Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2396

"Elder blue, do we really want to fight?" There are several elders who have been opposed. They feel that this battle is inexplicable and should not be fought.

, "I has the final say, that Sheng Zegang came back and wanted to climb up to my head. Whoever gave him the power, I must let him see who is the first elder in the forbidden area." Lan Yuan's anger didn't disappear. He didn't say it orally this time. He must beat Sheng Ze back and let him stay in the Zhuque forbidden area all the time. He couldn't feel at ease.

"But we are in a bad position. If Sheng Ze takes advantage of this and brings in more elders, then we are not in a bad position." Some elders didn't agree. They didn't have a big opinion on Sheng Ze. They didn't even think about fighting with him.

"You are timid. I can warn you that what I have decided will not be changed. Are you afraid of him?" Lan Yuan decided to set an example to the elder and asked them to look at their attitude.

"No, no, I don't mean that, but elder LAN and elder Shengze didn't do anything wrong. He made a lot of contributions to our Zhuque forbidden area before, but now he is against him because of this small matter. I think..."

He found that Lan Yuan's face was getting worse and worse, and the elder didn't dare to go on.

"I see what you mean. It turns out that your heart is in Shengze. Then I can't use you any more. Go away." Blue yuan coldly says, call guard I also drag him down.

"No, elder blue, listen to me. I definitely don't mean that. Everything I do is for elder Blue's sake. Let me go..." Two secret guards came up and caught him and dragged him out.

He has always been loyal to Lan Yuan, and his subordinates are all under Lan Yuan's banner. Now he has been kicked out. What's the matter? It's equivalent to removing him from his family.

Elder constantly plead, but blue yuan listen to all don't listen, see blue yuan so determined, other elders also dare not persuade.

When the elder was dragged out and everything was quiet, Lanyuan said, "you see, if you don't listen to me, this is the end. I don't care where you want to go, where you want to go, where you want to go to Shengze, or where you want to set up your own house. But in the future, if I see you again, I won't be able to leave unharmed! "

This sentence is a naked threat, with blue yuan's gloomy face is really chilling.

"Elder blue, we know. We'll listen to you." The elders who had opposed earlier did not dare to speak, so they had to follow suit and knelt down.

"That's pretty much the same. Now let's get down to business one by one. How much pride can you get out of that pulse?"




The elders reported one by one, hearing that Lan Yuan's face was not very good.

"Is that all?"

"Elder LAN, you also know that the Tianjiao under our command now, as long as they are highly qualified, they all belong to your family. Now these people are hard for us to come up with."

At this point, Lan Yuan doesn't speak. He is indeed semi compulsive. He has collected a lot of Tianjiao from these elders. But in fact, most of them are not used for him, but for other purposes. Of course, he can't say it here, or it will be over.

"Forget it, some useless things, it seems that I can only use my people." Lan Yuan didn't want to use his own hidden guards. These were carefully selected and cultivated by him. They are reserved for greater use, but now they can only be deployed. Now his biggest idea is to get rid of Sheng Ze, and other things will be pushed back.

Sheng Ze and Qi Tianyu all went to see each elder. Except those who had been under Lan Yuan's charge in their early years and didn't even let them see each other, the rest of the elders were willing to see them.

However, after this search, Qi Tianyu found that there were not many people who could really use it, which was strange. He still remembered that when she first entered the rosefinch forbidden area, the pedestrians on the road were all fairy King level.

Now when we really use people, Tianjiao is gone.

"Well General Sheng and Zhutian emperor don't know. Since Lanyuan was the only one, he recruited many Tianjiao under his banner. Naturally, many Tianjiao would like to be the first elder. But in recent years, few Tianjiao have really made a difference, and even most of them have disappeared. " Lu sighed, his pulse was taken away by the most arrogant, even his own son has already become a vein of blue yuan.

"It seems that this battle will be over soon..." Sheng Ze thinks that since there is no one here, there will be no more people there.

"That's not necessarily true. Have you forgotten the secret guards he trained over the years?" Qi Tianyu frowned.

"So what? He has his secret guard, because I also have mine. Can't my brothers in cold pool compare with the secret guard of the dog thief Lanyuan? "

"General Sheng, of course I don't mean that. I believe in your ability to lead soldiers. But you know that all his secret guards are killed by his Dementor and are willing to work for him regardless of their lives.""It doesn't matter, my brothers are all bloody, and they may not be his secret guards who are not afraid of death." Sheng Ze has said that, and Qi Tianyu is not good to say anything more. It seems that he is sure to win, but Qi Tianyu is not so optimistic.

This battle must be fought, but it must be meaningful. We can't lose both sides. We must take Lan Yuan down, so he must break his Dementor.

Thinking of the way he looked when he saw Chen Mo today, Qi Tianyu felt worried about cracking Dementor. Did he really want to kill Chen mo before he made progress?

When Qi Tianyu is thinking like this, Fang min is also worried about it. Although he is half under house arrest by elder LAN, he has heard of such a big news. Fang Feng has been called away by elder LAN just now. He has already used Fang Feng and can't take care of her. It seems that this war is on the way and has to be launched.

She can't just wait here, she has to do something. We must find an opportunity to call Chen Mo back, otherwise he can only support Qi Tianyu to kill Chen Mo at that time.

Two people want to go to a place, but they do not know whether they will be able to do it.

Fang min closed his eyes tightly and wanted to have a rest for a while. He didn't have a good sleep these days. Since he didn't take medicine, he had to rely on his own spiritual power to restrain the abnormal movement of his body. But this kind of control became weaker and weaker. She was afraid that she would not last long.

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