Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2378

"Min'er, I've come to see you. Open the door quickly." Lan Yuan is knocking on the door outside. Fang min is shocked when he hears his voice.

He quickly looked around his room, put away all the things that Lan Yuan couldn't see, and opened the window to emit the smell of the medicine he used for Chen mo.

See Fang min don't open the door, blue yuan some urgent, hard kicked a foot said: "open the door quickly, min son, what are you doing inside?"

"Here we are." Fang min finally looked at the room and found that there was no flaw, so he opened the door to introduce people.

"Elder blue, how can you come to see me at this time?"

"I've come to see how you are. I have too many things to do these days. I don't have time to see you. I don't know how your body is. You remember what I told you. You should take medicine on time, right?"

"Of course, I won't forget what you told me." Fang min cleverly gives his pulse gate to Lan Yuan for examination.

Lan Yuan took his pulse and looked at it carefully for a while. He found that there was no big problem, but he felt that there was a real Qi in her body. This pure Qi was not Fang min's, it seemed that it was rosefinch's.

This is strange. He has been sealed for a long time and has never seen this kind of situation. Is it because his event is approaching that this kind of situation appears?

"You did listen to me. Take your medicine on time. Is there anything unusual in your body recently? No more attacks? " Blue yuan raised his head, looking at Fang min's eyes, there is obvious distrust.

Fang min then opened his handkerchief with medicine. There were not many medicines left in it.

"If the elder doesn't believe me, let's see. There is absolutely no other medicine in this room. I really take it every day. Recently, I'm not different. I've been staying in this place without stimulation. I won't attack. Elder blue, don't worry. " Fang min looks into elder Lan's eyes.

Lan Yuan looked at him for a while without expression, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face. "Min'er, I just asked one more question. What do you do so seriously? Naturally, I believe in you and care about you too much. You know how terrible you are when you attack."

"I don't mean to blame elder blue. I'm just afraid you don't trust me." Fang min sees the look of blue yuan changed, then also clever say.

They return to their former state of being kind to their father and filial to their daughter. Elder LAN asks about Fang min's recent situation and is ready to leave. Before leaving, he leaves a word.

"That can't be delayed any longer. You're always ready."

A little panic flashed in Fang min's eyes. The hand holding the handkerchief suddenly tightened, but there was no different expression on her face. Seeing off elder LAN, she relaxed.

"Fortunately, I've muddled through. If I let him know, I've never taken these drugs." Fang min looks at the bottom of his bed. It's all the medicine he hid.

Looking at Lan Yuan's meaning, it seems that they can't wait. It seems that Qi Tianyu and Sheng Ze have made some achievements outside, and they can't delay. What if you die? With his own body, he also wants to let Lanyuan get the punishment he deserves.

Blue yuan back to his chamber of Secrets came Chen Mo, looking at Chen Mo abnormal pale face, blue yuan inexplicably feel that he is a little different.

"What's your face? Are you hurt? "

"Thank you for your concern. I've just been practicing for a long time This is what Fang min asked him to say to deal with elder LAN. It took him a long time to build up his mind.

"Pay attention later. I don't want to see you fall when my big project is about to be finished." Elder LAN is very confident in the people who manage his Dementor. He never thought that they would deceive him.

"You have all the things I asked you to look for." These things are very important, and they must be used before the big event is completed to ensure that everything is safe.

"There are the last two. Don't worry, elder blue. We'll find them soon."

"And the last two. What do I do for you? Is that how you work for me? I'm getting closer to my big event, but you haven't even found everything for me. " Blue yuan stares big eyes and kicks him hard. It's not enough to relieve his anger. He smashes the teacup next to him.

Chen Mo accepted these without saying a word. These humiliations are nothing to him. It turns out that those punishments are even more terrible. He survived. These minor injuries are nothing. He touched the tea on his flushed face.

He continued: "my subordinates know their mistakes, but it takes time for them to develop. However, because the kugu river was destroyed, the surrounding temperature dropped a lot, their best environment changed, and their growth time slowed down."

"By the way, I forgot that those things needed to be raised by kugu river. I didn't destroy that kugu river at that time for this reason. Unexpectedly, someone made trouble for me secretly and destroyed him. Damn it!" Lan Yuan slapped the table hard, and the table broke into powder in an instant.

"What should the elder do now? Are you waiting for those things to develop? ""Wait, no way. It's a long night. I can't wait. I don't care what you do. You must get them for me before the appointed time."

"But..." This kind of God can't be easily obtained. After all these years, it's hard to gather eight of them. Chen Mo really can't think of any way to cultivate them in advance.

"Don't give it to me here, but you have to find a way to get out of here!" Blue yuan impatiently roared at him, Chen Mo immediately left, he has been doing is unconditional obedience. But I don't know why this time he always felt that he was reluctant. Did the woman really do something for him?

Thinking of Fang min, Chen Mo can't help walking towards her residence.

It didn't take much effort for him to sneak into the mansion. Fang min, the guard of Fang Feng, didn't care at all. He ate, drank and played with women all day long, and the rest of the guards didn't care.

From the window into Fang min's room, Chen Mo's first sentence is, "I have something to ask you?"

"Why did you come so early today, before our appointed time?" Fang min looked at the sky outside and asked strangely.

"I think I'm very strange now. What have you done to me?"

Fang min smiles. It seems that his treatment has some effect.

"What I have done to you is not a bad thing. Don't you feel more like a normal person now?"

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