Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2443

Qi Tianyu had been sitting on the opposite side, holding a wine cup in his hand, sipping the wine, and then listening to the information revealed in the conversation between the two people on the opposite side. But now that he has come to this stage, you can't always sit here as the background.

"Little brother, you don't have to be so nervous. We are all friends. We are very happy to make new friends. It's understandable that we drink a lot all at once. Besides, I think your eldest brother's wine is also good. There is no big noise after getting drunk. It's just a little too much talk. Is there anything else you can't let people know? Come on, little brother, you sit next to the bar and drink. Although I'm not good at it, it's no problem to protect you. Let's have a few more drinks. Let's get out of here and have a few more drinks together Qi Tianyu still hopes to get more from this trip, so he pretends to be a drunkard and doesn't want to leave this place at all.

Qi Tianyu's words were both soft and hard. First he gave a stick, then he gave a sweet date, so that the man in black standing next to him had nothing to say. Then he had to sit next to him, hoping that his elder brother would not say more.

"I really don't think you are wrong. You and I are the same group. If you are not so old now, I really hope you can join us. When the time comes, we will live together, so I don't have to live with the person who I don't like and she doesn't like me at all." The tall man in black saw his new brother, and in a few words sent away the man standing beside him. He felt more and more that he was his good brother.

"How do you say that? I was just thinking of asking if I could join you. Do you have any age requirements? " Qi Tianyu always asked what the other party said at this time. After all, if he said more, he would reveal more information.

"It's not the age requirement, but it's the more strict participation. All of us are orphans, and they were picked up by us when we were young. So you are so old that you already have your own understanding, and your strength is so strong that you can't join us at all, so you should put out your mind." The tall man in black waved his hand at will. Obviously, he was not interested in the other side's question at all. It was impossible.

"Then the people over there should have a good relationship. After all, they grew up together." Qi Tianyu can only say casually to lure the other side to reveal more information.

"It's hard to say that we have a good relationship. After all, when we got there, we were all orphans, and we were lonely, so we didn't know much about each other. Although we knew that we were all orphans, we didn't know much about other identities and backgrounds. Besides, when we studied Kung Fu, we all studied separately, and we were just companions before each other Practice the relationship, either you die or I die, every day will be hit by each other up a relationship, how can it be so intimate The tall man in black obviously scoffed at this statement.

"I didn't expect that. I thought that you should be like a big family. You should have a good relationship with each other. Your classmates should be in the state of your party. When you were orphans, they not only brought you back there, but also gave you a home for you to eat, wear, cultivate, and teach you He should be very kind to you. " Qi Tianyu is most curious about what the tall man in Black said.

"I'm not sure about that. We all have complex feelings for us. On the one hand, as you said, we have helped us so much. Even animals know how to repay us with gratitude, lambs kneel on their knees, crows feed us back, and people are not plants. Who can be merciless? Even if we are no longer things, we should remember this kindness. Of course, in our hearts, it is us The head is respected by everyone. But on the other hand, we all know that our head has no feelings for us when we were young. We just want us to pay attention to what he does, or to be exact, to find something. " When the tall man in Black said this, his expression was very tangled, which was completely different from the state just now.

"It seems that I overheard your sadness again. In this way, you really should have complex feelings, but I think what you just said is quite correct. He has trained you for so long. Even for the sake of security, you should be very respectful and loving. Your boss is right." Qi Tianyu changed his position at any time. At this time, he felt that the tall man in black still respected the boss in his heart, so he also stood on his side.

"Our boss is really a poor man. Although our boss only trained us and asked me to help him, our boss is actually like this because he suffered some emotional setbacks in the past. I don't think our boss is so indifferent to us. It's not his original intention, it's just that I don't know how to express it. After all, our boss has adopted us for so many years. Of course, he has feelings. " In his heart, the tall man in black still feels that he respects his boss very much, so he is still making excuses for him."I agree with everything you said before, but what you said now is not right. After all, according to what you said, your boss should be really powerful. Is there any woman who doesn't like such a powerful man? If it's emotional frustration, it should be your boss who dumped other women." Qi Tianyu said this sentence half seriously and half jokingly.

"I didn't expect that we should have talked about this. Let's talk about it with you. Anyway, it's just my guess. Even if we talk about it with you, there's no big problem." The tall man in black naturally knows that there are some things that he can't talk about. Even if he is drunk, it's a kind of disclosure from the bottom of his heart. He has to insist on it. But it's not confidential at all. It's just a guess of the following people. So the man in black standing next to him didn't stop the tall man in black.

"Well, let's talk about it. I'll judge it for you. Let's talk about it. I'd like to hear it in detail." Qi Tianyu also has an injection. Since his holiday, he can sit at the table and listen carefully.

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