Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2555

The door slams on the wall, and everyone inside is shocked. Mrs. Liao finds out that it's Liao Li who comes in with someone. With a cold face, she pushes Feifei aside and blocks him from coming in.

"What are you doing, ma'am? I have something to say to you, but you don't want to see me at any time. "

"Do you have anything I want to hear? I've told you for a long time that we'd better not meet each other from today on. Don't you understand me? " Mrs. Liao didn't have a good look at Liao Li. In front of so many people, I didn't give him a good face.

Liao Li is very embarrassed. He always takes a fancy to the dignity of his family leader. He thinks that with so many people coming, Mrs. Liao will finally give him face. Unexpectedly, since he doesn't give him face at all, Liao Li feels that his face can't hang up and his face is not good. A couple just stare at each other and they are about to fight. Hong Feng rushes up to stop him In the middle, he advised Liao Li, "Grandpa, wait outside first. Grandma is in a bad mood and is not very well. Don't be angry with her."

"You get out of my way. There's nothing for you here." Liao Li pushed Hong Feng for a while. Unexpectedly, Hong Feng slammed into the wall with a bang, "hiss It hurts. " She rubbed her arm and felt that she had been wronged today. She could not help but shed tears.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liao immediately couldn't help shouting at Liao Li, "who allows you to fight against feng'er, get out of here."

"You have to tear my face, don't you?" Liao Li can't help it any longer. Ignoring Mrs. Liao's obstruction, he goes into the waiting room and waves, letting all the people behind him back down. After hearing the couple's quarrel, the people behind him can't stay any longer. Seeing Liao Li wave his hand, they all disappear immediately.

Qi Tianyu also felt embarrassed when he stood inside. In this situation, he had to leave quickly. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Liao suddenly sneered, stopped in front of Qi Tianyu and said, "zhutiandi, wait a moment. We haven't finished our business yet. Don't leave here."

"I'll go first, and I'll come back when your husband and wife's affairs are done." Qi Tianyu just wants to leave now, but he doesn't want to be in such an embarrassing situation.

"No, forget it, Liao Li. It's just right that you're here. We'll make it clear." All of a sudden, Mrs. Liao was very tough and did not stop Liao Li from coming in.

"What do you mean? Make it clear. " When Liao Li came in, he found that Feifei and Qi Tianyu were also there. Seeing Qi Tianyu standing awkwardly in the same place, Feifei did not say a word and bowed his head, so he thought things were strange. "What do you call them for?"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you now." Mrs. Liao thinks that she must do it. No matter whether Liao Li agrees or not, she will marry Feifei to Qi Tianyu. This will not only make Hong Feng and Qi Tianyu stop thinking, but also send out the woman she has always despised. "I've decided to marry Feifei to zhutiandi. I'd better get married soon."

"Are you a crazy woman? What are you talking about?" Liao Li couldn't believe it. He went forward and took Mrs. Liao '

Qi Tianyu can't say exactly what to say. It's clear that he hasn't agreed yet. How can it become a matter between Liao Li and his wife.

"You crazy woman, you are still a demon at this juncture. What do you want to do to make you happy? Is it because I'm going to bring heixuan's head to you now that you are willing to give up and do nothing more?" Liao Li is so angry that he can't choose his words. He wants to strangle the woman in front of him. How can this woman just refuse to save his mind? Originally, he was so upset because of the black mystery. He

she even had to play tricks on her only daughter.

"What? Is Zhutian Di not worthy of your illegitimate daughter? That's right. I guess she can only marry a bodyguard in her capacity, right? "

"Shut up Liao Li slaps Mrs. Liao in the face. The slap was not light. Five bloodstains appeared on Mrs. Liao's face for some time, and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth. The whole hall was silent. Only breathing could be heard. Qi Tianyu and Feifei were stunned for a moment, and did not dare to say a word. In addition to the fact that Li Hong and her grandfather had been treated each other in the same old age, they had a very good relationship.

Mrs. Liao's face was sideways, her face was cold, and she didn't say anything. Liao li felt a little nervous because she was so quiet. This woman has always been hot tempered, and some of them reported it again. She just hit her on impulse, but she didn't respond.

Liao Li was a little scared, but he couldn't lose face in front of so many people. He could only stand aside with a guilty heart.

After a long time, Liao Fu began to say, "Liao Li, with you, today I finally see your true face. I blame myself for being blind.""You, don't tell me it's useless. I can tell you that you can do anything else, but don't try to interfere in Feifei's business." What Liao Li said was a bit stuttering.

"Yes? Then I will marry him to Zhutian emperor? What can you do for me Mrs. Liao seldom has such a firm argument with him. Liao Li doesn't know what kind of stimulation Mrs. Liao has suffered, but now she must be appeased. Otherwise, if his daughter is really married to Qi Tianyu, then his troops will be taken away by Qi Tianyu. This is impossible, and he can't agree.

Liao Li knew that he couldn't be tough with Mrs. Liao, so he could only persuade him. In front of so many people, he also pulled down his face and said in a soft voice, "madam, I was impulsive just now. I'm sorry, but what you did is really wrong. How can you decide in private without consulting me? I know I've made you unhappy these days. Can I apologize with you?"

"Do you agree now? Oh Liao Li, you are really a man who can bend and stretch Mrs. Liao coldly raised the corner of her mouth and looked at him with cold eyes, which made Liao Li feel cold. Although the woman said that she always quarreled with him, it was the first time that she was always affectionate towards him.

Liao Li said to them, "you go out first. My wife and I have something to say."

This time, Mrs. Liao doesn't stop Qi Tianyu. Seeing this, Qi Tianyu rushes out quickly. Feifei looks at her father anxiously, and then goes out. Only Hong Feng stands aside. She's afraid that her grandmother's current state will have a bigger conflict with her grandfather, and she doesn't dare to leave for a moment.

But at this time, Mrs. Liao seemed to calm down completely, even her voice softened down. She said to Hong Feng, "feng'er, you go out first. I have something to say with Liao Li."

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