Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2524

"Well, let's go down and have a look." Qi Tianyu didn't think about it any more. He adjusted his mood along the way and looked down on everything. After all, no matter what the situation was, he could handle it calmly.

Heifeng also knows that there is no other way now. She can only nod her head and fall directly in front of her own house. But even if she has done enough psychological preparation before, she is now in such a state in the face of her good home. Heifeng is still crying at the moment of landing.

Qi Tianyu used to have a little sympathy for women's crying, but the woman opposite was dark and mysterious. Naturally, Qi Tianyu didn't have a good feeling, so he could only suppress a little abnormality in his heart, and he didn't care whether the people around him pushed the door directly to go inside.

Heifeng also knew that it was useless to cry in front of her home, so when she saw the people around her walking in, she quickly wiped her tears and followed her.

Even if Qi Tianyu had never entered the Hong family before, he could not help sighing when he looked at his family for thousands of years.

Qi Tianyu was already like this, not to mention Heifeng, who collapsed on the ground when she saw the corpses lying everywhere in the yard.

"What can you do with your appearance? Obviously we're late, and not only that, it's been at least a while since these people died, even when you hear the news, it's too late to rush back immediately, so you don't have to feel so guilty. " Qi Tianyu is now able to comfort each other, which is his greatest kindness.

Heifeng turned a deaf ear to all kinds of voices from the outside world and wept on the ground wholeheartedly.

"Heifeng, you might as well go to your parents instead of crying here." Qi Tianyu didn't care about the other party's mood at this time. He just wanted to let the other party arrange everything here, and then he went to see the Heirloom himself. After all, that was the purpose of this trip.

After hearing the words of the people around her, Heifeng suddenly came to the spirit and ran into the room.

"Father -- mother --" although Heifeng knew that the possibility of surviving every day was very small, she still yelled and ran into the room.

Although Qi Tianyu was originally standing behind the other party, because of his big stride and height, he saw the situation inside the room one step ahead of the other party.

"Don't..." The moment Qi Tianyu saw the situation inside the room, he wanted to stop the other party from looking inside. After all, even as a man, he thought it was very cruel, not to mention Heifeng, who had blood relationship.

But obviously, it's too late for her to speak. Heifeng is running in front of her. Naturally, she can see what's going on in the room at the same time.

All the things lying in the yard outside are fake. I have guessed that my parents must be in the house. Although I know that their chances of survival are very small, I keep it far away. It means hope, but I didn't expect that my parents would die worse than the servants in my family.

Qi Tianyu had to sigh even when he resented the people around him. After all, even a man with a hard heart could not help but feel sad when he saw his parents being so heartbroken.

"Father - mother -" Heifeng fell directly on a couple in the master's position. It was obvious that this was the master and wife of the Hong family.

"At this time, by the way, you'd better settle them down and settle down early." Qi Tianyu can't say anything else now. After all, the people in front of him died miserably.

"I must take revenge. I must take revenge on my parents. If I know who moved, I must tear him to pieces!" Heifeng suddenly seems to have changed a person.

Of course, Qi Tianyu knows why the other party has become like this.

The master and his wife of the Hong family sit upright in their chairs. If they only look at their faces, they may think that they are still alive. They just have a little rest with their eyes closed. However, when they look down, they feel startled. Almost all their clothes have been stripped off, leaving only some pieces of cloth hanging on them. What's more, he is the most terrible Their stomachs were cut from the middle, and the organs inside were forced to dig out, so they flowed outside.

"Heifeng, did your family offend anyone? If it's just a matter between families, I can barely understand that if they kill people, they will never use such cruel methods to do such cruel things. It must be because of some personal grudge. " Qi Tianyu doesn't know what to say now, so he can only help with the analysis.

"No, it's definitely not personal grudge. My parents have always been kind to others. Even beggars on the street can only say that they are good. How can they offend people? These people do such things to my parents just for the sake of my family's heirloom! " Black phoenix this time also no longer conceal to go down, directly gnash teeth of say.

"Even if it's for your family's treasure, what does it have to do with making your parents look like this? Can't it be that the treasure of your family is in people's body? " Qi Tianyu made a bold guess, but he still shook his head. He didn't seem to have heard of such a method."Yes, you see, even your emperor will believe such a completely impossible rumor. No wonder others will believe it." Black phoenix cold smile, as if in ridicule the world.

"What do you mean? I'm confused. " Qi Tianyu has a little understanding, but more confused.

"What's hard to understand is that everyone covets our family heirloom, and then I don't know who spread the news that our family heirloom can't be stolen, because the family heirloom is in the owner's body, so it can't be stolen quietly. It has been quiet for several years, but it hasn't been stolen I thought someone would come up with such a crazy way. " When Heifeng said this, her eyes were full of revenge.

"In order to steal a treasure, I killed everyone in the whole family. It's too much..." Qi Tianyu was so excited that he could not even think of an adjective to describe it.

"Ha ha, people in this world are so greedy. If I knew who it was, I would..." Black phoenix side put cruel words while tears, such a woman even if it is a completely emotionless person, see also can't help but pity.

"Don't cry any more..." Qi Tianyu has no way to give any promise. After all, he still has the key. It's absolutely impossible for him to stay here and help her revenge for this woman.

"You don't have to look like this. I forced you to come back with me just because I was too short of time. Now I don't need to force you any more. I can go to my brother heixuan." Black Feng wiped a tear, now slightly slow down, naturally don't want to continue to expose his fragile side in front of Qi Tianyu.

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