Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2677

Mrs. Huang is now full of the danger of her daughter's life, so she didn't react at all. However, under the other party's reminder, she immediately thought of what happened in those years.

Not long after I gave birth to my son, I came here with my husband. I had no choice but to take some poison here and give it to my son so that he could use it when he was in the most critical situation. Of course, this is one of the reasons why I was punished in those years. Besides, the things in this place never came out.

"After seeing Mrs. Huang, she is very smart. I just remind you of what happened in those years." Fang Qing interrupted each other's thinking in time, which proved that what she thought was right. The poison on her daughter was from her son.

"How can it be? They are brothers and sisters." Mrs. Huang stood up in a moment of excitement before, but now she fell down on the chair. How could her only son and daughter become what they are today?

"Mrs. Huang, don't you want to ask your father-in-law?" Fang Qing seems to be interested in seeing each other. She can't believe it.

"This..." Mrs. Huang didn't know how to speak. After all, she was in love with her husband at that time, so although she didn't have a very clear identity, my father-in-law accepted herself and made him his father's wife, but for so many years, she didn't have much contact, so she didn't have deep feelings for the public, But his father admired him very much. If my husband knew this, he really didn't know whether he could accept it or not.

"Although I don't really want to know what you look like, I still want to tell you about it. I really want you to guess the three important men in your life. After all, it was your own son who killed your husband's father. What do you think your father would feel if he knew about it?" When Fang Qing said this, the smile on her face became more gentle, which was shocking.

"What? impossible! How could it be Mrs. Huang couldn't believe it. If she could explain for her son before, she said that his son poisoned his sister by accident, but now his son could even do something for his grandfather. She really didn't know what happened to her son.

"Mrs. Huang, you don't have to believe it. After all, you need to know that it's here, so everything outside will be informed to me, so if I don't understand the information outside, no one will know." Fang Qing knew that she didn't really believe it, so she added.

"How do I know if you're lying to me on purpose?" Huang Fu already has some belief in his heart. After all, if his daughter has been here for such a long time and has not gone back, as the other party said, what the other party said will have credibility. What's more, there is no need for the other party to cheat himself on these things. After all, this lie is too easy to break.

"Huang Fu's heart has believed more than half of it, isn't it? Let me tell you the reason why your son did it again. You should know that your son was sent to the Liao family when he was young to protect your distant relative, Mrs. Liao. By the way, if you and Mrs. Liao calculate carefully, your son can still call Mrs. Liao Where's my aunt Fang Qing was really more and more interested this time. She was full of bad taste.

Mrs. Huang really didn't even have the nature of reply. Of course, she was very clear about the arrangement of her son. At that time, she didn't agree with it very much, but there was no other way. After all, there was too much helplessness in that year.

"Mrs. Huang, think about a man who should have inherited the position of the head of the whole family, but was sent to another family to be a little bodyguard. What does your son think in his heart?" Fang Qing didn't say it directly. Instead, she threw out a question.

When Mrs. Huang's family answered this question, she understood the reason why her son did that. Although she still couldn't understand it, she basically believed it.

"It's all my fault after all. If it wasn't for me, my husband wouldn't have no way to raise his son properly..." Of course, Mrs. Huang understood why her husband was found by people here.

"Don't you think it's too late for you to say these things? You have to know that your son is living very well now. Now your son is the head of the Huang family. It's a pity that your father-in-law has died in the hands of his grandson. Your daughter is homeless and still carrying hatred, but she doesn't know how to take revenge. " Fang Qing forced the woman sitting opposite him to a dead end.

"I, I want to see Li Er." Mrs. Huang was silent for a long time, but she finally said this sentence. Of course, she knew that when she said this sentence, she thought that she had agreed to some of the other party's conditions.

"Yes, of course, it's no problem. You just need to tell me a little bit of information. Whatever you want, I promise you to meet your daughter, as long as you don't pass on the important clue you have to your daughter." Fang Qing agreed very happily, but what he said was to let the other party tell him some other clues first."Fang Qing No, Tian Qing, what do you want? You have now achieved this position, although I sometimes say you are a fake, but over the years, your position is not also very stable? Why do you want to get that thing with such a high profile... " Mrs. Huang really couldn't understand the distant elder brother, whom she had never met before, but only knew about after the decline of the Tian family.

"Mrs. Huang, you have clearly stated the reason why I do this. You remind me every day that I am a fake. Don't you want me to get that thing quickly? Only when I really get that secret and get that thing, can I really become the only person in charge here." Fang Qing answered very seriously. After all, it was her long cherished wish in her life.

"Well, you've been searching all these years, and I don't want to talk any more nonsense with you. Just ask what you want. I'll answer a basic question, and then you'll let me see my daughter." Mrs. Huang really has no way. Now her biggest weakness is that she owes a lot to her daughter. Now she knows that her daughter is desperate and has no place to talk. Of course, she can't wait to see her daughter. No matter how much she pays, everyone is willing to give up.

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