Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2384

"That would be great. Thank you for helping me." Qi Tianyu didn't know what to say to thank Fang min, but what Fang min did really moved him. Originally, they were just strangers.

"I think it's not just my reason. If there is the soul of Lord rosefinch in my body as you said, she must want to help you. From the first time I saw you, I felt that I was very wrong. It didn't look like me. " Fang Min said that he didn't think deeply about it, but it brought great shock to Qi Tianyu.

He thought of the dream he had that night. The voice and smile of rosefinch still flashed in his mind. He suddenly had a selfish and terrible idea.

If the soul of rosefinch is really on Fang min, is it possible for rosefinch to come back to life?

Fang min saw that he looked wrong and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"Oh, nothing." Of course, you can't tell Fang min about this terrible idea. Otherwise, let him know. Maybe he will doubt that he has any bad idea about him. Although you do have this idea, you can't let Fang min know.

Qi Tianyu told himself that the most urgent task now is not about this problem, but when the idea comes up, he can't get rid of it at all. All he thinks about is this idea.

Some of them went back to Shengze's house and saw many people repairing their houses from a distance. Sheng Ze is discussing things with some elders in the hall. When he sees Qi Tianyu coming back, Sheng Ze beckons him to come.

"Zhutiandi, you've come back. We've got the preliminary information. Lan Yuan is right. The people who destroyed the kugu River are not the people in the Zhuque forbidden area. The array they used is not what we have mastered."

"Oh, that's right with what I thought. In that case, you can continue to investigate." Qi Tianyu's idea still stays at the top just now, and he has no mind to listen to Sheng Ze's words. He perfunctorily perfunctorizes him and goes back to his room.

Now I also found something wrong with him. After talking with the elder, I came to Qi Tianyu's room.

"Zhutiandi, it seems that something is wrong with you. Is there something wrong?" Shengze is straight to the point.

Qi Tianyu wanted to say that when he asked this question, but his words stopped. He couldn't tell Shengze the news. Judging from Shengze's infatuation with rosefinch, he would go to ask Lanyuan regardless of everything. At that time, things will be in trouble. He must make it clear before discussing with him.

"It's just that the way to crack Dementor has not been found out. I'm a little upset. There's nothing important. Don't worry."

"You don't have to worry too much. In my opinion, Lanyuan doesn't seem to have any big moves. Maybe the elder exaggerates Lanyuan's ability, and he can't do anything big with his ability. Now I'm back, and I can restrain him. I just need to find his weakness and pull him down." Sheng zekuan is planning for Qi Tianyu. In his opinion, Lanyuan has no ulterior motives. Otherwise, there is no movement?

"Maybe." Qi Tianyu replied faintly.

Then Sheng Ze went out. Qi Tianyu was the only one left in the room, looking out of the window.

Soon after night, he closed his eyes. This time, she faintly felt that she might dream of rosefinch again. Not long after she fell asleep, he felt that rosefinch appeared beside her. In the hazy, he seemed to touch her soft hands. They laughed and quarreled as if they had come back to the past. Rosefinch still liked to talk with him. Although it was some trivial things, Qi Tianyu listened It's still very interesting. It's a very happy time for him to be with rosefinch, and this time is gone forever.

In the dream, he felt so real, his voice and smile, every word he said to her seemed to have happened yesterday.

"Rosefinch, can I save you?" Know is in a dream, but Qi Tianyu still can't help but ask out this sentence.

"Tianyu, what are you talking about? I'm right next to you It seems that the rosefinch in his dream still stays at that time of the year. Rosefinch feels funny and touches his head, and continues to say something unimportant to him.

A strong light flashed, he felt a stabbing pain in his brain, Qi Tianyu opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar room layout around him, Qi Tianyu knew that this time it was really a time for him to think and have a dream, not like last time.

"I'm afraid it's already a magic barrier." Qi Tianyu touched his head with self mockery, feeling that it was all cold sweat. Anyway, he couldn't sleep, so he had to sit up and meditate for a while.

At this time, the night is already deep, but there is still a continuous sound around the kugu river. This is not the elders sent by Shengze, but a group of people in black with only one pair of eyes.

One of them, a burly man with a strong voice, said, "we have to come back to explore again. What's good to see? Isn't it almost destroyed by us?""If the boss says that, we'll just do it. It doesn't take much of your time. What are you complaining about?" Another short man who felt old on his back said that although his figure looked like an old man, his voice was the voice of a young man, which sounded very disobedient.

"You have to fight me, don't you? You have to say something about what I say. Do you really despise me The burly young man was discontented and roared at him.

"Don't quarrel here. I'm afraid it's going to attract someone." The people nearby quickly advised that the two men stopped talking and looked around for a while. Seeing that there was no movement, they obediently looked at the kugu river again.

"I've been watching it for almost two hours, and I haven't found anything. Now we're going back!" The burly young man said again.

"Wait a minute. What do you think this is?" The short man suddenly squatted down and scraped on the river bed which was not completely dry. A round, heavy bead wrapped in mud rolled out.

"It's not a good thing. It's just rubbish left by the elders who haven't died yet." The burly man rolled his eyes and was not interested in taking a look.

"It's not rubbish. Look at the color. It doesn't look like an ordinary thing." The short man wiped all the mud off the beads with his own clothes, and a shining purple pearl appeared in front of people's eyes. Its light was very soft and not dazzling, just like the moonlight, which lit up half of the kugu River in a moment.

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