Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2426

"Xu Xi, don't get excited. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. If we go so rashly, maybe there will be any danger. You said that your spiritual power has recovered. Just now I looked at your pulse and found that your spiritual power has not recovered at all. Now you still need to rest. You'd better be obedient and have a good rest in mufangcheng. I have someone under my command. I'll go to explore I'll let you know if I can Qi Tianyu sees that Xu Xi's mood is not very stable now. With the stimulation of killing her father, she may impulsively do something, which is not good for herself and them. Xu Xi is a little unhappy. She feels like a waste now. She can't be the head of the family, but also be a lady at home?

Xu Chang saw suddenly the contradiction turned between Qi Tianyu and Xu Qian, rushed up and said, "elder brother Qi, my elder sister is very strong. It doesn't matter. You can let my elder sister go with you. If my elder sister really doesn't support, we will have a rest nearby in mufangcheng."

Xu Xi just didn't speak and looked at Qi Tianyu with firm eyes. Qi Tianyu sighed. Knowing how to persuade him was useless, she had to nod her head and say, "OK, but now you have to listen to me. You can't act rashly. Do you hear me?" He thought that his strong words would make Xu Xi unhappy. He didn't expect that since Xu Xi didn't say anything, she nodded and said "yes" gently, which made Xu Chang feel strange. He looked back and forth between Xu Xi and Qi Tianyu and found a trace of ambiguity.

His sister was interested in Qi Tianyu, but now it's the pain of losing her father and the head of the family. Is it hard for him to think of Qi Tianyu now? Xu Chang thinks of Xu Xi's angry words about getting married just now, and thinks it's really like that. I don't know if his master has that interest.

Qi Tianyu naturally didn't think so much. He went out of the door to find his men. The Sheng family were still waiting for him in the Inn and needed to tell them the news.

As soon as Qi Tianyu left, the atmosphere between Xu Xi and Xu Chang became a little strange. Xu Xi frowned and did not speak. Xu Chang just got Xu Xi's forgiveness and did not dare to say anything. They just stood in silence for a while, but Xu Xi broke the silence. Her tone was the same as before. She looked at Xu Chang with an eyebrow and said, "what are you doing? Don't tell me what's going on at home. " Xu Chang was happy to hear Xu Xi say so. He jumped in front of Xu Xi in high spirits and began to talk about the current situation of his family. Xu Xi listened quietly and felt inexplicably that her brother had really grown up. Although he did something childish, he could at least keep Xu's family safe.

After a crackling talk, Xu Chang calms down and waits for Xu Xi's hair to fall. He feels that his sister must be choosy about him. Unexpectedly, Xu Xi's face is really good at this time. She smiles at Xu Chang, touches his head and says, "you're doing well."

"Really? Sister, you are not bluffing me, are you

"What do I want you to do? Now the two of us are dependent on each other in this family. A lot of things need to be solved by both of us. Dad's funeral has just been finished, and many seniors are still eyeing us. You must be careful, can you understand? "

"I see, sister. You'll be here with me, right?" Xu Chang's voice is very small. The feeling of fear in her tone makes Xu Xi feel a little sad for her brother. It seems that Xu Chang is really afraid of herself, and that she is really concerned about her brother in her heart. On the surface, she just beat or scold him.

"Don't worry, I must be here. This is our home."

"That's great. Sister, what you said just now about getting married is just angry, isn't it?" Hearing these words, Xu Xi's face darkened. She thought of what she had experienced along the way with Qi Tianyu. Even if she was a young woman, she also knew that Qi Tianyu didn't have much interest in her. It was only his own character that saved her several times. If it was someone else, he would save her. Maybe she was attracted by his uninhibited appearance, even if he didn't want to He didn't show any interest in her, and she couldn't let go of her attention.

Xu Chang knew that he had said something wrong. He immediately changed his words and said, "I'm a joking sister. I'm as beautiful as you. People who want to marry you are waiting in line. You can marry whoever you want. Isn't Xuzhou still looking through the autumn water? "

"Come on, don't be so mean. Let's go and meet the new housekeeper with me. There are still many things to be explained." Xu Xi knows that she can't indulge in the love between children now. Everything in front of her is more important than this. She pats Xu Chang on the shoulder and leads him to the service hall.

When Qi Tianyu saw his men, he found that they were wandering in the street. Seeing a stall there, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. Although the forbidden areas blocked him and it was very safe to ignore the world, the arrogants trapped inside also missed too much fun in the outside world As soon as Qi Tianyu thought of it, he felt more deeply that he wanted to take revenge on heixuan. He must overthrow heixuan, the dictator, and let the former holy places restore their prosperity. Instead of being trapped in one place, he can only live in hiding.Qi Tianyu stood by and looked at the Sheng family. When they saw Qi Tianyu, they immediately found out how stupid they were. They put down the gadgets on the stall, flew to Qi Tianyu and said, "zhutiandi, you've been out for too long, so we've come out for a walk."

Looking at his scared look, Qi Tianyu knew that they were scared by their anger last time. "It doesn't matter. If you want to go shopping, I'll take you out. It's not just to let you do things with me. Proper rest and entertainment are still necessary."

As soon as Qi Tianyu spoke, those people scattered and ran to the shops around happily. Qi Tianyu sat in a wine shop until they finished their shopping.

Sure enough, the people under Shengze were disciplined and restrained. After a while, they came. Looking at their endless look, Qi Tianyu knew that they hadn't visited yet, but he really didn't have more time for them now. After playing enough here, he said directly, "I've got the preliminary information about those people in black. Next, we're going to meet them. I think you've been in the cold pool all the time. They should not have seen you in the rosefinch forbidden area, so it's much easier to do things. You just need to dress up a little and don't scare the snake too early. "

"Everything depends on the emperor's arrangement."

"Don't call me zhutiandi any more. It's outside."

"I see!" It's another Mandarin. Qi Tianyu is used to it.

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