Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2557

"You! Good, very good, Liao Li. I always knew you were a villain, but I didn't expect you to do the same when facing your daughter! " Mrs. Liao slumped into a chair.

"Ma'am, why do you have to look like this? Didn't I arrange it well? We still have a daughter now. When we give everything to our daughter, we can still enjoy our old age. As for our eldest daughter, I will naturally find a way to help her get revenge, but the time is not yet ripe. When the time comes, I will definitely come out. " Liao Li because he has grasped the other party's password, so gentle down, think so first cheat each other.

"Liao Li, up to now, I have only one question. After you answer this question, we'll have a good negotiation." It seems that Mrs. Liao is really desperate, so she asks each other in a soft voice.

"Madam, if you ask for leave, no matter why you do, I will say it. I will say everything I know." Liao Li smiles, thinking that he has won the negotiation, so naturally he pities the other side from the perspective of a winner.

"Liao Li, you also know that I have nothing on hand now. Why do you still want me to sit in your copying position? Don't think that I didn't know that I was able to sit in this position at the beginning, but I had the ability to help you, but in the process of helping you, all the people in my hands were gone. Now why don't you take your light plum horse back? " Mrs. Liao revealed the secret that surprised the other party.

"How do you know What are you talking about? I don't have anyone else. I let you sit here, of course, because I love you... " Liao Li tried his best to make his words straight and strong, but his surprised expression at that time could not deceive others.

"Liao Li, just tell me straight. I have nothing now. What else can't you tell me?" Mrs. Liao really can't understand it now. If she wanted to have a little affection for herself or her daughter before, so she let herself sit in this position, it can't be this reason now.

Mrs. Liao closed her eyes. Although she thought she didn't know, she found out the truth not long after she came home.

That's right. At that time, I fell in love with Liao Li. Because my parents loved me very much and looked at each other, they were really sincere and had great potential, so they sent more than half of the family to help each other revive Liao Li's family. Moreover, the facts also proved that there was no wrong view in this respect. With their help, the other party soon became a leader The Liao family's owner naturally married each other. At that time, he always thought that the two loved each other and were very happy.

But it wasn't long before he found the clue. Although Liao Li was very kind to himself on the surface, he didn't have the feeling between husband and wife on the surface. He found each other by coincidence. There were pictures of other women hidden in the study. By coincidence, he found the truth. That woman was the plum blossom bamboo of each other horse.

Liao Li, I like you, but the premise is that you also like me. If you tell me earlier that you have someone you like, why should I chase you like that?

Later, Mrs. Liao didn't want to think about it. One day, she came back with a child in her arms, saying that it was her own mistake after drinking. However, she knew that the longer the girl was, the more she looked like the childhood sweetheart. It turned out that the two of them were not only in love before, but also had a relationship after they married each other.

"Madame, what are you talking about? You are the only lady I have ever had. What else do you want to say? " Liao Li people are still reluctant to admit it.

"Liao Li, we have come to the point where we are today. What else can't you say? You take that person back, and then the rest of your daughter will have the right status. What's wrong with that? " Mrs. Liao sat on the chair and did not look at each other, tone revealed a concession.

"You mean you agree that I'll take yu'er in?" Liao Li was obviously confused by the victory in his heart, so he said this for a moment.

"Jade? Oh, I see. After all these years, I really don't know the name of that woman. " When Mrs. Liao's muscles were tight, could Liao Li not wait? He is only so dispensable loose mouth, the other party rescue said such words.

"Madam, you are really my good wife. Don't worry. Even if I take yu'er, you think it's still my wife. I will tell Feifei to treat you as a mother..." Liao Li suddenly became excited, as if he had fulfilled his wish for many years.

"Liao Li, why do you have to let me be here? You want me to leave and bring in your little green plum. How happy your family is! Why do you want me to be among you?" Mrs. Liao said these words in order to find out the reason. After all, she always felt that this reason was unusual for her.

"Ma'am, you see what you said. You are my only wife, which will never change." Liao Li did not let go.Mrs. Liao now wants to stand up and tear each other up, but she still wants to know the reason, so she can only bear her own thoughts.

"Liao Li, you can let me go. Don't worry. I won't do anything after I go out. You know that I have no one and no money in my hand. How can I avenge my daughter? I just want to leave here, find a quiet place with beautiful scenery, live well and pray for my daughter. " Mrs. Liao tried every means to take out words from each other.

"Madam, even if you live at home, you can live as you said. Otherwise, you can live here after I get yu'er back, and then I arrange the other party to another place. You don't have to meet each other. You can just live in the yard. That's OK." Liao Li thinks that the other party doesn't want to see yu'er, so he makes such an arrangement.

Liao Fu's heart suddenly sneered. He didn't know that he was the right lady. The other party made such an arrangement, but it seemed that he was the one who didn't know what to do. However, although he thought so in his heart, he couldn't say so in his mouth.

"Liao Li, I can't do anything now. You don't want to satisfy my last wish? What if you just let me out? I don't know your secret Mrs. Liao thought about all kinds of reasons, but she really couldn't imagine why the other party had to stay here.

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