Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2490

Qi Tianyu licked his lips nervously. He had not been so nervous for a long time, but during this time, he had been nervous two or three times.

But now that Zhu Yi has been studying the body for such a long time, I want to ask him, "if you want to use the body to study the soul? Is it Fang min, the original owner? "

When Qi Tianyu asked this question, he was also upset. After all, he had said that Fang min would be kept intact. But since he knew that rosefinch could be revived, he very much hoped that rosefinch could have a very complete life. A more complete life naturally includes both soul and body.

The soul of rosefinch is in Fang min's body now. If you want to complete it better, of course, keeping the soul in this body is the best result. However, if you really arrange it like this, Fang min is too unfair. After all, it is the body of Fang min.

But if I extract the soul of rosefinch, where should I put the soul of rosefinch? If there is not a perfect concrete, is this also a complete resurrection?

"Zhutian Di, you should have thought about this for a long time, didn't you? After all, it's a matter of time before two souls share one body. " When Li Yi first heard about it, he knew that there must be such a difficulty, and this difficulty is totally unavoidable.

"I know, but at first I was dazzled by the joy of resurrection, so I didn't take these things into consideration. When things got closer, I realized how difficult it was."

This is the reason why I am more and more depressed in recent years. After all, no one knows whether this matter will have a good result, and what is the best result?

"Zhutiandi, since you have asked today, I will tell you the truth. After all, the situation is such a situation. We should know how to deal with it. What I can tell you is that we can only see the situation at that time. Come on, you can't say now to ensure Fang min's safety. After all, if her body and the soul of rosefinch are better at that time If we add matching, we will never take more risks to extract the soul of rosefinch, but if Fang min's soul and body are more matched, don't blame me. We can only extract the soul of rosefinch. "

Li Yi has taken the initiative to assume the responsibility of the main role at that time. After all, although Qi Tianyu may be a little more powerful in the skill, he is far less familiar with this matter than the person in front of him.

So as early as before, the two people had discussed this issue not long after they met, and the final result was that Li Yilai was mainly responsible for it, while other people were nearby to protect the Dharma.

"Well." Qi Tianyu agreed briefly, which was similar to what he had thought before. After all, no one knew what happened at that time, so he could only talk about it at that time.

"Zhutiandi, you don't have to do this. No one is sorry for this matter. If there is a right or wrong, the wrong person must be the elder who died before, not you." Li Yi knows that Qi Tianyu may not be able to pass his own test, but he doesn't think it has much to do with the other party.

"I know what you say is reasonable. Let's do it first. By the way, when shall we start?" Qi Tianyu has never been an indecisive person. It's just that this matter involves the lives of his confidants and many innocent people. That's why he feels so bad. But after thinking it out, he naturally won't be like what he just did.

"What do you think? Now that the preparatory work over there has been done, I've looked through all the situations I can encounter to ensure that these operations are thoroughly familiar. Anyway, as long as you think it's appropriate, we can start at any time. " Li Yi thought it over silently in his heart and found that there was nothing missing, so he said directly.

"By the way, Fang min just told me that he would still have a headache after taking those drugs recently. Is there anything wrong with this?" Qi Tianyu remembered what the girl had just said and asked for help.

"This is not a big problem. It should be a normal phenomenon. After all, that medicine will strengthen the soul power in the body more or less. Fighting two souls in the body will certainly make the body uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter. At the same time, I also add the measurement of strengthening the body's ability, so it shouldn't cause too much impact." Li Yi thought about it for a while and seriously replied that, after all, this matter is very important.

"That's good, or we'll start the day after tomorrow." Qi Tianyu saw that everyone was ready, so he didn't drag on any longer, so as not to dream too much.

"That's OK. I'll arrange all the things. You'll have an agreement with the people over there. Let's do it completely." Li Yi thought for a long time and could only come up with such an adjective. After all, no one can say that he can be perfect for an unknown thing.

Qi Tianyu regained his resolute face and went out of the door without hesitation. Now it's time to put an end to all this.Li Yi's eyes are also very complicated when he looks at Qi Tianyu's back. After all, the difficulty of this matter is much more difficult than all the things he encountered before. Even though he has turned the book that rosefinch left to him many times during this period, there is no detailed introduction to this matter at all, so he can only do it according to some existing experience Judging by experience, we don't know what kind of result things can get, and even if the best result happens, it is just to pull out one of the souls, just like the initial state. Unless we can find a suitable body, there will be no real resurrection.

Forget it. Anyway, this matter is just a thought. As long as we can extract the soul very well at that time and ensure that one of the souls and the body are perfectly matched, it is equivalent to solving more than half of this matter. Even if there is no suitable body for the moment, we can take good care of the soul and find a suitable one later We'll arrange it later.

Li Yi didn't drill in the dead end for too long. After thinking about it, he immediately sat back at his desk, hoping that he could know more in a short day or two, in case there were things he didn't understand or didn't understand, so as not to make it worse because of his mistakes.

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