Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2621

"Lord Huang, you can trust me now." At this time, Qi Tianyu came out slowly behind and said to the master of the Huang family who was half kneeling on the ground.

The old man in front of him seems to be getting older and stooping, which is totally different from when Qi Tianyu first saw him. It seems that he really cares for his granddaughter. But what Qi Tianyu doesn't know is that the owner of the Huang family already knows that the one who harms his granddaughter is his grandson. How can he bear the blow? He wants to carry Huang Li on his back But after several attempts, Qi Tianyu came up to help him carry Huang Li.

After two people re-enter Huang's home, Qi Tianyu said, "it seems that Miss Huang has been given some medicine, but she can't wake up. I've seen it several times, but I don't know what it is. You'd better ask someone to come and see it as soon as possible."

The Huang family owner sighed deeply and said, "no one can solve the problem of this medicine."

"Don't you mean..." Qi Tianyu can't help crying out in surprise. Is Liao Wen really so cruel? To the death of his sister.

"Day by day emperor, thank you very much today. You saved my granddaughter. I won't forget that. But now I have more important things to deal with. Would you wait in the hall and I'll ask you to come back?" The master of the Huang family opened his mouth and said, frowning tightly, as if thinking deeply about something.

Qi Tianyu is not willing to leave at this time. He hasn't got his reward yet, but the master of the Huang family has said that he won't owe him any more. If he is haggard again, he seems a little stingy. "Well, I'll wait in the hall first, and the master of the Huang family won't break his word this time."

"Of course not. You can rest assured that you saved my granddaughter. I don't know how to repay my kindness." The master of the Huang family nodded. After Qi Tianyu got the promise, he turned around and left. As soon as Qi Tianyu left, the master of the Huang family called the bodyguard. "Go and call me that unfilial son. The sooner the better."

"My Lord, do you mean the little Lord?"

"Young master! What little Lord? He is no longer a member of the Huang family. Anyway, his surname is no longer Huang! " As soon as the master of Huang's family patted the table, the table in front of him broke into powder. The bodyguard kneeling on the ground was shocked and couldn't help shaking. For the first time, he saw his master in such a big fire. He quickly turned around and ran out, calling his little master over.

At this time, Liao Wen is dealing with his own wound. He looks at his wound and thinks more and more angrily. He thinks that he was followed as soon as he went out, and the man's military rank is far above him. He hides in the dark and hurts him and takes away Huang Li. Who else in the Liao family can do such a thing? It must be Qi Tianyu. Liao Wen can't help but scold him secretly Feifei, you are so stupid

Just when Liao Wen had no place to vent his anger, there was a knock on the door outside. When he closed the door, how could Liao Wen be in the mood to meet people at this time

Seeing that the young master of his family was so angry, the bodyguard outside was even more bitter. But in the situation of the Huang family, he naturally obeyed the orders of the Huang family and said, "young master, the master is calling you to go there. You'd better go there. You can see that the master is in a bad mood."

"Is grandfather in a bad mood? Do you know why? " Hearing what the bodyguard said, Liao Wen stopped his hand and asked cautiously, "I don't know, but when the adult met someone outside, he was in a bad mood"

"is it the emperor chasing heaven?"

"Yes, young master, how do you know?"

After hearing the affirmative answer, Liao Wen's face turned pale. His hands in clothes were shaking. It took him a long time to put on his robe. At this time, the bodyguard who had been waiting outside for a long time could not help urging him, "young master, are you going? I'm going to get my life back. "

"Go, why don't you go? Of course you want to go. Liao Wen's voice calms down, but it's chilly. He takes a dagger from under his pillow, puts it on his back, covers it with his coat, wipes his face, and follows the bodyguard to the room of the Huang family.

After the bodyguard took Liao Wen, he turned around and prepared to leave. However, Liao Wen patted him on the shoulder behind him and said with a smile, "you call me here today. I'll give you a reward."

"Reward, what reward?" The guard's face is happy. Unexpectedly, the young master who is still angry in front of him suddenly becomes friendly. Liao Wenchong beckons to him. The guard rushes to him. As soon as he gets close to him, Liao Wen grabs him by the neck. The smile on Liao Wen's face becomes ferocious. The guard's eyes are not good, and he desperately wants to break away. But his force is no match for Liao Wen. In Liao Wen's eyes, he is just a mole It's just ants. Liao Wen tries his best and cuts off his neck. The bodyguard doesn't say a word. He falls on the ground and doesn't breathe.

Liao Wen patted his hand, dragged the bodyguard into a hiding place, and then turned and knocked on the door of the Huang family.

"Come in." Listening to his grandfather's cold voice, Liao Wen is stunned for a moment, but he still pushes the door calmly. The moment he sees his grandson, the anger of the Huang family comes up. He wanted to strangle his grandson immediately, but looking at this tall and straight young man, he felt a little softer. The grandson he sent to Liao's family from childhood had suffered a lot because of his cultivation. He used to be a grandson who made him proud. How could he collude with Liao's family, murder his sister, and even pretend to be nothing The way it happened deceived him.The owner of the Huang family looked at Liao Wen like this. He felt guilty and said, "grandfather, why don't you talk? What's the matter with you calling me here? "

Liao Wen sees that the owner of the Huang family has been staring at him, but he doesn't speak. Finally he can't help asking.

"Don't you know it yourself?" Good grandson, as long as he can admit his mistake for a long time, Huang's family owner can think about it.

But Liao Wen shook his head innocently, pretended to know nothing and said, "it's your grandfather who called me. How can I know what it is?"

"Do you have to? Huang Wen, I know our family used to feel sorry for you and let your childhood depend on others. But when you grow up, we also want to make up for you. Why can't you see our efforts and keep our Huang family away and treat each other coldly? "

"What's the matter with you, grandfather? Why do you suddenly say these words today? " Liao Wen interrupted the master of the Huang family, waved his hand and said, "if there is nothing wrong with you, grandfather, I will go first."

"Stop, you have to go and leave the antidote." Seeing that he had been obstinate, the owner of the Huang family finally couldn't help yelling at him.

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