Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2617

Liao Wen has completely ignored the person standing in front of him, and directly turns to leave.

Feifei, I hope you can realize the work of our staff, but I said again, if we continue to work hard now, Huang Li will die soon, so I was just stunned. Feifei immediately turned around and ran to a direction.

"Brother Qi, brother Qi, are you there? I have something to do with you! " For the first time, Feifei was running and shouting each other's name.

Qi Tianyu himself stayed in the yard. When he heard the shouting outside, he immediately went out: "Feifei? Why do you look like this? Don't worry. No matter what happens, it's not so important. Don't worry. If you don't have anything, take a rest first. "

Qi Tianyu has been so weak since he saw the girl opposite him. He never thought that one day he would become so anxious, so he couldn't help comforting him.

"Brother Qi, yes, it's Huang Li, Huang Li, she..." Feifei doesn't dare to rest at all. She is afraid that Liao Wen will kill Huang Li during the rest time. In this case, she will regret all her life.

"Huang Li? Did you find her? Where did you find it? " Qi Tianyu didn't think in the right direction at all. He just thought that the other party was happy to say that he had found Huang Li.

"No, it's not like that. You go out and follow Liao Wen. He wants to kill Huang Li. Come on." After finishing this sentence, Feifei was out of breath and began to cough. She couldn't say a word.

"What's the matter with you? How do you know such news, and they are not brothers and sisters? How could it be like this Qi Tianyu blinked after listening to each other's words, thinking that he didn't understand.

"Come on, it's at the door. Come on." Feifei knows that he should explain to the other party at this time, otherwise the other party will not believe him at all, but it's too late now. If the other party goes fast, Huang Li doesn't know if he has life. Besides, he doesn't know where Liao Wen has locked Huang Li, so he can only let Qi Tianyu follow Liao Wen.

"Well, well, I really don't know what you're doing. Go back to have a rest first. I'll go there first. You can explain it to me after you come back." Qi Tianyu also reflected at this time that this matter was quite urgent. He was not able to study the cause and effect here before implementing it. So he had to go first and come back to get an explanation.

Feifei looks at the person standing opposite and nods gratefully, hoping that the other party can stop Liao Wen's absurd behavior in time, otherwise, he will be really uneasy.

"Feifei, what are you doing here? You forget your identity after going out for a while, right? Who let you hang around outside at this time? " Feifei is still standing in place to rest, but not long after Hong Feng began to urge.

"Miss, it's not..." Feifei habitually wants to open her mouth to explain, but when she opens her mouth, she finds that she can't tell anyone about it before it is done, so she can only keep silent.

"OK, it's really a long skill to go out for a while. You dare not answer my questions." Hong Feng has been suffering from losing Huang Li these days, but now she has found the outlet.

"No, miss, I'm not free, so I came here. I came here to find It's the king of heaven. " Hong Feng, standing in front of Feifei, really has a kind of fear coming out of his bones, so when the other party gets angry, he can't help shaking it off.

"Qi Tianyu? What do you want from him? Don't you know that your good friend is trying to stop Qi Tianyu? " When Hong Feng mentions her grandfather, she really doesn't feel angry now. She has seen this for some time. Some time ago, her grandfather thought that he had no use value, so he didn't care about himself at all. During this time, she felt that she could cultivate something, so she looked at herself with the kind of eyes that could be used.

"Miss Hong Feng, that's also your grandfather. How can you say that?" Feifei, of course, has seen clearly what his father is like for so many years, but he has no right to say so.

as like as two peas, he is not the same as you. I tell you, you must not think that you are the only daughter of your father, and you feel that you are right and proper. As long as I have a day, you can only be a general maid. Hong Feng likes to say this kind of words to hit each other. After all, this kind of words can poke each other's mind.

"Miss Hong Feng, you have said these words to me hundreds of times and thousands of times since I was young. You don't have to repeat these words with me again and again. After all, these are facts. I never deny that you don't need to tell yourself your importance by saying these words." Although Feifei is really afraid of each other, what she can't accept is all these words.

"Feifei, you really think you are right now, don't you? Dare to talk to me like this, what do you think you are? In the eyes of all people, you are a transparent person. " Hong Feng did not expect that one day the other party would dare to talk back to her."Hong Feng, don't..." Feifei finally raised his head, eyes inside revealed never had before light.

"Feifei, Hong Feng, what are you two doing? I want you to come here quickly. " Qi Tianyu suddenly thought of them before the other side spoke.

"Brother Qi? You're back? What about? What's the situation now. " Feifei doesn't care about the people on the other side at this time. After all, her own affairs are small things after facing this matter.

"Don't worry. When I went out, I could continue to track down Liao Wen, so I saved him successfully." Qi Tianyu simply said the result, but this sentence can also let the other party understand that Liao Wen is really fighting his own sister.

"What are you two talking about? Why do you start to play riddles all of a sudden? There's something I can't know. Please tell me quickly. " What Hong Feng doesn't like most is that others say something vague to her.

"I'm here for you two. Come with me." Qi Tianyu didn't explain too much to anyone at this time. Instead, he waved to both of them to follow.

"Why are you so mysterious? It's like something can't be said openly." Hong Feng mumbled in her mouth, but she really followed under her feet.

Feifei returns to her usual appearance, lowers her head and walks up quickly, saying that it's true to be lucky. After all, one of her actions has given her a name, but it's also false to say that she doesn't regret at all. After all, if she doesn't do so, Liao Wen is likely to achieve her goal. In this way, she can become the rightful mother of the Huang family Elder sister, at that time, how could Hong Feng be able to treat herself like she did just now, but now it's too late to say anything.

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