Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2487

"Well, that's OK. As long as someone keeps looking at it, it won't disappear. Unless you put it on your legs and no one will look at it for a long time, it will disappear automatically." Li Yi quickly disposed of the whole book, and then handed it to Qi Tianyu, who was sitting opposite him.

Qi Tianyu didn't care to be polite to each other any more, so he opened his things to see what the man had recorded over the years.

Sure enough, all the records in this pamphlet are the things that Lan Yuan has done for so many years.

"I didn't expect that the magnificent rosefinch would really be so stupid. I simply set a trap, and the other party jumped in and waited. Soon the other party would die. This place is mine!"

"Rosefinch is really dead. I can't believe that she died in front of me like that, and I've got all the seals of rosefinch ahead of time. Even if some people disobey me, they are shocked by the pictures of rosefinch that I revealed. They will never know that those pictures are just written by me by chance, not by me at all Taught me by hand. Ha ha, I succeeded. I really succeeded! "

"Shengze, the old man, dare not obey my orders. Now I've been obeying my orders. Do you think he can get any support alone? Wait, I'll make Sheng Ze unable to stay in the Zhuque forbidden area. "

"Sheng Ze has left. Now no one dares to refute my opinion face to face. From now on, I am the only king here!"

"Before the death of rosefinch, I collected part of the soul in rosefinch's body into the beads I carried with me. But I didn't expect that I found a magical thing in rosefinch's room these two days. The spirit summoning fruit could help to control the soul. Was it possible to put rosefinch's soul into my body through some changes What about the inside? Although I have become the only net now, I know that my own strength is still lacking. If I can really put all the strength of rosefinch on me, I will not be afraid of anything... "

"Fools, they are all fools, but thanks to these people, I can really do this step. I gather all those people together, and then let their spiritual power help me raise the spirit fruit. The fruit ability raised in this way will be much greater than before, and it will certainly have unexpected effects!"

"Sure enough, I know that after the improvement, the strength of this thing has been greatly enhanced. Today, for the first time, I successfully used that fruit to help me extract a person's soul from the body. That soul can even speak and speak in the table. I've succeeded, and I'm really about to succeed!"

At the bottom of this passage, it even records all the detailed process of how to extract the soul from a living person step by step. Although it is very cruel, it is really of great significance to Qi Tianyu.

"After many experiments, I found that if I want to transfer the soul of rosefinch to my own body, I must need a strong soul. But now the soul of rosefinch is still very weak. I have to find a suitable body to help cultivate the soul..."

This paragraph should be corresponding to Fang min, Lanyuan should find such a suitable body in the near future.

"Ten, that's the number. As long as I can gather ten spirit summoning fruits and put them in the position of the spirit gathering array, when the rosefinch's soul is fully mature, I have 90% confidence that I can put the rosefinch's soul into my own body!" When Lan Yuan wrote this line of words, his notes were a little erratic, obviously in the extreme excitement.

Qi Tianyu saw that his little guess had become a reality in this book. He didn't know what he felt inside. On the one hand, he was glad that his previous ideas had been proved by some experiments in this book, but on the other hand, he felt a little uncomfortable. After all, the things recorded in this book were too bloody and cruel .

There are two souls in Fang min's body. It's difficult to operate them, but the people in Lan Yuan's experiment have only one soul. After taking away the soul, that person has almost lost his life.

His resurrection rosefinch was built on such a basis. Qi Tianyu felt uncomfortable.

"Zhutian Di, you don't have to look like this. I have just seen what is written in the book. But you should know that if you don't do this last step, all the previous sacrifices will be in vain. On the contrary, if you can really revive, all the previous sacrifices will be meaningful." Li Yi was not a good man, so when he said such comfort, he didn't have much in mind.

Qi Tianyu nodded casually and accepted the other side's comfort.

"How about elder brother Qi? Did you ask? Does the other party still refuse to tell the truth? " Fang min saw Qi Tianyu walking in front of him. He didn't even find himself. He couldn't help asking.

"No, I didn't go to him." Qi Tianyu replied."Don't you want to go to that man? Or I'll go. Anyway, I'm quite familiar with that man. " Fang min doesn't want to see the person standing opposite showing such an expression, so even if he doesn't want to see that person again, he still says.

"No, I didn't go to him, but I already know the solution. It's just that the above things are too shocking." Qi Tianyu threw out the things in his hand. Anyway, the people standing opposite also participated in this matter all the time. It was nothing to let her know.

"I know that man is doing all kinds of evil things, but I never know that he should be so reckless. These people have no interest in him, just because they are more in line with the deep, they were arrested by him to do experiments, and almost failed. These people all died on his experimental platform..." Fang min can't speak for a moment after reading it. After all, although these have been guessed before, they are still less powerful than when they are seen directly.

Qi Tianyu has slowed down a little for such a long time. By then, he will have a new idea. After all, that person is too similar to rosefinch: "you don't have to be like this. Hasn't he got the corresponding punishment, as long as we can do things well?"

Fang min had a little understanding of this matter before. After all, he had the soul of rosefinch in his body, so he was not too surprised. He just couldn't accept it for a moment: "it's OK, I can. Don't delay it."

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