Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2624

After learning about the situation from the guards of the Huang family, Liao Li said, "according to what you say, the owner of the Huang family was killed in his own room, and no one saw anyone suspicious?"

"Yes, when I got up in the morning, I saw the grown-up lying on the ground with a dagger around his neck and covered with blood."

"Do you really have no clue? Has anyone ever been to your adult's room? "

"Qi Tianyu, Qi Tianyu has been here." Just as the bodyguard was about to answer, a man suddenly stepped out of the crowd beside him. Without permission, someone intervened. Naturally, Liao Li was not very happy. When he looked at it, he found that it was Liao Wen. His face softened and he called him over. "Who do you think it was made by?"

"Qi Tianyu, yesterday I heard the bodyguard say that he came to see my grandfather. It can be seen that my grandfather died soon after he finished my grandfather. Does it have nothing to do with Qi Tianyu?" Liao Wen spoke fast and tightly, and his voice was very loud, as if he was afraid that the people next to him would not hear him.

Liao Wen touched his chin and felt that it was not possible for Qi Tianyu to do it. What kind of grudge could Qi Tianyu have with the master of the Huang family? He even had to do it.

Seeing that Liao Li didn't speak, Liao Wen stepped forward and said, "Lord Liao, if you don't believe me, you can call Qi Tianyu out in your house. If he really killed my grandfather, he must have escaped now."

Someone nearby said, "since Huang Shaozhu insists on it, Mr. Liao should go to Zhutian Di to see if he is still in Liao's house."

Liao Li had no choice but to invite someone to bring Qi Tianyu. However, when the visitor came back, he said that Qi Tianyu's room was empty and there was no one left. He only left a letter saying that he had some private affairs to do and that he would come back soon.

"What! That's it. " Liao Li was also very surprised. Liao Wen was very pleased. He didn't expect everything to go his way. He cried out, "look, Mr. Liao! It was Qi Tianyu who did it. If he had no ghost in his heart, why did he leave after my grandfather died? He must have done it

Because Qi Tianyu is not there, no one can make it clear. The accusation is inexplicably linked to Qi Tianyu's head. Next to him, several reasonable owners whispered, "I don't think it's necessary for Zhutian emperor to kill Huang's owner. He just comes to our situation as a guest. What's the need to kill Huang's owner? This is not reasonable. "

"I also think that we've all heard the name of Zhutian di. He doesn't look like such a villain. He also plays such a sneak attack. It's really not like him. There may be someone else who hurt the master of the Huang family."

Hearing the owners whisper, Liao Wen's face is tense. He grabs the sword in his hand, turns his head and yells, "my grandfather is dead, and you are still making sarcastic remarks here. If Qi Tianyu didn't make it, who else can do it? Who made it? "

Liao Wen's sudden gaffe startled the owners. They closed their mouths and didn't speak any more. Liao Li also felt that Liao Wen's reaction was really big. But on second thought, it was his grandfather who died. It's only natural that he lost control.

When Liao Wen saw that there was no one to gossip after roaring, he was relieved. He changed into a sad look and said to Liao Li, "Lord Liao, in this situation, our Huang family is leaderless. Only I can support it..."

"Wait a minute, your sister used to be in charge of your Huang family? What about Huang Li? Why didn't you see her today? " A resident nearby interrupted that he still knew the situation of the Huang family. He knew that if the owner of the Huang family went, it would be Huang Li who would inherit the Huang family.

Hearing this, Liao Wen's face turned white again, but he immediately adjusted his expression and asked Liao Li, "by the way, my sister is a guest at Liao's house. Mr. Liao, why don't you see my sister?"

Unexpectedly, the fire burned to himself. Liao Li turned pale and didn't know what to say for a short time. There were several family owners who were there, all of them said that they wanted Huang Li to come out to see people and see how she would deal with the things in front of her. The voice became louder and louder, which almost upset the whole hall. Liao Li saw that he couldn't hide it any more, so he suddenly slapped the table hard and left the room Then he calmed down. Liao Li held his forehead and pretended to have a headache and said, "well, I didn't want to tell you, but Huang Li disappeared a few days ago..."

"Missing? What's going on? Isn't my sister a guest at Lord Liao's house? How could you suddenly disappear? " Liao Wen asked, pretending to be surprised.

Liao Li could only tell the truth about what happened that day. He held his chest and said, "I also wanted to invite Miss Huang to come here as a guest and get in touch with the Huang family. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

There are several family owners who suspect that Liao Li has kidnapped Huang Li. However, Liao Li is also the leader of several famous families in name. Naturally, they dare not say it.

Just as there was silence, Liao Wen suddenly said, "first he took away my sister, and then he killed my grandfather. How much hatred Qi Tianyu had for our Huang family! We are almost going to destroy the Huang family. Mr. Liao, you must be the master of our Huang family! ""Master Huang, you can't say that. There is no evidence to prove that the emperor Zhutian did it. It's not good for you to blame him for all the crimes."

"But now all the clues point to Qi Tianyu. Do you have any other candidates? If you really doubt it, or I'll leave it to you to check, OK Liao Wen roared at him, and the owner who didn't want to get involved could only shut up.

Liao Li thinks that the development of the current situation is a mess. He must sort out his thoughts, or he will lose all his plans. He can only perfunctorily tell the owners that he will thoroughly investigate the matter.

After the dissolution of the meeting, Liao Li left Liao Wen and asked him, "what's the matter? Is it really Qi Tianyu who did it?"

"There is no one else. Mr. Liao, Qi Tianyu has come to see my grandfather several times. My grandfather used to disappear behind closed doors, but after meeting him this time, he was in a different place. Didn't Qi Tianyu do it? He must have had some conflict with my grandfather to do such a thing, which can explain why my grandfather didn't want to see him at that time. He must have expected his own danger! " Liao Wen's words are all right, and Liao Li can't find anything to fight back. But he always feels that there are still some doubts about it. It's not strange, but it's really a coincidence. The disappearance of Huang Li, the death of Huang's owner and the disappearance of Qi Tianyu seem to be Qi Tianyu's work. But what's the purpose of Qi Tianyu's work?

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