Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2496

Qi Tianyu puts his whole body and mind on the bead, and takes the bead as his life-saving straw. He doesn't notice that Fang min behind him has slowly opened his eyes, but Li Yi does. He steps forward to help Fang min. Fang min is very weak, confused, and dull. He looks at the unknown direction. Li Yi knows that she hasn't fully responded, He called Fang min gently. Fang min looked at him reflexively. After a long time, he said weakly, "what's the matter?"

Her voice was very soft and her whole face was bloodless. Li Yi thought that he had made an irreversible impact on her, so he immediately started to pulse for her. When he found that there was nothing unusual, he calmed down and told him, "it's all over. Don't worry." Fang min nodded. She felt that it was difficult for her to speak. She thought that she had lived for a long time in her heart. At this time, she had seen everything clearly. She didn't expect that she could say a few words when she woke up. She was very happy.

She turned her eyes and saw Qi Tianyu standing beside holding the beads. She felt that his look was strange. Fang min moved and wanted to get out of bed. When she went, she accidentally fell to the ground. Qi Tianyu heard the voice behind him and turned to look at the weak Fang min. he calmed down and went forward to pick him up. She said, "you'd better have a rest. It's a pity If you make such a big move, don't hurt yourself. "

Fang min thought that he was a little strange. He frowned and said, "have a rest. What do you mean?"

Qi Tianyu smiles a little. Although the smile is a little stiff, he is still happy for Fang min from the bottom of his heart. "Just now we have cured you. Don't worry. Now you are a normal person, and you won't have to suffer this kind of torture any more."

Fang Min feels like she is dreaming when she hears this sentence Grabbing Qi Tianyu's wrist, his voice trembled and said, "what do you mean? Do you, do you say? "

"Yes, we chose you." Li Yi added. Fang min told the truth, there was a moment of joy in her heart, which almost washed away her guilt. But later, when she saw Qi Tianyu's face, she still couldn't help thinking of the powerful woman of rosefinch, who actually survived between her and rosefinch. She really couldn't accept it.

"Brother Qi, why are you doing this? Didn't you say that you could do anything for Lord rosefinch? Now you've made me live. What do you want me to do... "

"You silly girl, isn't it good to survive? Am I in your heart the kind of man who cares for others' lives for his own selfish desires? "

"No, but we have already said that..."

"Well, let's stop worrying about these things. You are still weak and need to take good care of yourself. Go outside. Fang Zhong is still waiting for you. He is still like a madman. Go out and have a look at him, or I'm afraid he will break in later."

"Is Fang Zhong outside? Did he do anything to you? " Fang min looked at his body carefully and saw a small wound on his shoulder. She immediately covered the wound with guilt and said to Qi Tianyu, "elder brother Qi is really sorry. I've tried my best not to let him know, but I don't know where he knew it."

"I didn't take it to heart. Stop talking about it and get out." Qi Tianyu pinches her and is ready to take her out because she knows that she can't make big moves now. Fang min couldn't help but shed tears in his arms. She felt that she was lucky and damned. She shouldn't have survived. She shouldn't have. A woman like rosefinch should have survived. She didn't need anyone except Fang Zhong.

Fang min was in Qi Tianyu's arms, so Qi Tianyu could feel her tears naturally. He was slightly shocked, so he patted her head and said, "don't feel guilty. It's not your fault. Don't worry. Your life will be back on the right track in the future. I should also thank you for your hard work."

"You mustn't say that, elder brother Qi. It's me. I should thank you." they hugged each other like this. For a moment, they were stunned. Qi Tianyu's whole mind had not come back from the shock of rosefinch talking to him just now. At this time, Fang min gave him a kind of illusion in his arms. He thought of the way rosefinch just laughed at him for a moment Some melancholy.

Li Yi feels embarrassed and doesn't know what to say when they embrace each other. Suddenly, the door is smashed open and Fang Zhong rushes in. He sees two people embracing each other. He thinks Qi Tianyu has really destroyed Fang min, because in his heart, Fang min won't hold a man so casually. He is filled with grief and indignation If you rush forward, you will fight with Qi Tianyu.

When he rushed to Qi Tianyu, Qi Tianyu also held Fang min and dodged his attack. He looked at him in amazement and yelled, "what are you doing?"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, you hypocrite, you selfish scum, you only have your love in your heart, you know how others feel." Qi Tianyu felt funny and could not help refuting him, saying, "I only have love in my heart. How about you? Now you are so crazy, don't you want to revenge for Fang min?"Fang Zhong was stunned by what he said, but he soon turned around. He was about to rush up with his weapon. He didn't want to talk nonsense with Qi Tianyu at all. At this time, his heart was full of sadness and anger, which made him almost lose his sense.

Fang min still hasn't recovered from the spiritual impact of Fang Zhong and Qi Tianyu. She is too weak now, but when she sees Fang Zhong with a ferocious face, she yells, "brother Fang, calm down, it's me, min'er."

Fang Zhong's weapon just stopped in the air. He looked at Fang min with unbelievable face. It was the familiar look and the familiar voice. He could hardly believe it. He asked word by word, "min'er, is that you?"

"It's me, brother Fang. Would you calm down? I've come back. I've come back completely. " Fang Zhong's weapon fell to the ground like this. He rushed forward and pulled Fang min over and held him in his arms. Such a 7-foot man could not help but shed tears. "Min'er, that's great. You're OK. You're really OK."

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