Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2591

Feifei said that Qi Tianyu was a bit hard to ask. After all, he should have confirmed that the person Feifei liked was himself, but he was not able to give her any response. When Mrs. Liao said that she would marry her, she refused. Feifei must be very uncomfortable. Now Qi Tianyu wants to make up for Feifei, and he says, "if you want to marry her If you really don't want to marry Liao Wen, I can help you. Does Liao Li force you to marry him? "

Feifei raised her head in surprise and saw that Qi Tianyu was very serious. Her face was serious, and her heart moved again. It was clear that she told her that she could no longer feel excited about Qi Tianyu, but she still could not control her emotions. She tried to restrain her emotions and shook her head. Her voice was a little hoarse, "my father didn't force me to do anything, I didn't want to do anything It's voluntary. "

"Really? You didn't lie to me Qi Tianyu still didn't believe it, but Feifei nodded firmly, and Qi Tianyu couldn't say anything more, "elder brother Qi, you are a good man, but even if you help me, I don't think we can get together, and no matter you don't like me at all, and my father can't agree me to marry someone outside." Feifei said with self mockery, in a small voice, as if she was talking to herself. It was clear that this was the truth she should have known for a long time, but she had been stubborn, had a bit of fantasy, and was unwilling to believe it. Seeing Feifei so straightforward, Qi Tianyu could not say anything, so she continued to say, "since Liao Li didn't force you, you came to Huang's house voluntarily just to get Huang's house Does the Lord agree? "

"Do I have a task assigned by my father? You want to know that, right?"

"Yes, I don't blame you, whether you want to tell me or not." Qi Tianyu naturally knows that if Feifei is really working for Liao Li, he should not tell himself the news, and he should not force her. Unexpectedly, Feifei told him the truth directly, "yes, I did come here with my father's instructions to help him finish a thing, but now I haven't even touched the surface of the matter, so I still need a long time It took a long time to fulfill my father's orders. "

"Did Liao Li ask you to find an army, the army left by the Tian family in the legend, right?" Qi Tianyu asked excitedly. Feifei didn't expect that Qi Tianyu knew these things and knew so clearly. Looking at Qi Tianyu's eyes, he was confused, but he didn't deny it.

Qi Tianyu is completely sure now. It seems that the fate of the army has something to do with the Huang family. The reason why Liao Li didn't budge is to get information from the Huang family. Now everything can be settled. Qi Tianyu has a contest in his heart and smiles at Feifei. "Thank you so much, Feifei. I didn't expect you to tell me that 。”

After listening to Qi Tianyu's words, Feifei will regret it. She knows that Qi Tianyu and Liao Li may not be in the same camp. If she tells Qi Tianyu this is equivalent to betraying her father, then she cries out, "brother Qi, you can't tell my father these things, or I will..."

"Of course, you can rest assured that I will never tell him, and I will help you hide it." Qi Tianyu quickly went forward to wipe out her tears and solemnly said, "Feifei, you are a very good girl. No matter what purpose you want to help Liao Li complete this order, I will not think you are a bad girl. No matter what difficulties you have, I will help you, as long as you are willing to ask me for help."

Feifei raised her tearful eyes. Her inner emotion made her want to say what she had experienced. But before she said it, there was a roar behind her, "Qi Tianyu, what are you doing here?"

Qi Tianyu and Feifei are surprised. At the same time, they turn to look behind them. Liao Wen looks at them angrily. Jealousy and madness in his eyes seem to tear them in half. Qi Tianyu lets Feifei go and blocks Feifei behind him with some vigilance. Looking at Liao Wen, he says, "don't get excited. It's not what you think!"

"No? What else can it look like? Feifei, come quickly and don't stand behind him Feifei hesitates, but still comes out from behind Qi Tianyu and slowly walks to Liao Wen. Seeing her reluctant appearance, Liao Wen rushes forward and grabs her arm and pulls her over. Feifei is pulled forward by him. His whole arm is a bit numb and he bites his lip without saying a word. Qi Tianyu sees this scene and his anger rises to Liao Wen said coldly, "do you have no confidence in yourself? Seeing that the wind is the rain, you still take it out on your own women. "

Liao Wen saw that Qi Tianyu didn't apologize. Instead, he was sarcastic. He pulled out his sword and pointed to Qi Tianyu. "I've endured you for a long time. I'll tell you that if you dare to provoke Feifei again in the future, don't blame me for being rude."

Feifei saw that he wanted to start, so he quickly stopped his arm and said anxiously, "brother Liao Wen, don't be impulsive. I really have nothing to do with the emperor every day."

"Don't talk!" Liao Wen has always been obedient to Feifei, but the only thing he can't touch is Qi Tianyu. He knows very well that Feifei has different feelings for Qi Tianyu, so he can't let it go. Seeing this scene in front of him, he loses his sense and can't listen to anyone. Feifei is stunned by his roar. He is wronged He put down his hand and did not dare to speak.Qi Tianyu sees Liao Wen roaring at Feifei. He can't help it. He rushes to Liao Wen and they fight together. Liao Wen's strength is about to reach the class of quasi emperor. He has learned Huang's and Liao's skills since he was a child. His moves and arrays are beyond the reach of ordinary people, but he is still weaker than Qi Tianyu for more than one quarter and moves three times When he came down, he was scratched by Qi Tianyu. In fact, Qi Tianyu left a hand and didn't really hurt him, but he was beaten in front of his own woman. Of course, Liao Wen couldn't bear the humiliation. He pulled off his sleeve and wrapped his arm. He yelled with a sword and rushed up to Qi Tianyu again. Qi Tianyu dodged him and said coldly, "are you sure you still have it Do you want to fight me? Then it's not just your arm that's going to get hurt

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