Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2630

"What did you just say?" Qi Tianyu immediately got out of his mind and asked what he wanted to know.

"Ah? Shangxian, what do you say? " Li Quan always felt that the other party didn't believe his words, so he kept giving examples to prove that he didn't see anything wrong with the other party, so he didn't respond to the other party's question.

Qi Tianyu didn't have any impatience at this time. He just forced his inner thoughts. He always felt that he saw a little bit of clue, so he asked patiently: "you repeat what you just said, and you'll be more detailed."

"What's the matter? You mean about the temple? " For a moment, Li Quan didn't know what the other party was asking him. He could only say one thing tentatively.

"Yes, that's it. You can tell me more about it. I want to hear a clearer version." Qi Tianyu can't wait to ask, always feel after listening to this thing, he can get more clues.

"It actually happened before I was born. I just heard what others said. If you really want to know the specific situation, I can take you to some old people in our village. I think those people may know more accurate and detailed contents." Since Li fanquan didn't dare to answer the question, he could only ask the other party if it was serious.

"No problem. Let's go now." Qi Tianyu also knows that most of the things the other side said were written down by the other side through other people's description, so the other side also knows that those things are not real things in his own mouth, so after the other side put forward this suggestion, he looked up at the other side.

"Shangxian, this is the place where the oldest people in our village live. If the other party has not experienced that event, no one in this village should have really experienced it." Li Quan soon led the other party to a quiet place in the village.

Qi Tianyu looked at this room, although there was no big difference with other rooms, he always felt that this room was more mysterious.

"Uncle Zhang? Did you take a break? I have something urgent to see you now. " Li Quan obviously had a good relationship with the other party, so he didn't have too much scruples when talking, so he directly knocked on the door and asked.

"Koizumi? It's so late. What else can I do for you? Let's talk about something tomorrow. I'm already asleep. " Uncle Zhang, it's time to have a rest at this time. He had already turned off the light and went to bed early.

"Uncle Zhang is about benefactor, so I have to ask you at this time, otherwise it's not good to delay the event. Are you right?" Li Quan usually does not disturb an old man at this time, but this matter is extraordinary after all, so he still insists on it.

"Well, since you have said that, I'll get up and open the door for you. If you really don't have a big deal, don't blame me for breaking your boy's leg." Uncle Zhang is old, so he didn't show up at all today and didn't know much about it. Only the other party came to him for help in small things.

"Uncle Zhang, you also know me. If there is really nothing serious, how can I come to look for you in the middle of the night? You see, this man is Shangxian, who is popular in our village. He came with his benefactor's young lady." Li Quan knew that the other party didn't know much about it. At most, he knew that someone was coming with a young lady from a benefactor's family, so he introduced it like this.

"It turns out that this is the matter. Come in and say it. If I was young, I would have gone out early to help you. Unfortunately, I'm old in arms and legs, and I can't help you any more. Since you can still remember me, I'm very welcome." Uncle Zhang was also a good hand in the village when he was young, but now he is too old to help, and his heart is very sad. Now when he sees someone coming to look for himself, his heart is very sad.

"Uncle Zhang, you see what you say. You are a know it all in our village. If you don't have you, our village will lose a treasure." Li Quan is often at Uncle Zhang's house, so he talks like a junior and a senior.

"Cough." Qi Tianyu saw that the other party had never got to the point, so he coughed twice to remind the other party.

"Oh, by the way, let's not talk about it. I'm here to ask you something." Li Quan saw that the other party was worried, so he immediately turned around and asked.

"OK, you can tell me. I will try my best to answer any questions you have." Uncle Zhang also saw that the other party should have something serious to look for him, so his face was also serious.

"Let's ask you about the temple you told me before." Li Quan was very impolite to the other party, so he said directly.

"I told you that when you were young, but I didn't expect you to remember it until now." Uncle Zhang was old and his brain was not very good. He thought about it for a while before he remembered it.

"Yes, that's what happened. Now Shangxian wants to know more details, so I brought him to you. I hope you can tell him something." On the way here, Li Quan was afraid that the other party had completely forgotten this matter, but now he was very happy to see that the other party could remember it."Speaking of this, I'm really lucky to have experienced it myself. It's really a miracle." When Uncle Zhang mentioned it, his face was very excited, as if he really went back to the time when he was a child.

Qi Tianyu looked at the other side, intoxicated in the matter, also knew that he could not easily disturb the other side, so he sat quietly waiting for the other side to begin to talk about the unusual thing. Since the other side had already said the words of miracles, I believe this thing will not disappoint him.

"It happened when I was very young. At that time, I just remember that my parents had always said that our place was in good weather and there would never be any natural disasters, but there was something very wrong at that time. There were always some big and small things happening. Although it was not a disaster, it always made people feel uncomfortable Happy, as if something bad was about to happen, so the whole village was very anxious at that time. " After a while, Uncle Zhang finally said.

"You see, I'm right." Li Quan was still in a state of apprehension. He thought it was a false thing, but he just made it up to cheat the children. Now that the other party has admitted it, he can't help telling Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu did not give any memories, just looked at each other, and then continued to listen carefully to each other's story.

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