Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2434

"I understand that this situation is not the time to say that. I can only help you to finish this work first." The statement nodded in agreement. After all, it's impossible for two people to be together in spite of their father's revenge.

"I said why you agreed to stand on our side so happily before. It turns out that there are other reasons besides other reasons. It seems that I didn't take into account the relationship between you." Qi Tianyu saw that the other party had temporarily put down his mind, and he couldn't help laughing.

The statement is worthy of being the young master of the Chen family. After listening to the other party's words, he straightened out his mood and immediately returned to the way he had just come in: "elder brother Qi, the news I can get today is these two. I haven't got any other news yet. I can only come step by step. The rest depends on you until I see those black clothes When people want to go out, I'll send someone to inform you immediately. As for the treasure, if you want to go in and have a look, you should inform me in advance to see if there is any way to lower the position of my father's study a little bit. But you know, my father's study is bound by him. No matter how hard I try, it's not easy for you to go in. " State what you know as much as you can.

"It's not difficult for us to find the whereabouts of those people in black with that person when you send someone to come, but I don't know what the strength of those people in black looks like now. If they are particularly powerful, I don't want to kill them directly with others. After all, it's not a good thing for us, otherwise Well, you can send someone to inform me quietly, and then I will follow them directly and quietly. I believe that with my own strength, they will not find me, and I can find their base camp. It will be easy to do other things at that time. " Qi Tianyu had already recognized the person in front of him, so he also told him his plan. After all, if he was allowed to know more information, he would be much better than himself.

"That's good. After all, those people in black are cruel and mean, and they only have money. As long as they give more money, they seem to be willing to do anything. In these years, I've never heard that they can't do anything, so their strength should be relatively high. But don't worry, because I've seen them before. I'm here with them The strength you feel on your body is far less than you, so you will pass by. If you follow, there will be no other problems. " Statement in his heart to judge the strength of the two sides, and finally gave a positive response.

"Well, let's make this decision for the time being, but as for how to explore the baby, in my opinion, there should be more things behind the baby. If we can learn more about the baby, it will be helpful for our later behavior." Qi Tianyu paid more attention to the treasure in his heart. After all, he came out this time to look for the treasure. As long as he could find the treasure, he would have the hope to revive the rosefinch.

"It's really difficult. Although I can move freely in it, I can't go to my father's calligraphy at will. If my father is in the study, I can't go in so casually. After all, I never care about these things before. It's a surprise that I can go in at will today, and then I can go in at will It's impossible to go. As for my father's absence, there will be a big border left in the study. At that time, no matter how powerful people are, they have to take off at least one layer of skin. This is too difficult. " The statement pondered for a while, but still shook his head. He didn't think of a way to get in and out at will. Moreover, he didn't know where his father had hidden the treasure. He couldn't really be in the table.

"You see if you can draw me a map of your clothes. Although I have lived there before, I still don't know much about the terrain inside you. You can draw a map for me, and then study where I can get in. By the way, you can also give me a schedule of your assistant manager's guards, and I'll see if I can avoid those Guard. " Qi Tianyu directly orders the opposite person to do things. After all, he may not be at ease with his predecessors. But now that he knows that the person in front of him likes Xu Xi, his doubts are basically gone. After all, when he is facing Xu Xi, he is really different from usual.

"Of course, I can give you the topographic map and guard list, but I don't think these things mean so much to you. After all, it's easy for you to find the address of the study or avoid the guard. Even if you and the guard are directly facing each other, they have no chance to win. Naturally, you can send them directly without disturbing others The guards were killed, but the most important thing is that you can't get into my father's study. " Statement directly agreed to come down, but also expressed their concerns.

"Then what? We can't just go underground. " Qi Tianyu was not noticed for a while. After all, he was really not good at these things, so he could only say it half jokingly."This method is feasible, but it takes too long for the excavator to arrive." The statement responded with a smile in the middle of the night, and neither of them took it seriously.

"Who's right? There are already some in your father's study. As long as we can find another exit, we can go straight through the tunnel, and no one will stop us." Qi Tianyu didn't bother to think about those things. After all, it's time to have a rest, so he made a bold guess according to his original idea. Of course, it's just a guess.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that brother Qi would make such a joke one day. Let's do it first. If I don't go back, my father may find out. As for what I told you, you should think about it carefully and see if there are any other good ways." After looking at the sky outside, I have been here for some time. It's time to go back first, so I say goodbye directly.

"OK, you can go back first. Pay attention to safety and hide your identity after you go back. If you don't expose it early, we will be on the verge of success or failure." Qi Tianyu also stood up to see off the guests, and asked him once more by the way.

"Of course I understand. You can rest assured." Statement nodded not to let the other party send more, directly out of the door.

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