Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2500

"What are you worried about, master? Don't you know that he is the son of our father killer? He's our enemy, too, "

" Oh, isn't he? He's your enemy. Why don't you send him out? What do you do at home? " Xu Chang choked for a moment, "I'm, I'm taking him as a hostage. He hasn't played his role yet. How can I let it go easily?"

"you're dead duck. I don't want to talk about you. Do you still have time to chat with me? You don't need to comfort those people who work for you? "

"Can't use me," Xu Chang's face appeared a trace of anger, but he immediately pressed back.

Qi Tianyu felt something was wrong, "what's the matter? What happened? "

"Xuzhou is doing these things for me."

"why is Xuzhou here?"

"In fact, he came to help us, and his help was not small. The pride he brought was all powerful characters."

"He's here to help you?"

"Yes, I didn't think of it. I really don't know what this man thinks. Doesn't it mean that his family has formed an alliance with the Chen family? Xuzhou even brought people here. "

"You don't want to think so much. Since he is willing to help you, he is on your side. You must have a good relationship with him. It's not good for your family to act like a child."

"I know, but Shifu, you know the relationship between me and him before. It was Xuzhou. We..."

"It's all in the past, and you're not a child. Now you're the head of the Xu family. Don't mention it any more. Do you understand?" Qi Tianyu painstakingly said that Xu Chang also knew that he was really motivated, so he admitted that he was wrong, "OK, I'll go to him now and have a good talk with him. Master, would you like to join me? "

"I can't go."

"why?" Qi Tianyu naturally didn't want to tell Xu Chang what he had done to Xuzhou, otherwise he would cause a big disturbance again.

"Where do you come from? Just go by yourself." Inexplicably, Qi Tianyu roared, Xu Chang did not speak, and left.

Qi Tianyu returned to Xu Xi's room. As soon as he entered the room, Xu Xi said, "he went to Xuzhou, right?"

"I thought you were resting."

"That kid's voice is so loud, who can't hear him? I'm not deaf," Xu Xi touched her temple and felt a little tired.

"Don't worry about these things. Have a good rest."

"I'm not in the mood to rest now. I'm very upset."

"Because of Xuzhou, right?" Qi Tianyu sat down to chat with her.

"Of course, what do you mean by him? Their family has made an alliance with the Chen family, and he has come to help us. Aren't you afraid of the Chen family's trouble? "

"Maybe it's because of you."

"I don't have so much charm. Do you think I'm a fool? Xuzhou hates me."

"Maybe you think too much." Qi Tianyu can't say anything else except this. After all, he doesn't have a good impression of Xuzhou.

"I'd better go down and see the statement. I don't know how he is now. Where did you put him?"

"I shut him up in a secret room. No one can find him. I'm locked up with Xu Chang. Let me go and see him with you."

"In this case, I don't need to see it, and I don't need to go. You can rest assured that Xu Chang will be OK, and he will be OK."

"I don't want to see if he is OK, I just want to see if he is dead now." These two brothers and sisters are all dead ducks. Qi Tianyu doesn't speak any more.

Xu Xi raised her eyes and looked at Qi Tianyu's eyes. Her mouth moved, but she didn't say anything. Qi Tianyu saw that he wanted to talk and stopped, and asked, "just say what you want to say. I haven't seen you so hesitant."

"I just want to ask your friend, how is he now?" She asked tentatively, and Xu Xi knew that it was inappropriate for her to ask at this time, but she just couldn't help it.

"Xu Ling is really a big mouth, just came back soon let you know these things," Qi Tianyu helplessly shook his head, Xu Lin didn't come back much earlier than himself, maybe he joined the battlefield as soon as he came back, how can he still have time to say these things to Xu Xi, it's too unthinkable.

"You don't want to tell me, do you?" Qi Tianyu said in a cautious voice. Seeing her low voice, "there's nothing you can't say. I think my business is successful, but there is still a long way to go. She hasn't come back. "

" hasn't she come back yet? I thought you would succeed, "Xu Xi said regretfully. She was not gloating. Now she is not that unruly and willful young lady. She is naturally happy from her heart when she can make Qi Tianyu happy.

"Yes, but soon, I will find a way." Qi Tianyu clenched the Pearl in his storage bag, which was the incarnation of rosefinch in his heart. He could not help but look at him, just like he was thinking of others."I also believe you can find a way," Xu Xi comforted him and lay down slowly. She was really tired after all that she said.

Seeing that she really needed a rest, Qi Tianyu stood up and said, "I'll go first, so you can have a rest here for a while."

"well, you, you won't leave, will you?"

"Don't worry, I won't go now." Qi Tianyu didn't know why Xu Xi always liked to ask this question, as if he would disappear as soon as he left her sight. Naturally, he didn't study the question deeply, so he turned around and left. Xu Xi looked at his back and closed her eyes at ease.

After walking out of the door, they met Xu Ling and Chen mo. they had dressed the wound and were sitting in the hall chatting. Qi Tianyu went in and said, "what are you talking about? The expression is so dignified, "

" brother Qi, you're here just in time. I still have a lot of things I don't know. What's the matter today? No one has time to talk to me. "

"I know something, so I'll tell you," Qi Tianyu told him about the statement. Xu Ling's face was very bad. She patted the table and stood up. "Why do you want to leave that boy here? Isn't it a fire?"

"He's on your side and helped you."

"what's the help? The boy didn't ask us if we agreed to atone? It's ridiculous. How can we keep him now? Can his Laozi kill him? "

"Maybe Chen Wu can do it all the time."

"I don't believe it. Can he kill his only son? I'm going to see the statement and ask him well, "

" wait a moment, and your sister will sort out these things when she wakes up, OK? Now don't make trouble. You are seriously injured. Have a rest. "Qi Tianyu held her and didn't let her go to find a statement. He also knew some of the woman's temper. If he saw the statement, he wouldn't have suffered much.

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