Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2656

"Huang Li..." After Qi Tianyu left that place, without any consciousness at all, he just walked back to Huang Li's yard unconsciously.

"Elder brother Qi?" Li's body is almost recovered after this period of rest.

Huang Li has been living here alone all this time, and there is no one to accompany him at all, so he is willing to chat with each other even when he sees someone he doesn't like standing in front of him.

"Brother Qi, why are you still here? Didn't my father tell you to leave quickly? " Huang Li naturally knows that it is the person in front of him who brings him here, but he also knows that the other party is not like this at all. He simply wants to save himself, so his feelings for the other party are very complicated.

"Huang Li, how can people here look like this? How can they have no humanity at all? Is it the most important thing for men to improve their own strength? It doesn't matter what else you meet in the process? " Qi Tianyu this time the most uncomfortable is not that he lost the game, after all, if you go all out, it is not impossible to win, but if you want to win, you will kill each other, through this thing, you can see the face of the real mood, so this is the most sad place.

"How can you suddenly ask such a question? I thought you've been here for a long time and understood what the people are like. Why did you suddenly say that today? Who did you meet today? " Huang Li didn't hear any news at all during this period, so naturally he didn't know that the person in front of him actually took part in the competition.

"Nothing happened. I just suddenly found that the people here are different from those I have seen before. The people I have seen before, even if they want to get more things for their own selfish desires, have at least some conscience and humanity in their hearts. But the people here are desperate to improve their ability. I really don't understand why they are here It will look like this. " Qi Tianyu can still think of those eyes he just saw on the stage. He really doesn't understand the feeling of being crazy and desperate.

"Elder brother Qi, although I don't understand this matter, because although I was born here, you know I was sent out by my parents when I grew up, so I didn't receive any training here. But I also heard my parents talk about it. People here have only one goal since they were born, that is to defeat the people around me and become the most capable people here, Here, only the highest ability is most worthy of people's admiration. I think if you want to understand this, you can understand the ultimate goal of this kind of people. " Although Huang Li did not understand why the opposite person suddenly fell into such a contradiction, he still began to persuade.

"It's certainly worthy of people's respect to take ability as the criterion. This kind of rule is also needed by the outside world. But if you really lose humanity for the sake of ability, don't you think it's not worth it?" Although Qi Tianyu understood that the other party could not give him a clear answer, he urgently needed to find someone to tell his feelings.

"I think what you said is too difficult. You should also be able to understand that when the standard of your ability reaches a certain level, all people will be desperate for this. Naturally, you can also understand that there is nothing else in these people's minds. After graduation, they have been exposed to such education." Although Huang Li understood what the other side was saying, he still didn't agree with the other side's point of view.

Qi Tianyu doesn't know what he should say. After all, for people here, ability is everything, equivalent to the sum of all the gold and silver treasures in the outside world. That's why people here will do anything to improve their ability and win the championship.

"Brother Qi, why are you here? I thought you left you after you came back to collect your things. Don't you have any feelings after today's events? Don't you think you should leave as soon as possible? Now that I've become your favor, I won't hurt you. You'd better listen to me and leave here as soon as possible. This is not the place for outsiders like you to come. By the way, my daughter's injury has almost been cultivated. The time you stay here is enough for my daughter to take good care of her body. So when you leave this time, take my daughter back directly. "

Huang Long didn't force the other party to leave this period of time. He also has such scruples. After all, he can't leave here at all, but his daughter can't stay here. Therefore, he has to need someone to send his daughter back. This person in front of him is quite at ease.

"Ah? Dad, this... " Although Huang Li knew from the first day he woke up that he was only staying here for a short time and would leave after a few days, he never thought that this day would come so fast that he had never even seen his mother.

"Li'er, you should understand what I mean. I want you to leave naturally for your own good. I've been with you all these days, and I've received a lot of attention. If you don't leave again, it may be more difficult than what happened in those years." Huang Long and his daughter made clear the reason. After all, although he was reluctant to give up his daughter, he could only do so."Dad, of course, I understand your difficulties and know that you have no choice, but Dad, can I see my mother once? After all, we haven't seen each other for such a long time." Although Huang Li understood that the possibility of this request being accepted was very small, he finally proposed it. After all, he had never seen his mother again after seeing her off many years ago.

"Li'er, why do you have to embarrass me? You clearly know that this request can't be accepted. Your mother left here because you came to this place, so your mother was forced to leave. Only when you left here can your mother come back, as you know." Although Huang Long estimates that outsiders can't understand what he says, he still can't say good things to his daughter, so he can only be persuasive.

"But..." Of course, Huang Li understood the difficulties, but his proposal meant that he was really reluctant to give up, even if he saw him from a distance. But he also knew very well that his mother left home directly after he came here. As for where he was, even his father didn't know, so his father couldn't help him at all .

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