Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2532

"Miss Feng, there is a man at the door who wants to see you. He says he is your friend." The guard also passed the power on several times, and Yingcai occupied the gate of Heifeng.

Heifeng has just arrived. She has just met her grandparents. Several of them cried bitterly for a while. After a good consolation, they went back to their room to have a good rest. However, they were surprised by the voice of people outside before they lay down.

"My friend? Who is it Heifeng was not as heartless as she had shown before. Now she was all her father and mother. She had no other thoughts at all. What's more, she knew that a few years ago, she was only chasing heixuan. She had no friends at all. It was impossible for heixuan to come to find herself.

Heifeng didn't think in the right direction at this time. After all, she knew that the person was trapped in that place. She couldn't come out in ten days and a half months. After all, who would want to spend time to make an array? It took her grandfather a long time to figure it out as an array genius.

However, Heifeng ignores that Qi Tianyu's ability is to chase the emperor of heaven. His existence is different from that of ordinary people. It may be more difficult for him to build an array by force of force, but it is very easy for him to use the force of nature. After all, Qi Tianyu's perception of these aspects is far beyond that of ordinary people .

"Miss Feng, he said his surname was Qi, and he said you would let him in as soon as you heard it." The guard didn't say much. This is the basic quality of a guard.

"What, it's him. How can it be?" Heifeng couldn't believe it. It was only last night that she trapped Qi Tianyu. Even if she didn't sleep, Qi Tianyu couldn't come out today! You know, even if you have a thorough understanding of the array, it's very difficult to break through the array. You should know that there are traps near that position, and you will die if you take one more step.

But Heifeng didn't expect that Qi Tianyu still had Taiqing sword in his hand. Once Taiqing sword came out, what eye could fight with it? That's why it was so easy for Qi Tianyu to break the battle. Otherwise, it would be useless to change a weapon for ten days and a half months.

"Miss, do you want to let the man outside the door in?" The guard didn't expect that after hearing the name, Heifeng didn't say anything. She didn't say to put the man in or let herself drive him away, so she couldn't help asking more.

"Don't worry. I'll go out and see him myself." Heifeng can't wait to see the person outside the door. If that person can really break the array in the evening, does that mean that with the help of that person, his reward will be more likely?

Heifeng remembered that she had just come to her grandfather's house last night.

"Grandfather I... " Heifeng had been acting as if nothing had happened in front of Qi Tianyu, except Thailand at the beginning. But everyone knew that a little girl suddenly lost her father overnight, and her mother was destroyed. The whole family couldn't understand the pain. So when she saw her relatives, she burst into tears and even said a whole sentence It's not over.

Of course, Liao Li knew that his granddaughter had come home. As soon as she entered the array, Liao Li found out, so he sat in the hall and waited.

"Feng'er, don't cry, don't cry, and grandma, ah, don't cry..." Mrs. Liao is more direct. At the moment when she sees Hong Feng, she stands up and holds her partner in her arms. Although she persuades her partner not to continue to cry, she can't help crying.

Heifeng lost her parents and her only daughter.

"Ah..." Although Liao Li's mood is usually not exposed, he can't help sighing when he looks at the two women crying in front of him.

"Grandma..." Heifeng was crying until she had no strength to cry, and Mrs. Liao was about to faint. Although she had heard the news from others before, she still had a glimmer of hope before she saw her granddaughter coming. Now, everyone knows that she can't go back to heaven.

"Feng'er, well, don't cry any more. Let's talk about what's going on." Liao Li was also very sad, but it was not a special time. His only daughter died there, and he had to hold a grudge.

"Grandfather It's It should be heixuan. " Heifeng didn't know what it was like when she said the name. If she didn't want to believe it when she saw the totem at home, she just thought that there were other possibilities, but she had already made some judgments when she saw the person who came to kill her.

"Why do you say that? Is it certain?" Although he didn't ask for the truth, he didn't know anything about the outside world at all. So when he heard the name, his heart suddenly burst out. If he didn't want to fight with anyone, it must be the name.

"It's basically certain that my father had drawn the totem of that person before he died, and before I came here some time ago, the other party was afraid. It turned out that if I read it correctly, it should be the person who killed me." Heifeng couldn't escape any more at this time. Of course, she knew what was more important."This..." Liao Li didn't open his mouth to say anything. He just began to meditate. The silent lady sitting next to him was unhappy.

"Liao Li, what do you have to be afraid of? You know, it's our only daughter. Her daughter has died there. What are you afraid of? Don't you plan to avenge your daughter? " Mrs. Liao was so anxious that she didn't expect her husband to be a shrinking turtle at this time. When her daughter married, her husband had already done this once. She didn't expect that her husband still has such a mind now.

"What are you talking about? It's not only your only daughter, but also my only daughter. How can I not avenge my daughter?" Liao li really didn't want to take care of the outside affairs, but now he has become like this. He has to take care of himself.

"That's good, I can tell you, this time you must not be as afraid as your daughter last time. If you didn't come out to make decisions for your daughter before, maybe those people outside will be afraid to treat our daughter like that. If you didn't have to break the father daughter relationship with your daughter before, her daughter would not be like this now!" After all, although it's true that they have broken off the relationship between father and daughter, their daughter's affairs have nothing to do with their husband. Even if they don't break off the relationship, heixuan will still do it.

"Don't make trouble out of no reason. What's the matter with me after that? You know the person clearly!" Liao Li patted the table, but also knew that his wife was too sad because of her daughter's business, so he didn't say anything more, just turned his head and went back to the bedroom.

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