Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2547

As soon as Liao Wen's voice fell, the lady sitting opposite him understood the current situation. Liao Wen had mentioned it to himself before, but at that time he thought his life was very good. Even if the examples in his hand were temporarily transferred to Liao Li, it was nothing. What's more, there were some things happened to Liao Li at that time, and he wanted to let his power pass help.

When Mrs. Liao thought of this, she suddenly collapsed in her chair. Before that, she thought she still had some power, so she reached such an agreement with Qi Tianyu, hoping that after the two sides united, they could avenge their daughter. But who could have thought that this was the case now?

"Liao Wen, have you really sent them all? Not at all? " Mrs. Liao still had a glimmer of hope and continued to ask.

"Ma'am, what about the rest? Do you wish to rely on these people to deal with your enemies? " In fact, it seems that Liao Wen can't guess what is in his heart.

"This..." For a moment, Mrs. Liao didn't know what to do. She could only wave her hand to let the other party go down: "you go down first, and I'll think about what to do."

"Madam, I don't know if I should say a word..." Liao Wen looks like a well thought out man.

"You've been following me for so many years. When did you falter like this? If you have anything to say, please say it quickly." Although Mrs. Liao doesn't have the heart to listen to other things now, the person in front of her is the one who has been with her for so many years. It's worth listening to what the other person has to say.

"Madam, as far as I know, you were able to help the family leader accomplish the great task not only because of your strength, but also because you still have an army in your hand. It is said that the king of Naizhi is like a magic weapon coming from heaven. The strength is not equal to that of other armies. Even everyone can be one to ten and one to 100 Ma'am, if you can take out that army and avenge the eldest lady, isn't it just like fighting back? "

Liao Wen said this with deep feelings, as if he really wanted revenge.

"Where did you hear that?" Mrs. Liao did not admit it or deny it, but this kind of evasion has been directly admitted in principle.

"It's just that I overheard it when I went out with you. As for who said it, I can't remember. But now it's a critical moment. If the army doesn't take it out this time, I really don't know what to do." Liao Wen has already thought about the answer ahead of time, so the other party can answer it no matter why.

"Liao Wen, you have been with me for so long. Don't you know what I have in my hand?" Although Mrs. Liao didn't say it clearly, she had already euphemistically expressed that there was no such army in her hand.

But Liao Wen doesn't think so. After all, the master once swore in front of him that this army really existed. He once saw this army in a semi coma state, but he never saw it again. That's why the master let himself stay here, hoping to make his wife willing to take out that army. If he can get that army, Then the master will be able to add wings like a tiger.

"I know exactly what madam has, but I also know that it's time to do something extraordinary. If madam has anything else to do, please say it as soon as possible so that I can do something for her." Of course, Liao Wen understood that the person in front of him was not willing to tell him, so he didn't force him. He just left with such a sentence.

Liao Fu's head was propped up on the table, and he just stayed where he was. What can he do now?

"What? She said that she didn't have such an army at all. How could it be? I've seen it with my own eyes. She must have doubted you or didn't trust you so much! " Liao Li didn't expect that the person in front of him would stand in front of him for the second time in a day.

"But Sir, are you sure that army really exists? I've been in front of my wife for so many years. I don't think she looks like a liar. Moreover, she can't pretend to be desperate when she knows that she has no one under her command. " Liao Wen believed in Liao Li very firmly, because the other side didn't have to lie at all, and the other side really wanted to get the army. How could he lie about this?

But after I came out and carefully recalled what happened in the room, my wife's performance was not like that of a writer. She had been around my wife for so many years. Needless to say, my wife didn't speak at all. Even if my wife said something, I should be able to see it. But my wife's despair just now was completely true.

"How can I lie to you? If I lie to you, what benefits can I get? I kept you because I wanted you to help me get this army. Should I make up something for you to help me? Then I'm too stupid! " Of course, Liao Li only doubted himself in front of others, but he did see it with his own eyes, otherwise he would not have acted with Mrs. Liao for a long time.

"But..." Liao Wen is still struggling.

"Nothing, but I can be sure that there must be such an army in the other party's hand. Your task is to help me take out this army, and then let this army willingly submit to me. In this case, I will certainly agree to the conditions you put forward." Liao Li didn't want to listen to the other party's hesitation and gave the order directly."Yes, sir." After all, the private thoughts in his heart occupied the heavy end of the scale, so he agreed very simply.

"Zhutiandi, go back first. Our master has no time to see you now." Two people were talking when a voice came out of the door.

"I've been here so many times these days. Your master is busy all the time. Don't you even have time to see me?" Qi Tianyu's voice came in, and there was a little anger in it.

"Zhutiandi, this Our master really doesn't have time to see you. Will you go back and wait? If the master has time, I will let you know as soon as possible. " Of course, the first one knows that my grandfather is in the room, but my grandfather has given an order before, so he can't let go, so he didn't say it at all.

Qi Tianyu has been obediently waiting outside the door for a long time these days, and now he can only go in directly. So before waiting for the recognition reaction outside, Qi Tianyu broke into the door and saw the two people who were just talking.

"What's the matter? Why are you here! " When Qi Tianyu came in, because of the angle problem, he saw Liao Wen first, which made Qi Tianyu think of the bodyguard he had seen outside the affiliated courtyard.

Liao Wen didn't say anything more. He looked up at the person sitting on the throne and went out with his head down.

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