Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2412

Qi Tianyu walked out of Fang Ming's mansion, and there were 10 Tianjiao waiting for him outside. They were all in white, with a wristband on their wrist, embroidered with the word "Sheng".

Sheng Ze is really interesting. It seems that he has given his men to him.

As soon as they saw Qi Tianyu come out, they lined up to salute him and called out with one voice, "Zhutian Di!"

Qi Tianyu was startled by the battle. He waved his hand and said, "don't call me that. Since we have to get along for some time, it's really unnecessary to be so rigid. Just call me Qi Tianyu."

"It's not appropriate, Zhutian di." They still say it in one voice.

Qi Tianyu was stunned, and he didn't know what to say. These people seem to be stubborn. He didn't expect that Sheng Ze's arbitrary people should have such wooden heads. He sighed and said, "forget it. Let's go."

After Qi Tianyu finished, ten of them lined up again and walked behind Qi Tianyu and followed him to the gate of Zhuque city. Qi Tianyu thought that their appearance was really funny. He turned to look at them and said, "can you behave normally? I don't know. I think there are all walking corpses behind me. "

After Qi Tianyu said this, the ten people looked at each other and found that the rules in the cold pool were not suitable to take outside, so they scattered and surrounded Qi Tianyu in twos and threes. Although it was not very pleasant, Qi Tianyu could still reluctantly accept it. At least they didn't look like a group of strange people, and several people were unimpeded Qi Tianyu left the inner city of the rosefinch forbidden area. When he got to the outside, he found that he couldn't get out of the rosefinch forbidden area without these people. The boundary was set so well that he couldn't see through the mystery. Only the people in the rosefinch forbidden area could solve it. He really didn't know how those people in black broke in and ran out of the area.

After leaving the rosefinch forbidden area, Qi Tianyu's first thought is to go to Shangling city. After all, there is his cheap apprentice there. After finding him, he can decide how to find those people in black. He has no clue. Except for a few news from Shengze, he has no idea about those people.

When the party came to the gate of Shangling City, Qi Tianyu found that there were fewer guards. When he came in, the guards didn't ask him for a waist tag. He asked a few words and let him in. This lazy appearance made Qi Tianyu feel confused.

Qi Tianyu took these people to stay in an inn outside Shangling city. He told those people to stay in the Inn and not to go out to make trouble. He went out by himself. After all, he still remembers those rude and overbearing bullies when he first came to shanglingcheng. These people have never been out of the rosefinch forbidden area. They certainly don't know the rules outside. If they are not careful, it will be a headache for him. But Qi Tianyu was surprised to find that there were not so many pedestrians on the road when he got out of the gate of the inn, and the shops were not as prosperous as they were at that time. Could it be that something happened during his absence from Shangling city? He felt the depression in Shangling city. Qi Tianyu was puzzled and went to the Xu family.

When he came to the door of the Xu family, the guards in front of the door were the ones he was familiar with. Qi Tianyu said he wanted to see Xu Chang. These people immediately let him in and led him to see Xu Chang.

"Our master is in the front hall. You can go to see him directly." The guard guides him to the front of the hall and is ready to leave. Shortly after he turns around, Qi Tianyu suddenly stops him.

"I want to see Xu Chang, not Xu Wei."

"The master of our family now is master Xu." The guard replied respectfully, because he knew that the man in front of him was master Xu Chang, but Qi Tianyu was not so calm when he heard the news. When Xu Chang became the head of the Xu family, he was just a child.

Qi Tianyu is about to ask again when Xu Chang, who is in the lobby, has heard Qi Tianyu's name. He suspects that it is a mirage, but Qi Tianyu's next voice makes him more convinced that it is him outside. Xu Chang rushes out of the lobby and sees Qi Tianyu standing on the stone road talking to the guard. Xu Chang rushes over and hugs Qi Tian Yu's waist.

Caught off guard by such a embrace, Qi Tianyu Leng for a long time to say, "boy, what are you doing?"

"Shifu, I didn't expect to see you again. You came back so soon!" Xu Chang didn't seem to recognize the awkward tone in Qi Tianyu's voice. He still held Qi Tianyu's waist tightly. His voice was trembling, and the excitement inside was beyond expression. Qi Tianyu was so tightly held by him that he couldn't break away for a moment, so he was allowed to hold him like this.

"Well, let it go. What's the matter with two big men holding each other like this? You're not afraid that others will laugh at you."

"They dare to laugh. I'm the head of the family now. If anyone dares to laugh at me, I'll drag them out and beat them."

Although Xu Chang said so, he let Qi Tianyu go. After hearing what Xu Chang said, the guard ran away, afraid that he would become the object of being beaten."When did you become a housekeeper?" Qi Tianyu asked. When he asked the guard just now, he was always hesitant to answer.

Xu Chang's look suddenly became very sad. He turned his back to Qi Tianyu and said for a long time, "my father is dead."

"When did it happen? What about your sister? " Qi Tianyu asked in shock.

"My sister? My sister is in mufang city. She hasn't come back yet. "

"What happened? Tell me quickly. " Qi Tianyu couldn't hear him jump out word by word.

"It's Chen Wu. He's rebellious. He's already the enemy with us. They killed my father and took my sister hostage. "

"How could that be? What happened? Aren't you two families of generations

"That Chen Wu, he doesn't regard us as a family at all. Because my father won't listen to him, he killed my father. It's still a sneak attack. He is a villain. One day, one day, I will kill him. " Xu Chang turned his back to Qi Tianyu, but Qi Tianyu could already hear the choking in his voice. The continuous dripping tears on the ground showed his painful look.

Qi Tianyu didn't know what to say for a moment. At this moment, all the comforting words were false and useless. He went to Xu Chang and gently put them on his shoulder.

"Cry, it doesn't matter." The thin shoulders in front of him showed that the child was only just an adult.

Qi Tianyu knew that this must be a very complicated story. Xu Chang had not told him the whole story, but now he could not ask. In Xu Chang's sobbing voice, Qi Tianyu sighed deeply.

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