Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2651

"Come on, you have something to ask me." Huang Long waved his hand. Qi Tianyu flattered Huang Long and said, "Lord Huang, listen to me first."

"Don't do this. Ask me to say anything quickly. If I regret it, I don't even want to hear from you." Huang Long broke away, Qi Tianyu took his hand, and slowly walked to one side. He didn't look like a respected commander. Qi Tianyu thought he was gambling with himself. He didn't think it was funny. Huang looked very serious, but he was very naive.

"I want to be in tomorrow's event."

"What? You are dreaming Hearing his words, Huang Long sat up from his chair and pointed at him with wide eyes. He was about to swear. Qi Tianyu laughed and continued, "Lord Huang, don't worry. Listen to me slowly. I want to take part in this kind of competition. I have an idea to help you."

"Help me? What can I do for you? "

"Didn't you promise Ling Xiang to win the championship just to save me? If you can let me take part in that competition, I can help you cheat and finally help Ling Xiang win the championship. Isn't that good? "

"What skills do you have to do that?"

"I just need to beat Ling Xiang's biggest opponent, right? If Ling Xiang's opponent is defeated by me, it will be very easy for him to win the championship. "

"You are too confident in yourself, brother Qi, although you can see that you have a good martial rank. But you don't know that we all have a good face here. "

"I'm confident. As long as you can promise to let me play, I can help you let that Ling Xiang win Qi Tianyu firmly said that his eyes were firm. Huang Long could not help being infected by his expression. He hesitated and took a large look up and down. Qi Tianyu said, "are you sure you can do it? If you know that there are a lot of people at the quasi imperial level here. What's more, they have been trained by demons since childhood. They are all killing machines. They are not only better than ordinary people in their skills and secret skills, but also in their mental endurance. It's not that I say, brother Qi, if you want to defeat them, it's still very difficult. " The true feelings of Huang Long's words are now persuading Qi Tianyu to give up.

But who is Qi Tianyu? After hearing this, his blood is boiling. "Mr. Huang, you don't have to persuade me. I've made a decision. Now I have to ask you to let me play."

"Are you playing a rascal?" Huanglong was defeated by Qi Tianyu's insistence.

"Lord Huang, you are specialized in controlling this area. It's certainly not difficult for you. Please help me." Hard can not come soft, Qi Tianyu this time is a shameless face, must let Huanglong help.

Huang Long sighed. He knew that he couldn't resist the man in front of him, so he had to say, "I'll try my best, but if anything happens to you on the field, I won't be responsible."

"Of course, and don't look down on me, Lord Huang. You must not know my name outside." When Qi Tianyu talked about this, he showed some pride.

"Oh, what's the name?"

As soon as Qi Tianyu wanted to say it, he thought of what Huang Li told him when he talked with Huang Li last time. He thought it was better not to say it. Otherwise, if Huang Long continued to ask, he would not be good at what Huang Li told him.

He hastened to end the topic and said, "I have many names. They are all thunderous, but they must be nothing in this, so I won't show my shame."

"I knew you were talking big." Huang Long didn't care too much.

"Well, Lord Huang, you haven't promised me to help me or not?" Qi Tianyu asked again. Huang Long hesitated and hesitated to respond positively to Qi Tianyu. Qi Tianyu was worried. "Lord Huang, what are you hesitating to do? It's not very difficult for you. Let me play. No matter whether I win or lose, I will never blame you for anything in the end. Is that all right?"

"I'm afraid that if someone finds out that I've forged your identity, it's the two of us who have an accident."

"No, if I'm found out, I'll never give you up. Can I swear?" Qi Tianyu said so, Huanglong naturally can't refuse any more, only half pushed and half pushed.

Qi Tianyu, with a smile on his face, quickly thanks Huang Long and praises him a lot. Later, Huang Long was embarrassed.

After finishing Huanglong's work, Qi Tianyu began to inquire about the Tianjiao people who took part in the competition. But after a long circle of questions, few people knew that although their families were united to set up this situation, they didn't have much communication with each other. It's like one school after another. Each family has its own Tianjiao people. The relationship between them doesn't seem so good either. It seems that they are just afraid of the commander above and dare not reveal the civil strife.

Qi Tianyu only knows that Ling Xiang is going to take part in the competition so far, and the two little followers around him should also take part in the competition. Qi Tianyu thought about it for himself. He felt that as long as he was careful, it was not a problem to defeat Ling Xiang. But the people above Ling Xiang didn't have any contact with them, and they didn't know their usual moves and skills very well. It might take a little effort to beat them in the competition. Qi Tianyu didn't know if it would be very difficult, but so far he was very confident. With his training all the way and the experience of the previous life, he felt like this These people are nothing to him today.In the twinkling of an eye, the next day, early in the morning, Qi Tianyu heard what was going on outside. When he went out, he saw Huang Long, who was all armed and wearing armor. He was dressed valiantly, but he could not see that he was an old man. When he saw Qi Tianyu coming out, he laughed and said to him, "you boy, you are really a good man It's late. I've been waiting for you here for a long time. "

Qi Tianyu looked at the dark sky. It was hard to argue any more. Instead, he went up to Huang Long and said, "I don't know what Lord Huang is doing waiting for me here?"

"Don't you want to go to the game? I created an identity for you. Now your name is Qi Yun. It's Tianjiao that our Huang family found. It's just that they have been training secretly and haven't shown up. "

"Do you want to say that I belong to your Huang family? If anything happens, I'll find you Huang family. " Qi Tianyu thinks that the identity Huang Long made up for himself is too blatant. Doesn't he mean he doesn't want to get involved with himself.

Huang Long glanced at him and said, "if I don't arrange you in our Huang family, where else can I arrange you? If I give you an unknown identity, they may find it even more strange and go to look you up. "

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