Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2401

Qi Tianyu didn't listen to him at all. When he picked up the sword, he made a stroke on his arm, and the blood gushed out. One of his arms had been cut off.

He could have killed it with one blow, but now he didn't want to let him die happily. It was his idea to play with him slowly. When Qi Tianyu took up the sword and wanted to cut his other arm, Lan Yuan knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Wait a minute, you can't kill me! Don't you want the rosefinch to live? " He called quickly and anxiously, but Qi Tianyu still heard the word Zhuque.

His sword was hanging in the air. Qi Tianyu captured it, looked at the shivering blue yuan and said, "what do you say?"

"I have a way. I can save him. As long as you don't kill me, I will help you save him!" Blue yuan at this time in order to live what all said out, he knew that Qi Tianyu's weakness is in the rosefinch.

"What can you do? Is that true? " Lanyuan was so cunning that Qi Tianyu couldn't believe what he said, but at this time he put down his sword like a demon.

"Of course I have, of course I have. It turns out that what I want to do is this. Rosefinch is not dead yet. I sealed his soul on Fang min. you should know about this. I never lied to you. As long as you give me time, I can definitely revive him!" Lan Yuan got up from the ground, covered his broken arm and looked at Qi Tianyu sincerely.

As he approached Qi Tianyu, Qi Tianyu stepped back a few steps. He was trapped in it after only one array.

"Stay away from me, just say what you have to say!" He still couldn't fully believe that he had any way to bring people back from the dead? Zhuque's right way to die is to be killed by heixuan. He knows the strength of heixuan.

Lan Yuan is trapped in the array, and his body is full of his own blood. He feels that his spiritual power is slowly losing. Qi Tianyu's attack not only cuts his arm, but also injects his spiritual power into his body. If he is not treated soon, he may die soon.

"Summoning spirit fruit, this thing can make the soul of rosefinch gather again. Using Fang min's body, I can reincarnate him. It's not very difficult. As long as I have summoning spirit fruit, I can do it. Don't you want rosefinch to live again? She died for you at the beginning. Do you want to be so cold-blooded? " Every word Lan Yuan said is stimulating Qi Tianyu. He feels that his mind is in a mess. He knows that the person in front of him doesn't have a few words of truth in his mouth. But after he said the news, it's enough that Qi Tianyu won't fight against her any more. If Zhuque comes back to life, if Zhuque comes back to life, it's the only sentence in Qi Tianyu's mind, which is ignored Lan Yuan, who is trapped in the array, looks at Qi Tianyu's face and knows that he has achieved twice the result with half the effort. He is relieved that when he wants to say a few more words to let Qi Tianyu let it out of the array, Sheng Ze has come.

"Why haven't you killed the dog thief and said something to him?" Sheng Ze was originally cleaning up the battlefield there, because the hidden guards had no leaders and were not afraid of death. Chen Mo's spirit had been decayed by Fang min's method, and his spirit was confused and completely decadent.

He has time to look at Qi Tianyu. He thought Qi Tianyu had taken Lan Yuan down, but he was still talking with him calmly.

"General Sheng, general Sheng, you're just in time. Don't kill me. I'm still useful to you. I'm still useful to you!" See his enemy has come, blue yuan at this time has no arrogance, dominating the world, he knelt down to blue yuan for mercy, this picture of life and death, let Shengze can't help laughing, "blue yuan ah, blue yuan, didn't expect you have this day."

"Yes, yes, everything is beyond my ability. General Sheng, please let me go. I will do my best for you. No matter what you ask me to do, I can do it. By the way, by the way, I can help you revive your favorite person. Rosefinch, I will help you revive him!" Lan Yuan doesn't know Sheng Ze's hatred for himself. His desire for survival makes him speechless and say everything.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear you talk such nonsense. Lanyuan, I won't let you die so easily. I want you to kneel down in front of the rosefinch's grave and deeply repent." Sheng Ze doesn't want to hear him say these words at all. He doesn't know so much about it as Qi Tianyu does. In his eyes, I have already died. What Lan Yuan said at this time is just nonsense. If you want him to let him go, how can you believe him? Sheng Ze raises his knife and takes a step forward.

He forcibly splits the array set by Qi Tianyu, pulls Lan Yuan to the ground, raises the knife in his hand and prepares to give him a few blows. Qi Tianyu bounces back the spiritual power that has not yet been sent out. Shengze is surprised and looks up at Qi Tianyu.

"What are you doing? Why save him? Is it difficult for you to be demented by him? " Sheng Ze was surprised to see his holy instrument shot down by Qi Tianyu.

"Listen to me, Lan Yuan, he may still have the need to live." Qi Tianyu's hand holding Taiqing sword was loose and tight, but he still said this sentence. He couldn't pass the barrier in his heart. Even if he was cheated, he was willing. As long as he had some opportunities, why didn't he try it? To be able to save rosefinch is his only wish during this period of time. He can't give up this hope, absolutely not."Are you cheated by him? He doesn't have this ability. He's just a little junior emperor. How can he have the ability to bring people back to life? Zhutian Di, I know your mood, but you can't be blinded by him. Now is the best chance to kill him. If you take it alive and give it to the elders, he still has the hope to turn over! "

"No, Sheng Ze, listen to me. All the things he just told me are true. Rosefinch's soul is still there. If you put it on you, you will have his soul. Otherwise, how do you think Fang min's ability is to stop dementology? We have a glimmer of hope. Don't you want to have a try?" Qi Tianyu's voice is very light, but every word is with a deep sense of heaviness. Shengze also feels the sincerity in his tone.

"Since you are willing to believe him, I will." Sheng Ze let go of his hand and threw him to the ground. At this time, Lan Yuan had lost all his blood, and fainted and fell on the high platform. He didn't know whether he was scared or he was really weak.

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