Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2675

"Can't it be that such a big family has fallen, and you don't pay attention to the whereabouts of the rest of them? I can see that the words of Tian family are also engraved on the huge stone wall on the competition field. After the Tian family is gone, what you advocate is still the Tian family, which shows how high their status is. But you don't know the whereabouts of the rest of them. Isn't it strange? " Qi Tianyu asked all his questions. A series of questions made Huang Li even more headache. She shook her head and said, "Oh, you don't want to ask me these questions. Where do I know? It's all generations ago. How can I know? I guess my father doesn't know it very well

"Well, if you don't know these things, I'll ask you another question. Now your commander is Fang, right? He doesn't belong to any of your three families. How can he become your leader? "

"He used to be the Tian family!"

"What?" Qi Tianyu was surprised. The commander didn't show that he was the Tian family when he saw him, and he hadn't heard anyone say that the commander's surname was Tian since he came here so long.

"Shh Keep your voice down. If someone knows you, you'll be in trouble! " Huang Li quickly covered Qi Tianyu's mouth and looked left and right. Seeing that there was no one around her to settle down, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, I knew I would not tell you. How could you have such a big reaction? Does he have anything to do with the Tian family?"

"Well, don't talk about it. Tell me carefully. How could he be the Tian family? I can see that the inscription in front of his house is clearly square characters. "

"That's his mother's surname. In fact, our commander used to be a member of the Tian family, but he was not the master of the Tian family. He was a very small branch of the Tian family, which was not valued at all. However, our commander was very gifted since he was a child. When he became an adult, he became brilliant in the pride of the major families, and won the trust of a group of Tian family members He entered the master's home, but he didn't know what happened. He changed his family name to his mother's, claiming to have nothing to do with the Tian family. And as long as someone mentions that he used to be a member of the Tian family, he will be severely punished and die without a burial place. Gradually, no one dares to mention it. No one dares to say it now. Just now, I was in a daze and told you. Please don't say it outside. Otherwise, if people hear it, I will be in trouble. "

Huang Li said a lot, but Qi Tianyu didn't reply at all. He was immersed in his own thoughts.

"Qi Tianyu, Qi Tianyu! What's the matter with you? Did you hear what I said? " Qi Tianyu was stunned. His eyes were dull and he didn't say a word. Huang Li patted him on the back of the head.

Qi Tianyu looked at her and said, "what do you want me to do?"

"Did you hear what I just told you? You mustn't go out and say it

"I see. Do you have anything else to tell me? Let's talk about it together. "

"No, what can I know? I just remember that when I was a child listening to my parents talk." Oriole's expression is very sincere, there is no half silk to hide, Qi Tianyu knows that she has told herself what she knows, and now there is no secret from Huang Li.

Qi Tianyu's heart is a little confused. He feels that there are many families here, as if there are many secrets hidden. Baimu definitely has something to do with the Tian family, but it's hard to decide whether he is the Tian family or the Bai family.

"Or the Bai family is actually the Tian family..." Qi Tianyu felt that his inference was too bold. If there was any connection between the Bai family and the Tian family, people here would have known for a long time, but Huang Li didn't know.

"Come on, as long as Baimu has not finished his goal, he will show some clues again. I'd better wait and see." Qi Tianyu whispered to himself.

Huang Li looked at him strangely, "what's the matter with you? Strange to ask me these questions, but also mumble, what are you talking about? "

"Oh, nothing." Qi Tianyu raised his head and said to Huang Li seriously, "if Baimu comes to you again in the future, you must tell me, you know?"

"Why should I tell you? Why do you always interfere in the affairs between me and whitewood? "

"I'm not interfering with you. I'm trying to help you. We're friends after life and death, aren't we?" Qi Tianyu doesn't want to tell Huang Li what he heard.

Huang Li blushed, pushed him away and said, "what friends are not friends? Who are friends with you! Give up your heart, I won't meet Baimu again

"He came to you, and you didn't see him?"

"No!" Huang Li yelled at him and ran away.

Qi Tianyu couldn't laugh when he saw that Huang Li, who was arrogant and domineering, looked like such a little woman. If he didn't know that Bai Mu had a different heart, Qi Tianyu would be happy for Huang Li. After all, Bai Mu was a talent.

Now the situation is so complicated that Qi Tianyu doesn't know whether he's right to hide from Baimu. But if he reveals it now, doesn't Baimu dare not continue to act because he knows that he's frightening others? He can't follow suit.Qi Tianyu felt guilty, but he also knew that he had to finish it. He would follow Huang Li. If he protected Huang Li, nothing would happen.

On the other side, in a dark corner, Bai Mu half knelt on the ground and reported the situation to the old man sitting on the chair. The old man nodded and was satisfied with his progress. "It's your ability to take down the girl of the Huang family. Let's go on like this. It seems that Qi Tianyu has a heart for the girl of the Huang family, Otherwise, I won't follow you all the time. "

"But what's more difficult now is that Qi Tianyu is too cautious and speechless. I've tried him for several times, but I haven't tried anything out. He doesn't seem willing to reveal anything at all."

"Do you have any plans at the moment?"

"I'm going to start with Huang Li. He seems to know Qi Tianyu well. They've known each other for quite a long time. It can be seen that the relationship between them is pretty good. If Huang Li puts her heart down completely, I'm in the mood to take Qi Tianyu's rest out of her."

"Well, if you don't have anything to report, you can go down."

"Oh, by the way, my Lord, I have to ask, I haven't been in charge of the situation over there these days. What's going on over there? Is Fang Qing still secretly searching the Tian family everywhere? "

"Has he ever slacked off over the years? Don't worry. I've arranged for someone who can take your place to take charge of that side. He won't find anything. Now we are hiding behind the White House. It's very good. There won't be any difference.

"That's good. I'll step back." Tian Mu's voice just disappeared in the dark.

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