Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2451

"Hey, why don't you talk all the time? Are you angry with me?" The short man in black and the tall man in black walked back side by side, but no one spoke at all along the way. When they got to the door, the man in black finally couldn't help but poke the sleeve of the people around him.

"Isn't that nonsense? If you didn't suddenly run out and fight me, big brother would not suddenly appear, not only that, but also you know? My new brother used to have a drink with him, but it didn't take long for her to stand in front of me and fight with me like that, and because he is our big brother, do you think I can be reconciled to this? "

On the one hand, the tall man in black is really angry with the short man in black, because all these things were picked up by the short man in black. If the man in black didn't mind his own business, none of these things would happen now. But on the other hand, the main reason is not this. The doubt about what happened today is that the brother is self-evident I've just got to know him, and I've agreed to go out and play with him. But in a flash, that brother and his elder brother are mixed together, and even abdicate from the throne. It's amazing that he's still a god chaser, and he can't accept it.

"Don't talk about it. I don't care about what happened in a few days. You talk about what you did. You took all these brothers to the brothel. Not only that, you even drank like that and told all the secrets. I tell you, today, my elder brother was forced to abdicate. Maybe it's your credit." Although the short man in black took the initiative to speak, it does not mean that the short man in black thinks what he has done is wrong. Not only that, the short man in black is still dissatisfied with what the tall man in black has done today.

"What are you talking about? Obviously that person is so powerful. Even if you fight with elder brother directly, elder brother is not necessarily an opponent. How can you completely blame me for elder brother's abdication? You are too unreasonable. "

The tall man in black now feels that it's not right for him to run out today, but he still can't accept the words that the man in Black said to himself.

"Well, well, I just said that in my anger. I didn't mean that. You see, we've got so many spirit stones. We've been accumulating for such a long time, and all we've got is just these. So we're lucky for this thing. As long as we learn from the lessons, don't do this in the future? We still have to fight together. " The short man in black naturally knows that it's not the time to worry about that. The most important thing is to get rid of the heart knot, because in the future, he still needs to act with the tall man in black.

"Yes, speaking of this, I'm even more angry. Tell me about Chen Wu. He's still a member of his family. Every time he says that he gives us a lot of money, but now we see other people. We know that the money he gives us is so little. A person can take it out casually. After we have done these actions, he gives us the money It means that the person is cheating us completely

The tall man in black is even more angry when he mentions this. After all, the previous event is not so important to them. After all, his own strength is placed here. It doesn't matter who the person is. As long as he can tolerate them outside, even get money or give them enough gold and silver, as long as it is like this, They are willing to work for anyone, but now they are even more angry. In fact, it is the former master of Chen family who cheated him and said that he could give a lot of money. Now it seems that the experience given is just a drop in the bucket, which is too bullying.

"I remember that at that time. It doesn't matter. Anyway, we're going back here. For a while, boss Xin didn't ask us to do anything. Let's go and see Chen Wu." After hearing each other's words, the short man in black naturally understands what the other person is thinking. The short man in black also nods. After all, he thinks so in his heart.

To tell you the truth, although there is a little difference between tall people in black and short people in black in their style of doing things, they are similar in nature, except that short people in black are more rigorous in their way of doing things.

Although these people in black have studied together since childhood, they have no love for each other at all. It's just that these two people are similar in character, so they can go out together and help each other. But it's not rare to fight with each other like today.

"Hey, wait a minute. Didn't the new boss tell us not to let us do something for that little profit? What are we going to do with that man now? I'm annoyed to see that man's face now. If we don't have to go to his home, I really want to overturn his home. " But now the tall man in black thinks there is no solution.

"Who said that I would go to him, want to continue to cooperate with him, and get so little benefit from him? I want to go back and tell him not to treat us as fools and cheat us. The two tasks we gave him before were so strong, and we brought back so many things to her. Shouldn't he give us more money? Let's go to him to bully and cajole us and ask him to pay us more. " The short man in black laughs. Although he has got some compensation from Qi Tianyu, he has also made a lot of compensation because the fight he just had with the tall man in black did damage many things. Now his heart is bleeding. If he can get more from this master, it would be a good thing."You're right. Although the new boss said that we can't continue to cooperate with each other and can't continue to do things for him because of his petty profit, he didn't say that we can't pursue the previous reward. Let's hurry over and ask him for more money. At least we have to make up for the part of money we compensate today." The tall man in black suddenly got excited, as if he had not been injured before.

The short man in black doesn't say much anymore. If two people are not together every day, they really don't want to talk to this guy. They are not only simple minded and well-developed, but also don't have any stratagems at all. Can't the tall man in black really think that he wants to find that person, just to pursue his previous reward? It's too much to look down on yourself. Naturally, what you want is more.

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