Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2429

I can't help but open my eyes when I hear this news. Who doesn't know the once famous holy land of rosefinch forbidden area in all the cities nearby. But no one ever found him. I didn't expect my father to find the location of the rosefinch forbidden area.

"Yes, the rosefinch forbidden area is close to us. It's just a little troublesome to go in. I can't even reach its edge with my ability now, but those ugly people are different. Although they only look at money, their ability is really great. They can go in and out of the rosefinch forbidden area at will, which really brings me a lot of treasures."

At this point, Chen Wu could not help but feel complacent. He felt that he might be the first person to find the rosefinch forbidden area. Although he was very grateful to the people in black, he had no respect for them. He despised their strange looking people and always called them ugly behind their back. So the statement also knew who Chen Wu was referring to.

"Baby, what baby is it?" The statement was still interested in this thing and quickly asked, but Chen Wu Mingxian didn't want to mention it. Just now, he was so excited that he let it slip. He didn't want anyone to know about it, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "this rosefinch forbidden area is where you always want to go. Do you really have no impression at all, you silly boy?"

He knew that his father was deliberately changing the subject, but he was even more shocked by the news. So he ignored his father's little trick, but quickly asked with his words, "are you talking about holy land? The holy land that came to us to recruit people. "

"Yes, they are the rosefinch forbidden area."

"Father, are you sure? But I've never heard of it. Have you been cheated by those people in black? "

"How can it be? They don't dare to cheat me. If they take my money, they have to work hard. Don't worry. The news is true, son. You can't say it freely, or you will be killed. Although those people in black have great skills, it's still impossible to fight against the whole rosefinch forbidden area. You must keep your mouth, you know? "

"Of course I know, father, don't worry. Is there anything else I don't know? Tell me all about it. "

"No, no, nothing. These things are enough for you to digest. Go out, your father. I have other things to do. I don't have time to chat and tell stories with you." Chen Wu suddenly stood up, pulled up the statement and drove him out.

"Dad, you haven't finished. You can finish with me."

Chen Wu said that he didn't want to leave. He finally had such an opportunity to talk so much. Of course, he couldn't give up easily. Chen Wu was adamant, "I'll talk about it later. I'll talk about it later. What's your hurry? I have business to do now. Go out quickly." Chen Wu pushed him out of the door and forced the door shut.

When he wants to push the door in again, he finds that Chen Wu has set a barrier nearby, and he can't get in at all. He turns around helplessly to leave. It turns out that not far away, two people in black are walking towards him, the two he sees most. One is not like a normal person, and the other is not like a normal person The most impressive.

When he saw the statement, the short man was still interested in joking with him. His voice was very sharp, as if it was piercing. "Isn't this Chen Wu's son who doesn't get out of the gate? Why are you thinking about going out today? "

If he used to make statements, but he didn't even have the interest to look at them. Today is different. He has a smile on his face. Instead, he says gently to them, "I'm here to talk to my father. Are you here to talk to my father?"

"Ah, it's really strange that this boy talked to us. Before, his eyes were higher than the top, and he used to look at people with his nostrils?" The tall man could not help but sneer. Although his tone was very heavy, his eyes were cool. He looked at him up and down and felt uncomfortable.

He resisted the discomfort and continued with a smile. "Brother, I was not sensible before, so don't worry about it. I'll apologize to you seriously. Please forgive me."

"The sun is really coming out in the West. Forget it. Since you are so quiet, next time, we are not small bellied. Boy, let's sell your face."

"Thank you. Thank you very much. You are really good people, two big brothers."

"Forget the good guys. We're not good guys." The tall man laughed a few times, as if he had heard a good joke.

"Come on, I don't have time to talk with him. Let's go in." The short man was not interested in making a statement, and went straight to Chen Wu's door.

The tall man followed him and said, "you're a man who looks at his face. If you're interested in talking to us in the future, you can come. Don't stay in the room all day. You're like a girl's house, because you can't get out of the door."

I didn't expect to get the good intentions of the tall man so easily. I was very happy to state my mind, but I didn't dare to show it too obviously. "OK, I'll go to see you when I have time, and I'll take you to the most interesting place in mufang city.""What's the most interesting part? Is it a woman's nest? " The tall man picked his eyebrows and his eyes were very obscene.

The statement was still a half year old. When he heard the obvious meaning, he turned red and couldn't speak. The short man waited in front of him for a while. Seeing that he still couldn't come, he couldn't help roaring out, "what are you doing there? It's a real conversation. Come on, don't waste time. "

"Screw him, he's the one who breaks things most every day." The tall man murmured, and a flash came to the door.

In front of his eyes, he didn't feel anything. When he came back, he found that the two of them had entered the door. "It's terrible. What kind of people are they?" Statement can not help but sigh.

At this time, Qi Tianyu was waiting for the letter of statement in the inn, and there was no sign until late at night. Knowing that he would not come today, he was ready to have a rest.

But not long after lying down, there was a knock on the door, and a familiar female voice said, "did you sleep? I have something to say to you

Qi Tianyu didn't want to open the door and didn't know what Xu Xi thought? I always come to him in the middle of the night. Is there anything I can't say in the daytime? So he was ready to pretend to sleep.

But Xu Xi seemed to know what he was thinking. "I know you're not sleeping. Open the door, or I'll break in."

What else can we do for such a woman? Qi Tianyu sighed and got out of bed to open the door for him.

"I knew you didn't sleep. You just didn't want to see me, did you?"

"No, I was woken up by you."

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