Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2601

"Brother Liao Wen, slow down. I can't keep up with you."

"I'll be alone first. You go back first, Feifei." Liao Wen's tone is very cold. He still can't hold his breath. Thinking about Huang Li's face to him just now, he is very uncomfortable. He knows that he is the right successor in his family, but now he is controlled by his sister, and he is still assigned to work for such a talented person.

Feifei sighed and stepped forward to stop him. "Brother Liao Wen, would you calm down first? It's the first step for Miss Huang to give you a task. As long as you finish it well, she will give you another task. Don't worry about it

"Then you don't see what task she gave me. I'm the young master of the Huang family. She asked me to do the kind of work that the servants didn't do. She regarded me as something. I think she did it on purpose. She didn't want me to be in the limelight at home and suppress me everywhere. Maybe she made up the story of my grandfather just now. I don't believe that my grandfather will leave in such a short time 。”

Feifei also doubts the possibility of this matter, but now she can't question Huang Li at all. The only connection between her and Huang Li is her relationship with Huang Li. If she quarrels with Huang Li, she can't stay in Huang's house any longer. She can only try to comfort Liao Wen. After talking for a long time, Liao Wen can calm down and listen to Feifei It's too late.

Seeing no one around, Feifei pulled him to a hiding place and said, "brother Liao Wen, in fact, your task is not bad. Maybe it will help our plan."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Didn't Miss Huang just say that? It's about sorting out your family's things. Although you said that you have been in our Liao family for a long time, you should also remember some of your family's previous rules. Does she mean sorting out your ancient books? "

"It seems that in the past, some family confidants and secret people were always arranged to sort out these things." After listening to Feifei's words, Liao Wen remembered. Feifei smiles with satisfaction and says in his ear, "this is a great opportunity for us. If you look carefully, maybe the secret we are looking for is recorded in it."

As soon as Liao Wen's face brightened, he also felt that this possibility was very big, so he hugged Feifei excitedly. "I didn't even think of that because you are smart."

Seeing Liao Wen's excited look, Feifei can't help laughing bitterly. Liao Wen can't even think of what she can think of. He doesn't know how he was trained by his father before. Why is his brain so simple?

After thinking about this, Liao Wen was in a good mood the next day. He went to Huang Li early in the morning and asked her to take him to Huang's library. Huang Li didn't expect that he was so interested. He just woke up and asked him strangely, "why don't you get angry all of a sudden? I thought you were going to slow down."

Liao Wen glanced at her, "I said I would do well if I wanted to. Don't talk so much nonsense. Take me there."

"You won't go yourself. Have you been outside for several years and don't even recognize your forbidden area?" Huang Li couldn't help sneering at him.

In fact, Liao Wen is not very clear about his home furnishings. Over the years, he has almost forgotten. However, Huang Li can't answer this question. He hums coldly and doesn't answer.

But Huang Li didn't know what he thought in his heart. He sneered, "although you're bleeding from the Huang family, it's not the Huang family in your bones."

"Can I be to blame? When I was young, could I decide whether to stay or not? Why don't you blame us for saying "grandfather" and our parents? "

At this point, Huang Wen was stabbed and could not help roaring. Huang Li was shocked by his roaring. He looked up and saw that his face was red, so he did not stimulate him any more. He led Liao Wen to a place that had never been involved. This is the array set up by the Huang family for thousands of years. Only Huang Li and the master of the Huang family can solve the array, and Liao Wen did not like it Being familiar with the solution of this array, Huang Li brings him in and is ready to turn around and leave. Liao Wen holds his arm. "You tell me how to solve this array, or I'll have to find you next time I come."

"I don't mind. If you want to solve this array, you can't learn it in a day or two. If you want to come in next time, just call me." Huang Li doesn't know whether it's intentional or unintentional, or he doesn't want to tell the solution of this array. Liao Wen is a little unhappy, but he can only keep it in his stomach.

After Huang Li left, he entered the library by himself. Huang's family collected the most ancient books in this area, because after Miss Tian, that is, Mrs. Liao married Liao Li, the Tian family fell down, and almost all the pride of the army was under Liao Li's hands. But master Tian didn't agree to take the ancient books that his family had collected for thousands of years When the skills were handed in, they were transferred to Huang's library. So this place not only has Huang's things, but also Tian's top secret skills.

As soon as he went in, Liao Wengang was attracted by the yellow pages. He looked around for a long time, but he seemed to be thirsty for it. However, after several times of checking, he found that these skills could not be practiced by himself, and the level and complexity of them were beyond his reach. He wanted to hide things in his arms, but he just took them When I put a book in my arms, I was shocked by an electric shock. The shocked arm was numb. The book fell to the ground with a thump, but immediately returned to its original position as if I had life.Liao Wen was stunned. He didn't expect that there was such a holy land in his home. He didn't find it before. When Liao Wen walked around the library, he found that there was no one here. Huang Li told him that he would arrange some people to help him. How could he be left alone? He felt that there must be some traps here, but after a long time, nothing happened, so he settled down and began to look for the books that might record the whereabouts of the army. What he didn't know at this time was that Huang Li had arranged a guard to observe outside the library. He saw that the young master of his family didn't sort out the ancient books at all, just inside As if looking for something, he reported it to Huang Li truthfully.

Huang Li sighed deeply. It seems that her brother is really disheartened. She doesn't know how to deal with it, but she doesn't dare to tell her grandfather. She's afraid that her grandfather, who is not comfortable now, may make it worse.

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