Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2424

"Xuchang, what are you thinking about? That's right. Your sister wanted this position, but didn't she say it before? She wants to sit in this position just to better protect the people in your family. Now there are only two people in your family, you and your sister. Now there is no difference between you sitting in this position. Does your sister have any other ideas? " Qi Tianyu said his thoughts directly.

"How can it be? It's just that my elder sister has been trained as a housekeeper since I was a child. Master, you know I don't have that ability at all, so I can only be my elder sister. But I didn't expect that I was allowed to sit in this seat because of the wrong circumstances. " Xu Chang felt a little uncomfortable, but now when he saw the master speak ill of his sister, he could not help but come forward and retort.

"You see, even if you sit in this position, when someone bullies your family, you will stand up to protect your family. What's the difference between you two sitting in this position?" Qi Tianyu asked.

"Yes, it doesn't make any difference, but I don't know why my sister is so angry. It seems that I robbed her of something. Although this position is really in his bag, it's not what I want." The things in Xu Chang's heart were directly said by the master in front of him. He didn't care to defend his sister for a moment.

"Well, according to my observation during this period of time, your sister should have no bad heart. Maybe she just can't get around for a while. Let him have a good rest. Let's discuss what we should do next." Qi Tianyu also felt that what he had just said might be a little too heavy.

Xu Xi may indeed have obsession with that position, but the reason is that for so long, others have been telling her that she must take that position, so Xu Xi naturally takes that position as her own thing, but no one thought that such a thing happened at the end of the day, and no one would like to see such a result, but Now that things have developed like this, I hope the other party can figure it out soon.

"Master, are you kidding? I've helped you with all the things I can. You know my ability is not enough. I can't put on other things at all. If I plug in here, it may become more and more chaotic. It's better for you to go to my sister to have a good discussion and help my father get revenge soon. " After hearing the master's words, Xu Chang even waved his hand and began to step back.

"Xu Chang, do you understand what you are now? If you do that again, how can you afford the whole family in the future! " Although Qi Tianyu knew that the child in front of him had some instinctive fear of these things, he only thought that Xu Chang had not touched these things before, so he didn't understand them. However, he didn't expect that the other party had already done it, and the position was still like this.

"I know, but I thought..." Xu Chang didn't dare to speak in a loud voice, so he just whispered.

"I wanted to give it back to your sister when she came back, didn't I? I'll tell you now that it's impossible. Even if you don't want to, you have to take on the whole family in the future. Now tell me if you can do it! " Qi Tianyu interrupted the other party directly. After all, there is no room for change.

"I..." Xu Chang also wanted to straighten his waist, clap his chest and tell the master that he could, but he really couldn't open the mouth. After all, he had never learned anything related since he was a child, so it was very difficult for him to do so.

"He can." They didn't expect that the silence was broken by another voice.


"Xu Xi!"

Two people at the same time made a sound, we did not expect that it was Xu Xi out of the yard, and said the words just now.

Qi Tianyu stood in the same place and laughed. His goal should have been achieved. When he just spoke, he had heard it. The other party stood in the yard, so he could make those words clear. This is not only for the people in front of Tianxin, but also for the courtyard where he just stood. Now it is obvious that he has succeeded.

Xu Qian did not look at Xu Chang, but directly looked at the person in front of her and said! "Xuchang can, can take up the whole family, before my father and I are too spoiled, so Xuchang may not know anything, but now my father has died, I will do my best, don't give what I know to my brother, my brother can take up the whole family, absolutely won't let other people laugh at our family."

Xu Xi's words are firm, maybe she still has some mustard in her heart, but this kind of mustard is not worth mentioning in the face of blood relationship.

"Sister..." Xu Chang didn't expect to treat his sister so coldly in the room just now. He had already figured out everything for a while. He was indeed worthy of being taught by his father.

"Xu Xi, you don't have to feel too bad. Although you did lose this position, you gained more freedom and happiness. If you sit in this position, you may not be happy all your life. But now that your brother is sitting in this position, you can rely on your brother to pursue your own happiness." Qi Tianyu can only comfort him. After all, things can't be changed now."You don't have to persuade me. I know what you want to say in my heart. Although I've been suffering for so many days, and I said some bad things to my brother when I just woke up, actually I know what to do in my heart. I'll be my father's revenge. I'll revenge my brother and I'll educate him well. You don't have to worry about the rest." Xu Xi was really uncomfortable, but she knew what to do.

"That's good. Anyway, it will be over sooner or later, but your blood relationship will never be broken." Qi Tianyu is not ready to say anything more. After all, he is just an outsider. If he says more, it may be counterproductive. Let time kill everything.

"Sister Thank you Xu Chang just forced his tears to flow out. He didn't expect that his sister could even say that to himself after all this.

"Don't cry, you silly boy. I'm not only for you, but also for myself. If I have this thing in my heart all the time, I will be very sad for the rest of my life. I can only choose to reconcile with you and myself." Xu Qian lowered her head slightly and became the old good sister again. After all, this is the real appearance of Xu Qian's heart.

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