Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2670

After Huang Li and Qi Tianyu separated, their nature was not good. They even went on the road they were very familiar with. Because they were very familiar with this road, they didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation.

"Whoosh --" suddenly, Huang Li felt a dark wind behind him. Huang Li didn't even have time to do anything. He could only avoid cuosheng. Although the concealed weapon didn't hit his body, he still cut his sleeve.

"Who is it?" Before Huang Li came out, he never thought that someone would attack him outside. After all, he was just an ordinary person and could not pose a threat to others. The intruders were even less. Although he really shouldn't come here, many people here knew his identity, so he would never do it so easily.

Upstairs, however, he didn't mean to respond at all. After seeing that the other party had dodged the first concealed weapon, he directly shot again. Several times in a row, this time, he even sent out the concealed weapon while exerting his spiritual power.

At the beginning, Huang Li was able to resist as much as he could. Although he was at the bottom, he was very familiar with the place, so he was able to resist these hidden weapons from high places by virtue of some surrounding buildings.

But when the people above are serious, Huang Li will be completely suppressed. After all, the suppression between the martial ranks is almost absolute. What's more, Huang Li's martial ranks are much weaker than the people above.

Huang Li tried his best to avoid it, but at the same time he felt some despair. He never thought that he had come to treat his illness, but he was ill. Just when he got well, he came out to die. It's really ridiculous.

Huang Li has felt more and more difficult under the attack of the other side, and even has no strength to resist the other side, but he is still more than enough. He shoots a spirit ball very easily. Huang Li is still hurt by the afterwave even if he tries to avoid it.

Huang Li, who was already exhausted, almost completely lost his ability to resist. He could only let the opponent attack like meat on the chopping board.

"Dad, it's my daughter who is willful. You have already told me many times that you won't let me leave the yard, but I insist on going my own way. In the end, I fall into such a situation, which makes you and your mother sad. Grandfather, I failed to live up to your expectations and even failed to avenge you. I'm sorry. " Huang Li thought silently that he still had so many things to do, and if he died, how could his father accept such news?

But what can I do? I really don't have any way to do it. I have even seen another Lingli ball shot from the upstairs and rushed straight towards myself.

Huang Li looked at the blue light ball and closed his eyes in fear. But after waiting for a while, he didn't feel the trace of death, even the pain.

Huang Li opened his eyes, but saw a person in front of him. This person is fighting with the fate upstairs. He should be the person in front of him.

"Miss, are you ok? I saw that the other party wanted to hurt you when I passed by, so I stopped in time." White wood stretched out his hand to pull up the girl lying on the ground and explained by the way.

Although Huang Li has always known that all the people here have nothing to do with themselves, so he did not expect anyone to save him. However, when such a person suddenly fell from the sky, he was still moved to tears. After all, he had never felt like escaping from private life before.

"Who are you?" Huang Ligang felt something was wrong at that moment, but he soon gave up the idea. After all, the other party was his own life-saving benefactor.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Bai Mu. I'm Tianjiao from this training of Bai family." White wood seems to be completely without concealing the same, very magnanimous to say all his identity.

Huang Li was stunned when he heard the identity of the other party. After all, even if he didn't know it, he knew that the relationship between the Huang family and the Bai family was not as good as many years ago.

"Miss, I've already introduced myself, but you haven't told me who you are. Why don't you tell me who you are and I'll take you back?" White wood waited for a while to see the other side did not mean to speak, after all, or said.

"Oh, no, I'll go back myself." Huang Li Leng for a while or refused each other.

"Miss, you don't have to look like this. After all, I just saved your heart. Can you tell me who you are and I won't do anything to you?" When Bai Mu said this, he didn't feel light at all. On the contrary, he seemed to be a steady man.

Huang Li looked at the sky and knew that he was not the opponent of the other party at all. If the other party wanted to leave him, he had no way to leave here, but he had to stand at home immediately, so he left a sentence in a hurry: "my name is Huang Li."

Qi Tianyu so quietly heard the whole thing: "so white wood saved you, you also told him your identity."

Huang Li thought for a moment and nodded: "it's really the other party who saved me, but I didn't tell the other party my identity. I just said a name. The other party knows that I'm from the Huang family at most."Qi Tianyu didn't know what to say, but he always felt something was wrong in his heart. Baimu, isn't that the person he saw before?

But Qi Tianyu had no way to say anything. After all, he couldn't figure out what was strange about each other. Everything was just a feeling in his heart, so he just nodded and went back to his yard.

At the same time, another place is talking about it.

"And then the girl of the Huang family left? You so painstakingly arranged such a play, the result let the other party said a few words directly left? " The person sitting on the theme thought that he would get something after hearing it. Even if he didn't have any direct communication with Qi Tianyu, he should at least get some information about that person from Huang Li. However, he didn't expect that the ending would be so hasty.

"I didn't expect that Miss Huang didn't even mean to say one more word. It seems that she is very vigilant, but doesn't that mean that the play I played today is very necessary? After all, as a savior, it's always easier for me to get the trust of the other side. " Tian Mu was not overthrown by the authority of the superior, but was a reasonable refutation.

"Whatever you want, anyway, I want you to get the information about zhutiandi as soon as possible. I hope you can tell me in the shortest time whether this person is reliable or not. As for what you want to do after that, I don't care about you." After thinking for a while, the man above said.

"Well, I will get their trust as soon as possible, and try to find out whether zhutiandi is worth our cooperation." It can be seen that the above people are not interested in the specific action plan, and Tian Mu simply doesn't explain any more, and gives a promise directly.

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