certainly knew that the rosefinch had died many years ago. After all, many people saw it at that time. Moreover, if the rosefinch had not died, the current situation would never have happened. Therefore, the person in front of him could never have been the rosefinch. However, Qi Tianyu also believed that his eyes could easily distinguish the rosefinch, even if it was a general dreamland In front of him was his confidant, and he would not fall into it like this, but this is definitely not a simple illusion.

"Tianyu, don't worry. First listen to me slowly. Our time is limited. I tell you that you are not in a dreamland now. You are asleep now. I left a wisp of my soul in those years. When I felt that you were close to me, I could enter your dream. But because my spiritual power at that time was not enough, so I didn't have enough It can only last for a short time, so you must listen to what I say next. " Rosefinch quickly explained the current situation first.

"It's impossible. If you didn't really have enough ability at that time, how could you support me for so many years, and how could you be sure that I would come here, and how could you be sure that I would be reborn?" Qi Tianyu didn't believe what the people in front of him said.

"Tianyu, it's just a thought. I didn't know these things at that time. I just thought that if one day you come here again, you won't even see me." Rosefinch sat beside the bed, with a familiar look on her face for seven days, as if time had not lost at all, and she and her partner were still tens of thousands of years ago.

"This I don't know it's too sudden. If so, why didn't you come to see me before? After all, I have been here for a long time. If you really want to see me, why don't you come to see me on my first day here? " Qi Tianyu still couldn't believe it. After all, no matter who met this kind of thing, he couldn't believe it."Tianyu, why don't you understand? I don't come to see you because I feel that you are close to me. I just feel that you think of me. I feel that you have obsession in your heart because of me. I come here not only because of my spiritual support, but also because your obsession has called me. " Rosefinch smiles.

Looking at the person in front of her, rosefinch faintly told herself that it was enough. After tens of thousands of years, the person in front of her could still think of herself. She even had such a deep obsession in her heart that she could summon her soul. Can't this be enough to prove their deep friendship in those years?

In the face of such a person, rosefinch thinks that what she did for him in those years was worth it. She said that the purpose of her soul was to see Qi Tianyu stay. Rather, she wanted to prove that her choice was not wrong. Even if she fell into the trap by mistake, she also wanted to prove that it was right that she was bent on revenge for the person in front of her. Otherwise, rosefinch would definitely die Eyes.

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