Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2493

"Even if we are carefully cultivated for three years at most." Li Yi stressed it again, and added all the additional conditions. Although we all worked very hard, it was only three years.

Qi Tianyu closed his eyes. He didn't think it was like this. As a result, he once thought that because he hadn't found a suitable body, he could only temporarily aggrieve rosefinch or Fang min to stay in the bead. But he would find a suitable body and put his soul in as soon as possible, but no one thought that there were still times Although I very much hope that I can release my soul as soon as possible, who can guarantee that I can do it within three years?

"Well If I mean, what happens to the soul if we don't find the right body in three years? " Qi Tianyu didn't have the heart to hear the answer, but he had to know all the consequences of this thing clearly, otherwise it would be too irresponsible.

"You know that, don't you? The soul is a very fragile thing. It's not easy for us to toss about like this. It's all because the soul of rosefinch is relatively strong, so we can do this. If it's ordinary people, the soul has already been scattered in the previous process. Now if we can't find a suitable one within three years, the result is just like just now That's what they said Li Yi didn't give a direct answer either, but the meaning behind the words is just the worst result.

"What if it's Fang min?" Qi Tianyu looked at the girl who didn't listen to the conversation. If it wasn't for herself and other people, the girl should be carefree and would not be in such a situation.

Fang min was supposed to have her own body. There is no doubt about that. But because of a thing in her childhood, her body was in line with the previous situation, so she had to encounter such a thing. Now after this incident, she doesn't even know whether she can keep her body. That is to say, the girl in front of her is very sensible That's why he promised himself. Qi Tianyu felt a strong sense of reluctance.

"Zhutian Di, you should know that the time I mentioned before is completely based on the strong soul of rosefinch. If you change to an ordinary soul, it will be less than three years, let alone Fang min." Li Yi was obviously stunned. After all, he only came here to revive the rosefinch. Although he has said that the soul extraction this time might leave the rosefinch's soul on Fang min and extract Fang min's soul, he did not take it as a whole.

After all, even if the soul of the rosefinch is too strong, it is very unlikely that the original owner of the body will become the master of the body. Therefore, the main idea of extracting the soul this time is to extract the soul of the rosefinch.

But if it's Fang min, Fang min's body has always had two souls because of such a thing since he was a child. The soul of rosefinch is very strong even if it is dilapidated, so it will lead to Fang min's own soul becoming very fragile. If this fragile soul is extracted, the other party may not live for a few days.

"Then what? Do we still have to do this? " Li Yi asked this question for the first time. After all, although he had great doubts about the feasibility of this matter before, he still felt that he had to do it. Until now, looking at the girl next to him, he even felt unfair as a stranger.

"Things have come to this point, so you have to do it, but when you do it, you must try your best to extract the soul of rosefinch. Only when you extract the soul out, all the worries behind will not happen. And this is the fair way to return everything to its original position. As for the soul of rosefinch, as long as there are three years, I will be happy I promise to find the right body in three years. I'm willing to do anything for this. " Although Qi Tianyu was very sad, after all, these people were all his friends, not to mention his confidants, but he had to make such a decision, otherwise, wouldn't all these things be in vain?

"Well, anyway, what we're thinking now is nothing to worry about. As far as I'm concerned, what we're going out for a while is more likely to extract the soul of rosefinch. In this way, not only rosefinch has a great chance to revive, but even the girl next to you can recover to a normal person without taking medicine, and she won't have a headache." Li Yi also nodded. After all, the best result is to return everything to its original position.

"Well, let's start. As for this matter, you don't have to tell the girl next to you for the time being. Go ahead and give her a surprise. When Fang min opens her eyes next time, it's all over." Qi Tianyu didn't want to disturb each other at such a critical moment.

"I know what you mean. After all, the calmer the other party is now, the better things will be for Yi Hua." Li Yi also means that. Since she has explained the priorities and consequences of things to girls before, she doesn't need to say it again now, otherwise the other party may be too nervous."Well, I'll go to the side to help you guard now. You can start now." Qi Tianyu nodded to the other side, obviously gave everything here to the person in front of him. Now only the person in front of him can guarantee the smooth completion of this thing.

Li Yi also raised his hand and patted the person opposite him on the shoulder, saying that he could reassure the other party.

"Fang min, here we go." Li Yi waves his opponent to lie on the stone bed.

Qi Tianyu, however, had already started. He immediately went to the side, waved his hand and threw out an array. He was determined not to let anyone near here and disturb the things inside.

"Brother Li Yi, if I can't wake up, please tell Fang Zhong that I understand him, but now I have to disappoint him. Let him find a good man and live happily for the rest of his life, and then forget me." After Fang min lay down, the most sorry thing in her heart was Fang Zhong, the man who accompanied her childhood and gave her the only warmth.

Li Yi didn't have any extra expression towards these people. He just nodded, picked up the scroll beside him and threw it to the ground. It was a gathering spirit array.

While Li Yi throws out this array, the people on the bed have fallen into a complete coma, and this matter is about to officially begin.

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