Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2375

"What's the matter with you, rosefinch? Tell me what you have and I will help you solve it." Qi Tianyu didn't think that he just wanted to ask about the solution of the Dementor, but the other side suddenly fell into meditation, so he immediately asked.

"Tianyu, if you think about it, don't you really remember the origin of Dementor? Even if Lan Yuan has mastered more skills, I think it's possible. After all, those skills still have traces to follow, but how can he master Dementor? " Rosefinch's face is unbelievable. Originally, she thought that the other side just mastered some simple skills, but she didn't expect to master her most precious Dementor.

"What do you mean? You mean I've heard of Dementor before? Why don't I have any impression? " Qi Tianyu thought to himself.

Rosefinch glanced at each other and waved his sleeve. It was the appearance of the two people at that time.

"Tianyu, what are you doing? Come and have a look at my baby. I've studied it for such a long time Rosefinch ran to Qi Tianyu with a smile.

"No wonder, I think you are always busy recently. I thought you had something important. Let me see what treasure you have researched." Qi Tianyu is also full of interest.

"There's no way to show you this thing. After all, if it's really used, even you can't resist it." Rosefinch looks proud. After all, it took a lot of effort to design it.

"I don't believe there's anything I can't resist at the end of the day?" Qi Tianyu said with pride, this is not a character, but a kind of self-confidence.

"Don't look down on my baby. It's called dementology. It's my hard work to develop it. As long as it's combined with the skill, and then combined with this needle, it can be very simple to control. Many people let them use it for me." Rosefinch waved the things inside and gave a brief introduction.

"Rosefinch, how do you remember to design this kind of thing? This thing should not exist in this world at all. You have studied this kind of thing. If you only use it well, if it is obtained by some people with ulterior motives and then controls many people, how can we solve it? " Qi Tianyu frowned, as if to see the future, someone with this kind of thing to do some bad things.

"How can it be? This is a treasure that I have studied for such a long time. Naturally, only I can use it. How can others know about me? I will hide it well. No one can find it. Now I just want you to see the fruits of my labor. " Rosefinch curled his mouth, did not take each other's words as one thing, but did not think of each other's prophecy.

"Well, well, I can trust you anyway. As long as you are the only one who can use it, it doesn't matter much. Anyway, you must think about it well." Qi Tianyu did not stop the other side, after all, also believe that the other side is measured.

"I knew you must have this reaction, but I won't let you see it. When you betray me, I'll let you see the power of this thing." Rosefinch a pair of threatening appearance, let Qi Tianyu laugh directly.

"Is it so powerful that I can control it? That thing is too overbearing. " Qi Tianyu was not afraid, but just asked casually. After all, according to the common sense of the world, one thing must have another thing to restrain him. If this Dementor is really so overbearing, he is really not suitable to let this thing come out.

"What are you afraid of? Naturally, it's not that difficult. It's just harsh. For example, if I put this Dementor, I need to take it back. If I want to take it back, it will become very simple. It only needs an entry-level skill. But if other people want to solve this problem, everyone will die. " The rosefinch didn't regard the person opposite as an outsider. Naturally, she explained everything about this Dementor.

Qi Tianyu sat on the bed and looked at himself and the rosefinch in front of him tens of thousands of years ago. He was filled with emotion. He didn't know whether it was because of what they said or because he hadn't seen such a scene in tens of thousands of years.

"Tianyu, what's the matter with you? Now remember, I showed you this thing when I studied it clearly, and I also assured you that I was the only one who could use it, so it was absolutely impossible for anyone else to use it." Rosefinch's face is full of promise.

"But it's not my word. I really saw someone using it outside, and as you said, it was fixed by a needle." Qi Tianyu didn't know what to say. After all, rosefinch was resolute, but he couldn't help doubting the situation outside.

"This Let me think, is it difficult that those failed products I made before were discovered by others? " Rosefinch thought for a long time and finally came up with a possibility.

"Failed product" do you mean that after you die, Lanyuan goes to your room and turns to the semi-finished product you made in those years Qi Tianyu naturally knows the habit of rosefinch, and rosefinch will collect all the semi-finished products when studying."This is the only possibility. He may not know from which channel he heard about it, and then he looked for it from me, but instead of finding the finished product, he turned to the semi-finished product, and then it became what it is now." Rosefinch nodded to confirm this guess, after all, this is the only reasonable direction.

"What is the solution to this semi-finished product? Do you have to let Lan Yuan solve it by himself as you just said? " Qi Tianyu can't wait to ask, since it is a semi-finished product, there should be some defects, there should be other methods.

"If it's a semi-finished product, it can be solved by me, but now I've become like this, there's no way to help you..." Rosefinch lowered her head, did not think that he was because of Qi Tianyu, but now Qi Tianyu was in trouble because of one of his achievements at that time.

"This..." Qi Tianyu suddenly had a guess in his heart. If so, why does Fang min seem to be so familiar with it? Mingming rosefinch said in the main text that only she is familiar with it. Even she has just heard of the name and has never seen it. Fang min can suppress it directly and seems to have a solution. What's the matter?

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